ISSN: 2302-920X

E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud

Vol 14.1 Januari 2016: 66-72


Ngakan Nyoman Agus Ari Saputra email: [email protected]

English Department Faculty of Letters and Culture Udayana University


Penelitian ini berjudul “The Analysis of Slangs Used in “Bad Boys” Movie Script. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis, fungsi, dan arti dari bahasa popular yang di temukan dalam naskah film tersebut.

Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambil dari naskah film yang berjudul “Bad Boys” yang di tulis oleh Doug Richardson (1995). Metode yang di gunakan adalah metode dokumentasi dengan teknik mencatat. Teori yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan teori Allan dan Burridge (2006) yang menjelaskan jenis dan fungsi dari bahasa popular tersebut dan arti dari bahasa popular tersebut.

Hasil penelitian tersebut menyebutkan bahwa terdapat lima kata bahasa popular dalam jenis yang pertama, enam kata pada jenis yang kedua, empat kata pada jenis yang ketiga, dua kata pada jenis yang ke empat dan empat kata pada jenis yang kelima yang di utarakan oleh para karakter pada naskah film tersebut. Dan jenis – jenis kata tersebut memiliki fungsi dan arti yang berbeda-beda. Arti dari kata-kata tersebut sebagian besar mengandung makna mengenai kekerasan, kriminal dan obat-obatan terlarang.

Kata kunci: bahasa popular, jenis, fungsi, makna

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Slang is a kind of jargon marked by its rejection of formal rules, its comparative freshness and its common ephemerally, and its marked use to claim solidarity in a group membership, it is an important social force that has a major impact on language.

Slang is primarily speech claiming group membership; slang is often associated with peer group and gang speech, intentionally used to obtain some degrees of secrecy. It may become a secret language; slang regularly transgresses other social norms, making free use of taboo expressions (Spolsky:35).

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

The problem related to the background can be formulated into three, as the following questions.

  • 1)    What types of slang are used by the characters in “Bad Boys” movie?

  • 2)    What are the functions of slang used by the characters in “Bad Boys” movie script?

  • 3)    What is the meaning of each slang used by the characters in “Bad Boys” movie script?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Based on the formulated problems above, the aims of this study are:

  • 1)    To find out types of slang used by the characters in the “Bad Boys” movie script.

  • 2)    To observe the functions of each slang type used by the characters in movie script.

  • 3)    To analyze meaning of slang used in the movie script.

  • 4.    Research Method

The primary data in this undergraduate paper were taken from a movie script entitled “Bad Boys” written by Doug Richardson (1995). The method and technique used in collecting data is documentation method and note taking technique. The data in

this study were analyzed qualitatively based on the theory of Allan and Burridge (2006).

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

This part deals with the result and discussion of the data. The data analysis is divided into three parts: analysis of types of slang, function of slang, and meaning of slang.

  • 5.1    The type of slang

According to Allan and Burridge (2006), There are five types of slang: Fresh and Creative, Flippant, Imitative, Acronym, Clipping.

  • 1.    Imitative Type

Imitative means that slang language imitated or derived from Standard English (SE) word using SE in different meaning or combined two different words. The data categorized into imitative type are the slang word such as yeah, pussy, honey, and dope. The data are as follows:

Imitative Type

Slang Words

  • 1.     Yeah

  • 2.     Pussy

  • 3.    Honey

  • 4.    Dope

  • 5.2    The function of slang

According to Allan and Burridge (2006), There are seven different functions of slang: to address, to form intimate atmosphere, to initiate relax conversation, to express impression, to reveal anger, to humiliate, and to show intimacy.

  • 1.    To Initate Relax Conversation

Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation. They have tendency to use slang word to initiate relax conversation in purpose of having smooth conversation in formal situation. Someone who has close relationship with other tends to use certain vocabulary in order to make the conversation run more relaxed so that they can feel more comfortable. The data are as follows:

  • (1)    Fouchet: Haul Ass!

  • (2)    Fouchet Man: Yeah! Let’s move it!

In the conversation on movie script, Fouchet man has close relationship with his boss Fouchet and they prefer to use slang word to create relax conversation, when they speak to his boss.

  • (1)    Burnett: There's gonna be a lotta cash when the dope hits the street.

  • (2)    Lowrey: I'm tellin' you there's a buttload of H on the move and someone's wanna stick their dick in it.

In the conversation on movie script, dope means Heroin and burnett used slang word dope to Lowrey, to tell lowrey that the heroin will hit the street on Miami

  • 2.    To humiliate

The speakers has the tendency to express unpleasent or dislike feeling of the speakers towards someone or something by mocking them. The conversation data that have function to humiliate are:

  • (1)    Lowrey: okay, so we talk to Max.

  • (2)    Burnett: Huh uh. Not this time. I'm tired of you working pussy into everything we do.

In the conversation on movie script, Burnett used the slang word pussy to mock Lowrey’s girl, because burnett is tired and bored, when Lowrey wants to do something, he always fix it with his girl.

  • 3.    To Address

The first function of the use of slang words is to address. The Speaker uses slang word to address another speaker in order to maintain their close relationship. Someone who has close relationship usually tends to use informal kind of address because using formal address indicats to the speaker has distant relationship or has specific purpose with other speaker. The conversation data that have function to address are:

  • (1)    Burnett: Honey. I wouldn't go if I didn't have the most trustworthy man I know to look after my family...

  • (2)    Theresa: Oh, no, Not Lowrey. Not in my house.

In this conversation the slang word honey is used to address to beloved person. Burnett used a slang word honey to address Theresa because she is the special person for him and she is Burnett`s wife.

  • 5.3    The Meaning of slang

    (1)    Yeah

The slang word Yeah as shown in the sentence “yeah, let’s move it!” is a kind of exclamation often used in informal situation to say that you do not believe what somebody has just said, disagree with it or not interested in it. Or an informal exclamation used to expresss “yes” or “right”.

  • (2)    Dope

The slang word dope as shown in the sentence “There's gonna be a lotta cash when the dope hits the street” have several meaning as follows: drugs, very good, and excellent.

  • (3)    Honey

The slang word honey as shown in the sentence “Honey. I wouldn't go if I didn't have the most trustworthy man I know to look after my family”. in this movie the word honey is slang word which means a words used to address somebody, especially wife, husband, or lover, in a way that express affection but it can be offensive if used by a man to a woman he does not know.

  • (4)    Pussy

The slang word Pussy as shown in the sentence “Huh uh. Not this time. I'm tired of you working pussy into everything we do” have several meaning as follows: coward, wimp, and vulva (female genitalia).

  • 6.    Conclusion

Considering the first problem about the type of slang used by the characters in “Bad Boys” movie script written by Doug Ricahardson (1995), there are five types of slang employed by the characters in this movie. They are fresh and creative, flippant,

imitative, acronym, and clipping. The occurance of flippant type dominated the slang type used by the characters in “Bad Boys” movie script. Meanwhile, acronym type is the fewest slang type in this movie script. The speakers require significant knowledge of slang vocabulary to use it thus acronym type become the fewest slang type.

In reffering to the next problem about the function of each slang type employed by the characters in “Bad Boys” movie script, there are two slang functions discovered in fresh and creative type, they are to address, and to form intimate atmosphere. Meanwhile in the flippant type, there are five different functions, those functions are to address, to initiate relax conversation, to humiliate, to reveal anger, and to form intimate atmosphere. In the imitative type, there are three different functions of slang, they are to initiate relax conversation, to humiliate, and to address. In the meantime, there is one function to initate relax conversation in acronym type. In addition I found three different functions in clipping type, they are to address, to initiate relax conversation, and to express impresion. The meaning of American slang used by the character in “Bad Boys” movie script mostly consists of drugs, crimes and violence issues, because this movie is about drug dealers, criminal and drug users in the Miami.

  • 7.    Bibliography

Allan, K., Burride, K., 2006 Forbidden Words: Taboo And The Cencoring Of

Language. Cambride : CUP

Doug, Richardson. 1995.“Bad Boys”Available from:

Spolsky, Bernard. 2001. Sociolinguistics. London : Oxford University Press.