ISSN: 2302-920X
E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud
Vol 14.1 Januari 2016: 73-79
Ni Kadek Ayu Prahadsini email: [email protected] English Department Faculty of Letters and Cultures Udayana University
Penelitian ini berjudul “Presupposition and Entailment Found in “Angels and Demons” Movie Dialogue bertujuan untuk menganalisis tipe preupposisi atau praanggapan dan entailmen dalam naskah filem “Angels and Demons”. Analisi dalam artikel ini menggunakan metode descriptif kualitatif yang dibantu dengan beberapa tehnik seperti tehnik membaca, menyimak dan mencatat. Data yang digunakan dalam artikel ini adalah naskah filem yang berjudul “Angels and Demons”.penelitian ini menggunakan teori pragmatic yakni Presupposisi dan entailmen yang disusun oleh George Yule (1996). Dalam penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa terdapat tiga jens presupposisi dalam naskah filem “Angels and Demons” yakni factive, counterfactual dan existential presupposisi. Ditemukan juga bahwa entailmen adalah informasi yang didapatkan dari kalimat yang diutarakan oleh pembicara yang tidak dipengaruhi oleh maksud dari si pembicara.
Kata kunci:presupposisi dan entailmen.
1. Background
In a conversation people usually exchange some information. However, there are several types of information information which are not intended to be communicate but become part of the communication itself, those information are known as Presupposition and entailment. Presupposition is the assumption of the speaker which become the case before making their utterance (Yule; 1996), while entailment is the information that naturally follows the speaker sentence or utterance without any influence of the speaker intention to the hearer. Based on thus reasons, this study analyzed the type of presupposition and the entailment of the utterance that contain presupposition in a movie dialogue entitled “Angels and Demons”
2. Problems
There are two problems discussed in this study, those problems are:
1. What types of presupposition were found in the “Angels and Demons” movie dialogues?
2. What entailments of utterance that contain presupposition were found in the “Angels and Demons” Movie dialogues?
3. Aims
Concerning the problems above, this study is intended to achieve some objectives:
1. To analyze the types of presupposition used in the “Angels and Demons” movie dialogues.
2. To analyze the entailments of the utterance that contain presupposition in “Angels and Demons” movie dialogues.
4. Research Method
Research method in this study covers three important parts, they are; data source, method and technique of collecting data and method and technique of analyzing data
4.1. Data source
The data of this study were taken from a movie dialogues entitled “Angels and Demons”. The reason to use this movie dialogues in this study was that, as what already mentioned previously, movie dialogues is believed to have a better illustration of context of situation. Through a movie dialogues, we can have clearer depiction about where and how the conversation takes place. The data were classified based on its episode/ act and it is not randomly chosen. Only data which fit the criteria discussed in this study. There were 95 episodes/scenes in this movie and this study discussed 12 episodes with 14 dialogues.
4.2. Method and technique of collecting data
The data were collected using documentation method and this method was supported with several techniques such as; reading, watching, observing, note taking, and typing techniques. The working procedures are divided into several steps;
The first one was reading the movie script to find the data, after that the data were grouped according to the episode, find out the dialogues of each episode and selected the utterance that contain presupposition were found out. After that the data already collected were saved on computer in order to be easier to analyze.
4.3. Method and technique of analyzing data
This study used descriptive qualitative method. The data of this study were analyzed thoroughly from the context of the data, the presupposition and also the entailment. First of all the context of data were found out where the scene took place and which character was involved in the scene. After the context was explained, the presupposition of the data was analyzed. One of the techniques used to analyze presupposition of the data was inserting technique. This technique used to check the presupposition whether it was true or false. This techniques was only used to analyze one type of presupposition which is existential presupposition with the determiner “The” marked as one the characteristic of existential presupposition. After the presupposition was determined, the types of the presupposition was analyzed by matching and comparing it with the characteristic of each presupposition. After the types of presupposition were analyzed, then the entailment of the utterance which contain presupposition was analyzed. The entailment was analyzed by replacing each part of the utterance (subject, predicate, object, adverb of place, etc.) with the word “someone” (for human) “something” (use for entities) or “somewhere” (for explaining place), etc.. Finally, after all of the data already analyzed, the result of the analysis was concluded.
5. Result and Discussion
Data :
LANGDON : Don't you guys read your own history? 1668. The church kidnapped four llluminati scientists and branded their chests with the symbol of the cross. To "purge their sins." Murdered them and left their bodies the street as a warning to others to stop questioning church rulings on scientific matters. It was after La Purga that a darker, more violent llluminati emerged. This sounds like retribution. (to Rocher) Is there any more?
In this scene, Langdon, Vittoria, Olivetti and Rocher are observing the video which is left by the illuminati. From the video Langdon it is recognized that the illuminati wants a revenge for La Purga; however, the other people do not know what La Purga is. Because of that, Langdon explains to the other people about an event called La Purga. La Purga is an event when the church kidnapped four illuminati scientists and killed them in the church with the symbol of the cross, this event is known as La Purga which means “Purge the sins”. From the Langdon’s utterance “The church kidnapped four llluminati scientists” it is presupposed that “the church exists” and it can be described as follows:
d. p>>r
e. q>>r
f. p>>r<<q
In the analysis above utterance (p) is changed into a negative form (q) which is used to check the presupposition of Langdon’s utterance and known as presupposition under negation. The presupposition of Langdon’s utterance “The church kidnapped four illuminati scientists…” is “The church exists”. It means by uttering his utterance it can be seen that Langdon assumed that the church exists. The type of presupposition in this data is existential presupposition, because the noun in the Langdon’s utterance is a definite noun “The Church” which is the characteristic of existential presupposition. Besides, in his utterance Langdon also assumed the existence of entities or things; in his utterance he assumed the existence of the church. Therefore, it can be concluded that the type of presupposition in this data is existential presupposition.
The entailment of Langdon’s utterance in this data “The church kidnapped four llluminati scientists” is described as follows:
a. The church kidnapped four llluminati scientists
b. Somebody kidnapped four illuminati scientists
c. The church did something to four illuminati scientists
d. The church kidnapped somebody
Information b-d is the entailment of Langdon’s utterance. That information naturally follows the utterance from its surface meaning. Entailment has no relation with the speaker’s intention or speaker’s meaning to the hearer. Each information represents each part of the utterance, one of them explains about the subject and the other explains about the object, for example, information b “somebody kidnapped four illuminati scientists” This information explains the subject of the utterance by replacing it with “something”, and so does the other information.
6. Conclusion
In this chapter, the result of the analysis of presupposition and entailment of Angels and Demons movie dialogues could be drawn as follows.
After analyzing the utterance that was found in Angels and Demons movie dialogues, it was found that there are three types of presupposition found in the Angels and Demons movie dialogues. They are existential, factive, and counterfactual presupposition. It can be seen that not all of six types of presupposition proposed by George Yule can be found in this data ( lexical, non factive, and structural presupposition are not found in this data source). Besides, the presupposition of the utterance is influenced by the context of situation of the speakers which trigger the assumption of the speakers in making or uttering their utterances. The context of situation has an important role in building the assumption of the speaker which then trigger the speaker uttering the utterance based on the assumption that he/she has before. In addition, from fourteen data it was found that there are two factive presuppositions, three counterfactual and nine existential presupposition.
From fourteen data containing entailment it can be concluded that the entailment of an utterance is not influenced by the speaker meaning or the speaker intention to the hearer, but it naturally follows the utterance from its surface meaning.
7. Bibliography
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