Yohanes Putu Junaedi


Non Regular Program of English Department Faculty of Letter and Culture

Udayana University


Judul dari karya ilmiah ini adalah “The English Noun Phrase and Its Modification Types in the Eat Pray Love Novel by Elizabeth Gilbert”.Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis novel ini diperoleh dari salah satu novel terkenal di dunia “Eat Pray Love” karya Elizabeth Gilbert dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah dokumentasi, sedangkan metode dan teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah kualitatif. Temuan yang diperoleh dari analisa ini adalah frase benda dalam Eat Pray Love Novel dari bab 1-20 adalah sebagian besar frase nomina kompleks. Frase nomina premodifikasi yang ditemukan dalam novel kebanyakan dibentuk oleh kata benda. Untuk postmodifikasi, sebagian besar dibentuk oleh frase preposisional, dan untuk beberapa modifikasi lebih banyak dibangun oleh kata sifat atau kata benda sebagai frase premodifikasi dan frase preposisional sebagai postmodifikasi tersebut. Modifikasi yang dipasok ke frase nomina membuat frase kata benda menjadi spesifik dan mempersempit referensi dari frase benda dalam kalimat. Modifikasi dapat terbatas (restrictive) atau (non restrictive) tidak terbatas. Semua data dalam novel dari bab 1-20 adalah modifikasi restrictive dan tidak terdapat modifikasi non-restrictive.

Keywords: noun phrase, premodification, postmodification, modification, restrictive, non restrictive

  • 1.    Background of the Study

Studying a language means understanding how it works, achieving particular matters, understanding its meaning, and having the ability to use it properly. Linguistically, language

can be divided into four categories: morphology, phonology, syntax and semantic. Syntax is the study of language that deals with the structure of sentences. It is the study of words, phrases or combination of clauses forming a sentence. (Siswando, 2012:1). The writing is focused on the analysis of English noun phrase found in Elizabeth Gilbert’s novel titled Eat Pray Love. The novel was chosen as a source data after the writer considered that there are a lot of noun phrase in the writing.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

Based on the background stated above, the problem addressed in this study can be formulated into the following questions:

  • 1.    What English complex noun phrase are found in the Eat Pray Love Novel by Elizabeth Gilbert?

  • 2.    What types of modification of English noun phrase are found in the Eat Pray Love Novel by Elizabeth Gilbert?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Referring to the topic, the aims of this study are as follows:

  • 1.    To identify the complex noun phrase in the Eat Pray Love novel.

  • 2.    To identify the types of modification of English noun phrase found in the Eat Pray Love Novel.

  • 4.    Research Method

In conducting this study a proper valid and, research method is important in order to direct the study straight to the topic. Moreover, it is also important for the systematization of the analysis in the study. The research method employed in this study consists of three major aspects: data source, data collection, and data analysis. Each of these aspects is expalined below.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data of this study were be taken from the novel of Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.Eat Pray Love is also a novel that is printed and widely spread all over the world. There are 108 chapters in the Eat Pray Love Novels. But only take 20 chapters were used as the data source.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

The data were collected from the novel by reading, selecting, and printing out the passages.

The data are in the form of noun phrase structure. The data were collected through some steps. First, the researcher will prepared research equipment such as writing tools and paper. The data were be noted down from the data source. The data source used in this study is “Eat Pray Love” novel by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Second, the researcher read the source data from chapter 1 until chapter 20. The last step was underlining and taking a note. The data were written in papers.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The process of analysis includes introduction, explanation of the components of the structure and modification, grouping of the noun phrase based on the components of the structure and modification, and analysis of the noun phrase.

There were several steps in analyzing the data. Those are as follows :

  • 1.    The first step was analyzing the noun phrase structure in the sentences in every chapters of the Eat Pray Love novel.

  • 2.    The second step was grouping components of noun phrase based on the problems found in the Eat Pray Love novel.

  • 3.    Third step was analyzing the types of modification based on the problems.

  • 4.    The last step is grouping the types of modification.

  • 5.    Analysis

This chapter deals with the analysis of the complexof English noun phraseandits types of modification. The analysis of the complex English noun phrase and its types of modification was based on the data found in Eat Pray Love novel by Elizabeth Gilbert from chapter 1 until 20.Based on the modification of the head of noun phrase, noun phrase can be divided into three categories: premodification noun phrases, postmodification noun phrases, and multiple modification phrases. The premodification is a complex noun phrase, which is placed before the head. The postmodification is a modification positioned after the head in a complex noun phrase. The multiple modification is a combination of premodification and postmodification.

  • 1)    Premodification Noun Phrase and Analysis

  • i.    Premodification of Noun Phrase by Adjective






    Head noun

  • ii.    Premodificationof Noun Phrase by Noun






    Head noun

  • 2)    Postmodification Noun Phrase and Analysis

  • i.    Postmodification Noun Phrase by Prepositional Phrase



    on the bulletin board


    Head noun

    Prepositional phrase

  • ii.    Postmodification Noun Phrase by Relative Clause



    Who enjoys eating grapes


    Head noun

    Relative clause

  • 3)    Multiple Modification Noun Phrase and Analysis




    in the suburbs of

    New York



    Head noun

    Prepositional phrase

Modifications make the noun phrase more specific and also narrow the reference of the noun phrase when the context requires it. Modifications can be restrictive or non-restrictive.All the data is restrictive modification because the head of noun phrase can be viewed as a member of a class which can be linguistically identified only through the modification that has been supplied.In this data analysis, there were no non-restrictive modification because the modifier any modification given to a head noun phrase is an additional information which is not essential for identifying the head (non-restrictive).

  • 6.    Conclusion

The noun phrase in the Eat Pray Love Novel from chapter 1-20 were mostly complex noun phrase. Premodification noun phrase found in the novel was mostly formed by noun. For postmodification, it was mostly formed by prepositional phrase, and for multiple modification largely constructed by adjective or noun as the premodification and prepositional phrase as the postmodification.

The modification supplied to the noun phrase makes the noun phrase specific and narrows the reference of the noun phrase when the context requires it. Modification can be restrictive or non restrictive. All the data in the novel from chapter 1-20 are restrictive modification and there were no non- restrictive modification

  • 7.    Bibliography

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