Jurnal ini berjudul The Types and Meanings of American slang Used by The Main Characters in Bad Boy II Movie”. Ada beberapa alasan memilih Film Bad Boy, alasan yang pertama, film ini telah menerima sejumlah penghargaan; selain itu, Film ini adalah salah satu film yang terkenal di benua Amerika karena film ini menceritakan tentang lelaki yang bertingkah buruk dan filmnya sangat sama sekali dengan kehidupan nyata. Studi ini mencoba untuk mengidentifikasi jenis dan maksud dari bahasa informal dari amerika. Data dalam studi ini diambil dari film yang berjudul Bad Boy II oleh Michael Bay.

Metode yang digunaklan dalam menganalisis data adalah metode documentasi. Pada studi ini pengumpulan dengan metode documetasi, adapun tahap-tahapnya: pertama menemukan film Bad Boy, yang kedua mencari cerita dari Bad Boy itu sendiri, ketiga bandingkan antara film dengan susunan cerita untuk menemukan masing-masing peranannya dalam film itu sendiri, dan kemudian cari kata-kata informal yang digunakan oleh pemeran utama,dan tahap yang terakhir masukan kata yang informal yang digunakan oleh pemeran utama ke dalam kamus urban. Data dari studi ini di kumpulkan derngan cara pencatatan. Ada dua teori utama yang di gunakan untuk menganalisis data ini. Teori yang digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi tipe-tipe dari bahasa informal amerika adalah teori dari Chapman tahun 1988; “primary slang dan secondary slang”. Teori yang kedua yang digunakan untuk menganalisis makna-makna dari bahasa informal tersebut adalah teori dari Leech, tahun 1983 telah memberi tujuh makna dari bahasa-bahasa informal Amerika seperrti Conceptual meaning,, Connotative meaning, stylistic meaning, Affective meaning, Reflected meaning, Collective meaning, Thematic meaning.

Hasil dari analisis sebelumnya menyatakan bahwa tipe-tipe darii primary slang lebih dominan ditemukan dalam film tersebut. Disamping itu, dari makna yang terdapat dalam film tersebut bisa dijelaskan bahwa stylistic meaning yang paling dominan.

Kata kunci: American slang types, meanings, bad boy II movie

  • 1 . Background

Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society. Sociolinguists are interested in explaining why people speak differently in different social contexts, and the effect of social factors such as social distance, social status, age, gender, class. Language can be considered a medium for transmitting a message, information, or idea from speaker to hearer. One of the utterances that people often use in conversation through language is compliment and compliment response. Compliment is often found in daily conversation within people in the society. People give compliment to others in order to establish a good social relationship. In a compliment, there will be compliment response from listener to speaker.

Slang language is one of popular informal languages. Slang is not only popular in informal daily conversations, but also in movies and songs. Slang language can be described as informal words as nonstandard words or phrases which tend to originate in subcultures within a society (Shirley Johnson 1914).

Language is the most important communication system in society. In society, language can be considered medium for transmitting a message, information, or idea from speaker to hearer. There are two kinds of language; informal language and formal language. Formal uses professional, literal wording. Informal Language uses figurative language (such as metaphors and similes) and slang (Quizlet2013). Slang language is one of popular informal languages. Slang is not only popular in informal daily conversations, but also in movies and songs.

There are prominent reasons to choose the Bad Boy movie, firstly, this movie has received numerous awards; moreover of this movie is one of popular American movies ever discussed because it tells about a boy at bad action that is very close to teenage life that is free, dynamic, and full of creations.

  • 2    Problems of the study

From the background above, there are two problems that can be formulated as follows:

  • 1.    What are the types of American slang used by Detective Marcus Burnett and Detective Mike Lowery in Bad Boy II movie?

  • 2.    What are the meanings of American slang used by Detective Marcus Burnett and Detective Mike Lowery in Bad Boy II movie?

  • 3    Aims of the Study

The aims of this study are:

  • 1.    To identify the types of the American slang used by Detective Marcus Burnett and Detective Mike lowery in Bad Boy II movie;

  • 2.    To analyze the meanings of the American slang used by Detective Marcus Burnett and Detective Mike Lowery in Bad Boy II movie.

  • 4    Research Method

Research method is the process used to collect information and data. In this study the research method can be divided into two following aspects. The first is data source of this study were taken from Bad Boy II movie script and movie itself. The second is method and technique of collecting data using observation.

  • 4.1    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data of this writing were collected by documentation method. Documentation is the technique of collecting data where the data are taken the writing (the scripts) and by recording or reporting of the facts, especially by using pictures, recording, note taking, and so on. The technique of collecting data was done through some stages; watching the Bad Boy movie

written by Michael Bay to get the clear expression of slang uttered by the main characters in this movie which make the process of collecting data easier, reading the scripts of movie Bad Boy II written by Michael Bay over and over to find out the expression of slang uttered by the main characters

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of analyzing Data

The method that was used to analyze the data in this research is qualitative method. The qualitative research may use the interview, documentation, and questionnaire. But in this study documentation method are used because the documentation.

  • 5.    Analysis of The Types and Meanings Used by The Main Characters in Bad Boy II Movie.

    • 5.1    Types Categories:

Conversation 1

Marcus Burnett: Aw, damn. It's the Negroes.

Mike Lowery: Casper, drop the bag. Alpha leader, bring them in.

In the conversation it can be seen that there was a phrase “damn” which was spoken by Marcus Burnett.

Analysis: the slang word “damn” belongs to primary slang this is called primary slang because “damn” a usual exclamation used by many people to express their feeling in an

informal situation.

Conversation 2

Mike lowery: Who shot you in the ass?

Marcus Burnett: Who? That "who" would be you.

Mike Lowery: Me? I shot you?

Marcus Burnett: Yeah.

In the conversation it can be seen that there is a slang found in the main character utterance.

In the Marcus utterance, there is a slang word “yeah”

Analysis: The slang word “yeah” belongs to primary slang. That slang is called primary slang because “yeah” is a usual term, used by many people.

  • 5.2    Meaning Categories:

Conversation 3


You are angry. It's okay.

Marcus Burnett:

I'm not angry. Except when you keep repeating "you're angry."That shit's fucking annoying. Like a fucking gnat at a barbecue. Just bugging the fuck out of me.

It can be seen that there is a slang word “shit” found in the conversation spoken by

Marcus Burnett.

Analysis: the slang word “shit” has affective meaning is used an exclamation that many people

find offensive. On the conversation above “shit” is used to show that we are angry or annoyed.

Conversation 4

Mike lowery: See, now you just talking nasty.

Marcus Burnett: I gotta survive.

In the conversation above it can be seen that there is a slang word “nasty” found in Mike’s utterance.

Analysis: The slang word “nasty” belongs to stylistic meaning. Pornographic (the height of base sensuality.) "I'm his nasty girl" or "I'm nasty for you right now baby."

  • 6.    CONCLUSION

It can be concluded that there are two types of slang used by detective Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowery in Bad Boy II Movie, which are; primary slang and secondary slang.

The type of slang used by detective Marcus Burnett and Mike Lowery entitled “Bad Boy II” is mostly in the type of primary slang. Primary slang is the pristine speech of subculture members; so it is very natural to its speaker that it seems they might be mute without it. From the analysis of data in the third chapter, thirty two are expressions that were used in this movie as primary slang.

Then, the secondary slang was chosen not so much to fix one in a group as to express one’s attitudes or something in secret. It is also a matter of stylistic choice rather than true identification. From the data taken from bad boy II, there were eight samples found as secondary slang.

Based on the analysis the meaning of slang used in Bad Boy II movie in the previous chapter, there are seven types of meaning found in the movie. Those are denotative meaning, what is the ordinary dictionary everyday meaning of a word or expression; connotative meaning, what is communicated by virtue of language it refers to; stylistic meaning, what is communicated

of social circumstance of language use; affective meaning, what is communicated of feelings and attitudes of the speaker or writer; reflected meaning, what is communicated through association with another sense of the same expressions; collective meaning, what is communicated through association with words which tend to occur environment of another word; and thematic meaning, what is communicated by the way in which a speaker writer organizes the message, in terms of ordering, focus and emphasis.


Chapman, Robert L. 1988. A Dictionary of American Slang.

London: Harper & Row Publisher Inc.

Kenneth Bennett .2012. Bad Boys 2 Full Movie YouTube

Leech, Geoffrey. 1983. Semantics: The Study of Meaning. Great Britain The Chaucer Press Ltd

Quizlet .2013. Formal Informal Language Definitions http://quizlet.com/dictionary/formal-informal-language/

Shirley             Johnson             .1914.what             is             slang.


Smith, S.E .2003-2013.What is Slang?http://www.wisegeek.com

Urban dictionary.1999-2013.Available from:http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?