I Putu Gede Sridana Arta Yasa

Non- Regular Program of English Departement Faculty of Letters and Culture Udayana University

[email protected]


Penelitian ini berjudul “The Analysis of American Slang Used in “21 Jump Street” Movie Script Written by Jonnah Hill and Michael Bacall. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengidentifikasi jenis, fungsi, dan arti dari bahasa popular yang di temukan dalam naskah film tersebut.

Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diambil dari naskah film yang berjudul “21 Jump Street” yang di tulis oleh Jonnah Hill and Michael Bacall. Metode yang di gunakan adalah metode dokumentasi dengan teknik mencatat. Teori yang di gunakan dalam penelitian ini berdasarkan teori Allan dan Burridge, yang menjelaskan jenis dan fungsi dari bahasa popular tersebut dan arti dari bahasa popular tersebut.

Hasil penelitian tersebut menyebutkan bahwa terdapat empat kata bahasa popular dalam jenis yang pertama, lima kata pada jenis yang kedua, tujuh kata pada jenis yang ketiga, dua kata pada jenis yang ke empat dan lima kata pada jenis yang kelima yang di utarakan oleh para karakter pada naskah film tersebut. Dan jenis – jenis kata tersebut memiliki fungsi dan arti yang berbeda-beda. Arti dari kata-kata tersebut sebagian besar mengandung makna mengenai kekerasan dan obat-obatan terlarang.

Kata kunci : bahasa popular, jenis, fungsi, makna

A living language such as English is a dynamic flow of spoken and written terms, eternally evolving. Each time a new person is born into a language, each time a person who speaks that language dies, the language becomes something different. Whenever people use the language they cause it to flow in and around itself, creating new meanings, new ways to express, new ways to think about that language. Slang is informal style of language that everyone use on some occasions but is not easy to define the words itself.

While according to Claire (1990:4) slang is term that is used by people in social situation where they feel comfortable with their friends. Slang is usually used in non formal situation. It can make a conversation become more intimate. Slang term is used in almost all oral languages and usually used to express people`s feeling and creativities.

  • 2.    Problem of study

From the background above, there are some problems, which can be analyzed as follows:

  • a.    What types of slang are used in the movie script “ 21 Jump Street” ?

  • b.    What are the functions of slang used in the movie script “21 Jump Street”?

  • c.    What is the meaning of slang used in the movie script “21 Jump Street”?

  • 3.    Aims of study

Based on the formulated problems above, the aims of this study are :

  • a.    To identify and describe the type of slang words and phrases used in the movie script “ 21 Jump Street “.

  • b.    To analyze functions of slang used in the movie script.

  • c.    To analyze meaning of slang used in the movie script.

  • 4.    Research Method

The data source in this study are the primary data. The primary is the initial material that is collected during the research process. The data of this study are taken from the movie script entitled 21 Jump Street by Jonah Hill and Michael Bacall. It is an American movie directed by Phil Lord Chris Miller, it was produced by Colombia Pictures. The movie is action movie about an undercover cop in a local high school, they risk their lives to investigate a violent and dangerous drug ring. But they find that high school is nothing like they left it just a few year earlier and neither expects that they will have to confront a terror and anxiety of being a teenager again and all the issue they thought they had left behind. American slang in the “21 Jump Street” movie script are used as a data source because this movie contains American slang language that representing a reason when used by a drug seller, thief, gangster, and police. So that will be interesting to analyze what the type and the function in this movie script are.

The method used in this study used documentation method. Documentation is the way of collecting data by giving a record report of facts of something, especially by using picture, note taking and recording. The data used in this study were taken from the 21 Jump street movie script that was found from the internet.

The method used was qualitative to describe the type, the function, meaning of American slang are based on the theoretical framework and still limit of the scope discussion. Qualitative method is a method that does not involve measurement of statistics. The data that have been collected would be identified and then classified in accordance with their type of slang and the function of slang

  • 5.    The Analysis of American Slang in Movie Script

The type of slang

There are five types of slang : Fresh and Creative, Flippant, Imitative, Acronym, Clipping.

  • 1.    Fresh and Creative Type

Fresh and creative mean that slang language has totaly new vocabulary, informal variety, cleverness, imagination, and it also can be an up to date words. In addition, some words which are already familiar with our mind possibly will be slang words as we not realize it. The reasons why slang words become familiar in our mind because those slang words come about long time ago. The data categorized into fresh and creative type are the slang word such as faggots, jackoff, muthafuckas, and fryfrynay. They are data with following codes:

Fresh and creative

Slang words

  • 1.    What up, Faggots                                  (Data 1)

  • 2.    Muthafuckas be wilding out                        (Data 3)

  • 3.    What is FryFrynay?                                (Data 2)

  • 2. Acronym

Acronym type is the slang word composed by result of the initials from several words. Acronym is the result of forming a word from the first letters of each word in a phrase or acronym is made up of initials or syllables from a group of words. The slang words such as : H.F.S, and ASAP. They are following codes :

Acronym Type

Slang Words

  • 1.     What is “H.F.S”?                               (Data 17)

  • 2.     I`ll be there ASAP                                (Data 18)

The function and meaning of slang language

  • 1.    To intimate atmosphere

One of slang function in this type is to form intimate atmosphere.

Slang can be one alternative way to alleviate the relationship between the stangers will flow smoothly so that they can reduce social distance and more comfortable. The data are following :

Zack :      It`s where the party is fryfrynay

Jenko :     Whats fryfrynay ?

The slang word fryfrynay mean Friday night. The speaker used fryfrynay because that is a secret language to invite another person to come to their private party in the Friday night.

  • 2.    Initate relax conversation

Another function is to initiate relax conversation. Sometimes the speakers prefer to use slang word rather than standard variant of vocabulary to create relax conversation. They have tendency to use slang word to initiate relax conversation in purpose of having smooth conversation in formal situation. Someone who has close relationship with other tends to use certain vocabulary in order to make the conversation runs more relax so that they can feel more comfortable. The data are following :

Schmidt : Molly`s been threatened, she`s at Shadow Ranch Park. You`re closer than me, go make sure she`s okay and i`ll be there ASAP

Jenko : Roger that. Hey man, you`re not gonna believe this but I think I cracked the formula for the shit.

The slang word ASAP in that conversation means As Soon As Possible. Schmidt and Jenko are in dangerous situation, Schmidt need Jenko to go to make sure where Molly is okay because he is closer to the Molly`s place, and Schimdt will be there as soon as possible.

  • 6. Conclusion

Based on the analysis conclusion can be made I find there are five type of slang employed by the characters in this movie. They are fresh and creative, flippant, imitative, acronym, and clipping. The occurance of imitative type dominated the slang type used by the characters in 21 Jump Street movie script. Meanwhile, acronym type is the fewest slang type in this movie script. The speakers require significant knowledge of slang vocabulary to use it thus acronym type become the fewest slang type. The next problem is the function of the slang language, I find there are three slang functions discovered in fresh and creative type, there are to address, to form intimate atmosphere and express impression. Meanwhile in the flippant type there are five different functions, those function are intimate atmosphere, express impression, hummilate, show intimacy and reveal anger. In the meantime, in the immitative type, I find four different functions of slang, they are to intimate atmosphere, to address, initate relax conversation and express

impression. In addition, there are two functions to address and initate relax conversation in acronym type. In meantime I find three different functions in clippin type, they are to reveal anger, express impression, to initate relax conversation. The meaning of American slang used by the character in 21 Jump Street movie script mostly consists about a drug and violence because this movie is about a drug dealers and drug users in the school area.

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