Language Disorders of the Schizophrenic Character

in Black Swan Movie

I Gusti Ayu Ade Diah Safitri ( 1101305031 )


Artikel ini memfokuskan pada analisis terhadap kemampuan karakter utama dalam berbahasa lisan berdasarkan teori psikolinguistik. Penyimpangan bahasa merupakan suatu gangguan yang mempengaruhi proses informasi linguistik. Hal ini dapat dideteksi ketika perkembangan bahasa seseorang terganggu tanpa alasan yang spesifik. Secara umum, indikasi awal terhadap penyimpangan bahasa adalah ia akan lebih lambat berbicara dari biasanya (terbata-bata) dan kurang mampu dalam merangkai kata-kata menjadi kalimat.

Beberapa film menggunakan karakter ini untuk mengedukasi masyarakat terhada kehidupan seseorang dengan penyimpangan berbahasa. Black Swan adalah salah satu dari sekian film. Dalam film ini pemeran utamanya menderita schizoprenia yang menyebabkan kegagalan perkembangan secara mental dan berbicara yang disebabkan oleh halusinasinya.

Kata Kunci : schizophrenia, psycholinguistics, language impairment


Psycholinguistics covers the cognitive processes that make it possible to generate a grammatical and meaningful sentence out of vocabulary and grammatical structures, as well as the processes that make it possible to understand utterances, words, text, etc. Therefore, Psycholinguistics is the study of the psychological and neurobiological factors that enable humans to acquire, use, comprehend and produce language.

The subject of this research is related to a kind of language disorders due to the her Schizophrenia illness. People with schizophrenia disease often suffer terrifying symptoms such as hearing internal voices not heard by others, or believing that other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. They have deficit in comprehension, production, attention and cerebral lateralization of language. The problems that will be discussed in this paper are :

  • -    What kinds of linguistic disorder are shown by the schizophrenic character in Black Swan movie?

  • -    How is the linguistic disorder signaled in the schizophrenic character in Black Swan movie?

The topic is so interesting to be discussed since schizophrenia is an ilness which has many symptoms and the schizophrenic character of a Black Swan movie disordered in her language, especially in the language comprehension, his comprehension to be disordered because it influenced by his delusion and hallucination. Besides, her obsession takes prominent role to her illness as well.

Furthermore, there are many research focus on language disorders,especially Schizophrenia. However, the research are merely classifying the utterance into the symptoms. They are not analyzing the utterance. Therefore this research is focusing to identify the language disorders shown by the schizophrenic character and analyse how language impairments are signaled in the schizophrenic character.


  • 2.1    MATERIAL

    • 2.1.1    Data Source

The data was obtained from the English subtitles of Black Swan movie. It attached the dialogue between Nina the schizophrenic character with other character such as her mom,her ballet coreographer Thomas, her enemy Lily and also Beth.

  • 2.2    METHOD

    • 2.2.1    Data Collection

The methodology used in this paper is qualitative method by analyzing the script through the dialogue between the characters. Firstly,the data was collected by watching the movie to understand it deeply and transcribed all of the utterance

needed in this research and downloading movie script. Futhermore ,the utterances of schizophrenic character classified based on types of the language disorders symtomps.

  • 2.2.2    Data Analysis

The technique used in analyzing the data is by identified the types of language disorders according to Lee & Schepp’s theory about language disorders. They stated that there are twenty kinds of language disorders. Each symptom has the different characteristics. Therefore the utterances of schizophrenic character is matched by the symptoms.


The utterances of the schizophrenic character shown below are showing the symtomps of language disorders :

  • ( 3 – 1 ) Mom : Almost done. You're working yourself too hard.We all have off days.

Nina : That girl, um, barged in.

In this dialogue, Nina’s answer indicates Derailment symptom. The situation of the dialogue is when Nina’s mom is trying to cure the the pain in Nina’s feet. Nina’s mom says “You’re working yourself too hard. We all have off days” in purposed to cheer Nina up and gives advice to her daughter. However, Nina’s feedback is out from the context of their dialogue. She doesn’t give a comment which related to her mother’s advice. This symptom happened continuosly to Nina.

( 3 – 2 )      Thomas

Nina Thomas Nina Thomas

: There's always an alternate. Lily is the best choice.

:No, she wants my role.

: Every dancer in the world wants your role.

: No, this is different. She is after me.

: Nobody is after you.

Nina : No, please believe me...

Nina’s answers are shown the symptom of Perseveration. It marked by the repetition of word “No”. Even when Thomas tried to calm her down, by saying different expression, she still scared and keep ignoring what Thomas said. As the schizophrenic character, persistent repetition of words or ideas even when another person attempts to change the topic is usually identified as Perseveration. Nina expressed her scared and it is implied from her nervous voice due to her hallucination.

( 3 – 3 )



:What are you doing here?

:I'm so sorry.I'm so sorry.I know how it feels

now. She's trying to replace me. What should I



: You stole my things.

Nina’s utterance indicates Pressure of Speech symptom. She rapidly said something without pause. After she was apologizing to Beth,she continued to say about her feeling,and asked Beth what she supposed to do. This utterance is supposed to be separated for normal people. However, Beth may be difficult to interrupt Nina as the schizophrenic speaker, and the speaker may continue speaking even when a direct question is asked

( 3 – 4 )


:You were scratching all night.


:Where's my clock?What time is it? The show is tonight, I have to..

Mom :No, no, no, no. Don't worry.

Nina’s utterance is indicating the Incoherence ( word salad ) symptom. It can be seen from her response to her mom is lacking normal clarity or intelligibility in speech or thought. She asked her mom continuosly then suddenly talked about her show. Her respond is not appropriate and irrelevant according to what her mom said.

( 3 – 5 )


: You're not well!


: Let go of me!


: You can't handle this.


: I can't? I'm the Swan Queen. You're the one

who never left the corps!


: Nina!

The data is identified as Incoherence ( word salad). She said that she is a swan queen and mocking her mom due to her hallucination and strong obsession to be a swan queen. She named herself as a swan queen as a respond to her mom. She believed that she is really a swan queen,therefore she wanted to escape from her mom. By this utterance,Nina is indicating as a schizophrenic who sufferring from Incoherence


From the analysis, it can be concluded that there are four kinds of language disorders found in the utterances of schizophrenic character. They are Derailment, Pressure of Speech, Perseveration, and Incoherence. These four symptoms are commonly occured in schizophrenic character when she scared about something due to her hallucination and dellution.

Incoherence is the most common language disorder occured. It is signaled by her inappropriate combination of words that she used to express something. The same signal appears in the Pressure of Speech symptom as well. Derailment is signaled by the unrelated answer from the schizophrenic character. Perseveration is marked by the repetition of words or ideas from the schizophrenic character.


Lee, Heeyoung ; Karen G. Scheep ( 2009 ) Schizophrenia and related syndromes, Psychology Press.

Language Disorders, Mobile-Journals, Resources :


Receptive Language Disorders, in


Spesific Language Impairment, in
