
Jurnal ini berjudul “The Analysis of Personal Reference In The Novel Edensor By Andrea Hirata . Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kategori jenis referensi pribadi dan menganalisis bagaimana referensi pribadi yang digunakan dalam Novel Edensor karya Andrea Hirata. Teori-teori utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diadopsi dari teori kohesi yang diusulkan oleh Halliday dan Hasan (1975), dan teori dari David Nunan (1993). Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode observasi. Diawali dengan membaca dan memahami Novel. Setelah itu, beberapa kalimat yang terdiri dari referensi pribadi ditandai dan ditulis dalam beberapa lembar kertas sebagai informasi. Kalimat-kalimat yang sudah di dapat diklasifikasikan menurut jenis referensi pribadi. Data dianalisis berdasarkan teori diaplikasikan. Hasilnya setelah kita menemukan jenis personal reference di dalam novel, lalu kita klarifikasikan apakah termasuk exophoric atau endophoric, jika termasuk endophoric maka dia akan termasuk anaphoric atau cataphoric reference.

Kata kunci: Kohesi, reference, personal.

  • 1.    Background

Language is very important to all people to communicate to each other both spoken and written. According Halliday (1985:10), language that is playing some part in a context of situation is called a text. He also states that text is language that is functional.

There are two forms of text that are considered communicative. They are spoken text and written text. Spoken text tells or confirms information directly in a conversation and written text has function to provide information in written system (Halliday, 1985:10).

According to Halliday and Hasan (1976:37), reference is one of cohesion. There are five types of cohesive devices. They are reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion. Reference is specific nature of information signaled for retrieval. Reference of information that retrieval is the referential meaning (Halliday, 1976:37). Reference is divided into three types. They are personal reference, demonstrative reference and comparative reference. Personal reference is reference by means of function in the speech situation, the category of person. Demonstrative reference is reference by means of location, on a scale of proximity. Comparative reference indirect reference by means of identity or similarity (Halliday, 1976).

Novel is a kind of literary works which functions to entertain. It also can deliver some advices of the character in the story to the reader. The story was analyzes in this writing entitled Edensor by Andrea Hirata. This topic was chosen because there are many personal references there can be found almost in all dialogues of the novel. This novel was chosen because there are many characters in this novel that can be analyzes. This novel is the third novel of Laskar Pelangi and has an interesting story.

  • 2.    Problems of the Study

There are two problems discussed in this study:

  • a)    What types of personal references were found in the novel entitled Edensor by Andrea Hirata?

  • b)    How were they used in the novel entitled Edensor by Andrea Hirata?

  • 3.    Aims of the Study

Related to the previous problems, the aims of this study are to analyze the kinds of personal reference and to analyze how the personal reference is used in the Novel Edensor.

  • 4.    Research Method

Methodology means a set of methods used in analyzing data. It was intended to give an idea of how to conduct the research. The methodology of this writing is classified into three important steps. They are: data source, data collection, and data analysis.

  • 4.1    Data Source

The data source in this study were taken from the novel entitled Edensor by Andrea Hirata. The novel published by Bentang Pustaka in 2011. It consists of many personal references that could be analyzed. This novel was chosen because it was the third novel of Laskar Pelangi that tells about the adventures of life, love and study in Europe. The story of two people, they are Andrea Hirata or Ikal and Arai who gets scholarships and continue their study in Europe. Studying in Sarbonne University is a dream of Andrea Hirata and Arai since they were in high school.

  • 4.2    Method and Technique of Collecting Data

In this study, there were several steps used to collect the data. The first step of collecting data was done by reading the novel. After that, sentence refers to personal reference marked and noted in some papers as the data. The sentence rewritten and noted according to the types of personal reference.

  • 4.3    Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The analysis started by finding out types of personal reference in the Novel, and then it was followed by analyzing how they presented in the Novel Edensor. The reference items found in every sentence signaled by italic forms. The concept of cohesion especially for personal reference is proposed by M.A.K Halliday and Hasan (1975) in their book entitled Cohesion in English. To know how the way to presented the reference must be known at first, then it can be determined whether refer to item outside the text (exophoric) or inside the text (endophoric). When refer to the item inside the text, it may refer to cataphorically or anaphorically.

  • 5.    The Analysis of Personal Reference in the Novel Edensor by Andrea Hirata

    5.1    Personal reference I

Aray: The sky, a helm and sail, these framed my dim recollection of Weh. I had seen a photo of him in the old mollen Bass Technisce School at Tanjung Pandan. (Page 1)


The personal reference I is categorized as cataphoric reference because I belongs to he (Aray in the novel). It takes position as a subject and it appears only once in previous text.

  • 5.2    Personal reference You

You take a good look at alarm clock, Mak Birah !! Wait until the long

hand passed midnight I want this child born on 24th. (Page 18)


The personal reference you is categorized as anaphoric reference because you belong to Mak Birah and you takes position as subject.

  • 5.3    Personal reference They

Always seated in the same spot in the middle of the room, always arriving ten minutes before class, tactical, methodical and systematic, were the german students: Marcus Holdvessel, Christian Diedrich and the most special, a sexy Bavarian woman, Katja Kristanaema. They were never rowdly. (Page 91)


The personal reference they is categorized as anaphoric reference because they refer to Marcus Holdvessel, Christian Diedrich and the most special, a sexy Bavarian woman, Katja Kristanaema. In addition, it appears only once and it takes position as subject.

  • 5.4    Personal reference We

After graduating from high school, Arai and I wandered to java. We applied for

Work in Bogor, West Java. A distribution business called us to be interviewed. Interview, oh, that beautiful and urban-sounding word. We prepared ourselves by reading a book called the three secrets to a successful Interviewed. (Page 41)


The personal reference we and its change as shown by us in the example above is categorized as cataphoric reference which refers to Arai and Ikal. The personal reference we appears twice and takes position as subject. Us in the sentence above refers to Arai and Ikal and takes position as nonsubject.

  • 5.5    Personal reference She

It turns out that our potential employer was a slight, light skinned woman who was very informal. She met us in her office, a garage. She had just woken up and was wearing a t-shirt with shorts, large boxes were heaped chaotically about the place. (Page 42)


The personal reference she and its change as shown by her. It appears only once and the function as possessor modifier. She takes position as subject and appears twice. The personal reference she and its change anaphorically which refer to employer.

  • 5.6    Personal Reference He

My father’s face went blue as he reined in his shame. He glared at me. It was stare that I had never met with before. My instincts whispered to me that my father was going to take extreme action to punish me. I shrank in fear. (Page 26)


The personal reference he is categorized as anaphoric reference because he refers to father. In addition, it appears twice and takes position as subject. The transformation of this personal reference is shown by his and it appears once and takes position as possessor modifier.

  • 5.7    Personal reference It

It was difficult for me to leave Weh again for two weeks to go to Tanjung

  • Pandan for exams. (Page 11)


The personal reference it is categorized as anaphoric reference because it refers to problem and takes position as subject. In addition, it appears only once.

  • 6.    Conclusion

From the analysis and the findings, there are some conclusions that can be drawn from this novel. Generally, the type and the function of personal reference appeared in this novel. First, all of types of personal reference can be found as data and that the sentence rewritten and noted according to the types of personal reference. Second, after we know how the way to present the reference, then it can be determined whether which refers to the item outside the text (exophoric) or inside the text (endophoric). When refering to the item inside the text, it may refer to cataphorically or anaphorically. The last, from the result of this study on analysis of personal reference in the novel is that, all of types personal reference can be found in this novel.

  • 7.    Bibliography

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