ISSN: 2302-920X

E-Jurnal Humanis, Fakultas Sastra dan Budaya Unud

Vol 14.1 Januari 2016: 59-65



Luh Putu Pande Widiani

email: [email protected]

English Department - Faculty of Letters and Culture, Udayana University


Studi ini membahas mengenai substitusi dan ellipsis yang ditemukan pada kalimat-kalimat di dalam sebuah novel yang berjudul “Sweet Frannie”. Substitusi dan ellipsis memiliki jenis yang sama yang dibagi dalam tiga bagian yaitu nomina,verba dan klausa. Jenis-jenis tersebut dapat ditemukan dalam novel “Sweet Frannie” yang dianalisis sesuai dengan teori Halliday dan Hassan (1976) mengenai substitusi dan ellipsis.

Hasil dari penelitian studi ini menunjukkan bahwa seluruh tipe substitusi berdasarkan teori dari Halliday and Hassan (1976) yakni substitusi nomina, substitusi verba, dan substitusi klausa ditemukan dalam novel “Sweet Frannie”. Sama halnya dengan substitusi, seluruh tipe dari ellipsis yakni nomina ellipsis, verba ellipsis dan klausa ellipsis telah ditemukan dalam novel “Sweet Frannie”

Kata kunci :substitusi, ellipsis, dan novel

  • 1.    Background of the study

Language as means of communication that is used daily by people to communicate each other. Language can be in form of spoken and written. Text is an implementation of language that can be in form of passage which contains many sentences. There are an omission and repetition found in the text which means that it can delete or repeat words or phrases in the text. On the other hand, there is a relationship among the words within the sentences in the text that can be seen through its cohesion. Cohesion has two types, namely grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. This study discusses grammatical cohesion which has four types. There are reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. However, this study only discusses substitution and ellipsis as a part of grammatical cohesion.

  • 2.    Problems of the study

Based on the background has been described above, there are two research questions as the problems of this study which is described as follows:

  • a.    What type of substitution and ellipsis are found in novel sweet frannie?

  • b.    What types of substitution and ellipsis that are most frequently used in the novel Sweet Frannie?

  • 3.    Aims of the study

From the research question, therefore the aims of the study are:

  • a.    To find out types of substitution and ellipsis in the novel Sweet Frannie.

  • b.    To identify types of substitution and ellipsis that are most frequently used in the novel Sweet Frannie.

  • 4.    Research Method

Data of this study were taken from a novel by Susan Sallis entitled Sweet Frannie because there are substitution and ellipsis within sentences in the novel. The data were collected through documentation method and technique to collect the data was note taking. The data were analyzed qualitatively by using descriptive method.

  • 5.    Result and Discussion

Theory of substitution and ellipsis is proposed by Halliday and Hassan which is divided substitution and ellipsis into three types. They are nominal, verbal, and clausal. There are fifty four data in total were found in the novel Sweet Frannie. Those data were classified based on their types of substitution and ellipsis. Besides, the most frequently used of types of substitution and ellipsis are verbal substitution and verbal ellipsis, which means that the verb is central in the text of novel Sweet Frannie. Then, types of substitution and ellipsis are described in the following parts:

  • a.    Types of Substitution

Halliday and Hassan (1976:89) defined substitution is a connection of words or phrases which uses a repetition one,ones and same. Substitution has three types. They are nominal substitution, verbal substitution and clausal substitution. Those types can be elaborated in the following parts:

  • -    Nominal substitution

Nominal substitution is used to substitute a noun where it is as the head of the nominal group. It is marked with one/ones and same (Halliday and Hassan,1976).



Casey said it was colder so I wore a sweater and packed another one.

Chapter 16/Page 130-131

This data is nominal substitution used to substitute a noun, which is as the head of the nominal group. Nominal substitution is marked by one, ones, and same that can be found in the preceding text. The substitution one in the data above is used to substitute a noun in the sentence. The noun in the sentence above is sweater that is accompanied by indefinite article a identified as the head of the nominal group.

  • -    Verbal substitution

Verbal substitution is used to substitute a verb where the verb as the head of the verbal group, which is marked by substitution do, did, does, doing that is found in the final position of the verbal group (Halliday and Hassan, 1976:112).



Bennie was almost weeping.

‘I understand my dear – of course I do –?’

Chapter 3/ Page 26

This data is called as verbal substitution. Verbal substitution is marked by do that is used to substitute a verb which identifies as the head of a verbal group. The verb understand is as the head of the verbal group in the dialogue above that is substituted by

the verbal substitution do. The position of the verbal substitution in the sentence above is in the final position. Through the data above can be described the function of substitution do that means, there is no repetition of the verb in the data above.

  • -    Clausal substitution

Clausal substitution is used to substitute an entire clause which is marked by so for posistive environment and notfor negative environment. There are three environments in which clausal substitution take place: report, condition, and modality (Halliday and Hassan:1976).



I sat there and set myself to thinking for nothing. They say it’s not possible. Maybe not, but it is possible to think of a stone.

Chapter 9/ Page 76

The data above can be defined as clausal substitution which is marked by not. Substitution not is for negative environment. This clausal substitution represents to the clause it’s not possible. This clausal substitution is called as substitution of modality because there is a modal in the data, which is expressed by modal forms of the verb may be. Then, the modal is followed by substitution not, that used to substitute it’s not possible.

  • b.    Types of Ellipsis

Ellipsis is a deletion in the structure where something necessary is unmentioned in the structure. It could be called as “substitution byzero”. Similar with substitution, ellipsis has three types, namely nominal ellipsis, verbal ellipsis and clausal ellipsis (Halliday and Hassan, 1976). Those types can be described as follows:

  • - Nominal ellipsis

Nominal ellipsis is the omission head of noun in a nominal group in which its modifier is combined with another structure. It has four typs,namely deictic, numerative,epithet and classifier (Halliday and Hassan, 1976:150).



‘… Why don’t you try Bennie. She’s got a family and she’s had two husbands I believe!’

‘She has ( )? I was almost enticed of course.

Chapter 8/Page 64

The noun of the data is ommitted. The bracket should be filled out with two husbands, which is as the head of the nominal group. It can be described that two is as numerative because it is called as numerals. It is specifically called as cardinal numeral. Husbands as the noun of the data. Based on this explanation, the non-elliptical structure of the sentence could be as: ‘She has two husbands? I is almost enticed of course.’.

- Verbal ellipsis

Verbal ellipsis is an ellipsis in a verbal group which has two types,they arelexical ellipsis and operator ellipsis. Lexical ellipsis is an omission of the lexical verb and operator ellipsis is an omission of the operator verb where the subject is always omitted in the verbal group (Halliday and Hassan, 1976:167).



I lay on my back and let them move as they would ( ), and gradually everything quietened and went very still so that my fingers and wrists and arms the only moving objects.

Chapter 12/Page 101

The data above is verbal ellipsis, which is called as lexical ellipsis means there is a lexical verb missing in the structure. The lexical verb is unmentioned after the modal operator would in the sentence. The bracket in the data above should be filled out by lexical verb move because it is as the head of the verbal group. Therefore, the nonelliptical structure of the sentence above could be as: I lay on my back and let them move as they would move, and gradually everything quietened and went very still so that my fingers and wrists and arms the only moving objects.

- Clausal ellipsis

Clausal ellipsis is an omssion occurred in the clause,which has two a part structure called as modal element plus propositional element (Halliday and Hassan, 1976:197).



‘Why? Can you give me one good reason why I should put myself through all that?’

‘Of course I can ( )

Chapter 11/Page 95

The clausal ellipsis on the data above can be described through the non-elliptical structure of the data above. Therefore the non-elliptical structure of the sentence is ‘Of course I can give you one good reason’. ‘Of course I can is as modal element because the subject and the finite element of the clause; while, give you one good reason is as propositional element because it is as complement of the clause which is ommittedin the structure. The data above shows that the modal element is mentioned in the clause however the propositional element is omitted in the clause.

  • 6.    Conclusion

Conclusion of this study is drawn based on the research questions of the study. There are three types of substitution and ellipsis that proposed by Halliday and Hassan are found in the novel Sweet Frannie. They are nominal,verbal and clausal. Types of substitution found in the novel are nominal substitution which is marked by substitution one. Verbal substitution in the novel Sweet Frannie is marked by substitution do and clausal substitution is marked by substitution not. Types of ellipsis found in the novel are nominal ellipsis which is identified as numerative. Then, verbal ellipsis is identified as lexical ellipsis and clausal elipsis found in the novel Sweet Frannie is propositional element. The most frequently used of types of substitution and ellipsis are verbal substitution and verbal ellipsis. It means that the verb is used commonly as the central in the text of the novel entitled Sweet Frannie.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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