PUSTAKA VOL. XXII, NO. 1 • 49 – 54

P-ISSN : 2528-7508

E-ISSN : 2528-7516

Code-Switching Used in Deddy Corbuzier’s Youtube Podcast

I Putu Suardhana

English Department Udayana University

Gianyar, Bali, Indonesia [email protected]


This undergraduate thesis is entitled “Code-Switching in Deddy Corbuzier’s Youtube Podcast”. This study is focusing to find out the types of Code-Switching and find out of the function of Code-Switching during the speech of Deddy Corbuzier and Azka Corbuzier on the podcast on Youtube.

The data of this study were taken from the Youtube channel. The data were focused on speech while talking using mixed language between Indonesian language and English language. The data was collected through documentation and library research with note-taking techniques. The method that is used to analyze the data is the descriptive-qualitative method. The theories used for this study are the theory proposed by Poplack (1980) about three types of code-switching, there are tag switching, inter-sentential switching, and intra-sentential switching, and theory proposed by Hoffman (1991) about seven reasons of code-switching, there are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being emphatic about something, interjection (inserting sentence fillers or sentence connectors), repetition used for clarification, the intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor, and expressing group identity.

Keywords: Code Switching, Bilingual, Youtube, Podcast.


Skripsi ini berjudul "Code Switching in Deddy Corbuzier's Youtube Podcast". Penelitian ini berfokus untuk mengetahui jenis Code Switching dan mencari tahu fungsi Code Switching saat pembicaraan antara Deddy Corbuzier dan Azka Corbuzier dalam podcast Youtube.

Data penelitian ini diambil dari saluran Youtube. Data difokuskan pada ucapan saat berbicara menggunakan bahasa campuran antara bahasa Indonesia dan bahasa Inggris. Data dikumpulkan melalui dokumentasi dan penelitian perpustakaan dengan teknik pencatatan. Metode yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data adalah metode deskriptif-kualitatif. Teori yang digunakan untuk penelitian ini adalah teori yang diusulkan oleh Poplack (1980) tentang tiga jenis peralihan kode, ada switching tag, switching antar-sentensial, dan switching intra-sentensial,dan Teori yang diusulkan oleh Hoffman (1991) tentang tujuh alasan peralihan kode, ada pembicaraan tentang topik tertentu, mengutip orang lain, bersikap tegas tentang sesuatu, interjeksi (memasukkan pengisi kalimat atau konektor kalimat), pengulangan yang digunakan untuk klarifikasi, niat mengklarifikasi konten ucapan untuk lawan bicara, dan mengekspresikan identitas kelompok.

Kata Kunci: Alih Kode, Bilingual, Youtube, Podcast.


As social people, human beings certainly need a tool to interact verbally and in writing with other people in society. As socials, communication is an important aspect of life. Communication itself is a process of interaction that connects two or more parties through verbal or written interactions. As stated by Lim (1975) that language is used for communication, and it is made up of sounds. Language is very meaningful for human life because it can help facilitate the process of communication with other humans in social life to

express their opinions, ideas, thoughts, feelings, intentions, emotions, etc. According to Wibowo (2001:3), the meaning of language is a system of meaningful and articulated sound symbols (produced by words) that are arbitrary and conventional, which are used as a means of communicating by a group of humans to give birth to feelings and thoughts. Without language, the world would die because there is no communication as a means of conveying knowledge in the process of human life. There were a lot of languages scattered throughout every part of the earth. The Research Center for Language

Intelligence state that, there are 7,117 languages are spoken nowadays around the world, and every country or area has their own language and culture that developed simultaneously with the development of the area itself. One of the languages that are often used by people in the world is the English language. The English language become the international language because the English language is the oldest language also England is the country that has the most colonies. English is a world language that is considered a language that is easy to learn, therefore there is a bilingual when a person is able to use two languages equally well. Robert Lado (1964: 214) states that Bilingualism is the ability to speak two languages with equal or nearly as good. Technically, this opinion refers to the knowledge of two languages, how the level by one. In bilingual, there is a phenomenon called code-switching when people in a conversation or interview suddenly switch their language into another language. Code-switching is described in sociolinguistics that studies social structures, social organizations, relationships between and within groups of people, and social behavior. Codeswitching occurs mostly in bilingual societies and speakers of more than one language are known because of their ability to change code or mix their languages during their communication. According to Blomberg (2013), Code-switching is a broadly observed phenomenon especially in bilingual or multilingual communities, from single-family units to large social groups.

Code-switching nowadays becomes a trend or style of language variation in society. In Indonesia, this phenomenon occurs in Gen-Z society which was acculturated with a foreign language, using code-switching can make it easier to get a simple vocabulary to say that is not found in their mother language. It is often heard in some national TV programs, on Youtube used by the content creators, also in podcasts.

Research Method

This research used the observation nonparticipant method that involves the step-by-step process in order to gather the information. There are some steps in this research to collecting the data. The first step is for the researcher will open the Youtube application then search Deddy Corbuzier Podcast. The second step is, the researcher to watch and listen to the podcast until the last minute and transcribe all the utterances.

The aim of the aims processing of data analysis is to answer the questions in problems of the study. The method used to analyze the data will use the qualitative method. The qualitative method will describe the types of code-switching used by Deddy Corbuzier and Azka Corbuizer during a Podcast that used theory from Poplack (1980) and Hoffman (1991).

This research used an informal method for presenting data. The informal method is presenting data analysis by using words and sentences. The data is presented in the form of dialogue by Deddy Corbuzier and Azka Corbuzier that used Code Switching. The Code-Switching in dialogue was typed boldly.


Types of Code-Switching used in Deddy Corbuzier’s Youtube Podcast

According to Poplack (1980) about three types of Code-Switching, they are Tag Switching, Inter-sentential Switching, and Intra-sentential Switching. The data and discussions were as follow:

  • 1.    Tag Switching

According to Poplack (1980), tag switching tends to deal with the fillers, tags, interjections, idiomatic expression, and even individual noun switches in a sentence used by the bilinguals.

Data 1

Azka : Always, selalu pakai jas, kalau ga pake jas kan ga keren.

In the dialogue above, Azka uttered the word “always” in the first utterance. This utterance can be categorized as Tag Switching type because Azka wants to emphasize his opinion that wearing a suit is cool. According to Poplack (1980), tag switching tends to deal with the fillers, tags, interjections, idiomatic expression, and even individual noun switches in a sentence used by the bilinguals. Azka’s action can be categorized as Code Switching because in the dialogue uttered the word “always” in English and continued with the Indonesian language.

Data 2

Azka : Well, it’s more stylist, kan lebih untuk umm… untuk cewek-cewek, hahaha…

According to Poplack (1980), tag switching tends to deal with the fillers, tags, interjections, idiomatic expression, and even individual noun switches in a sentence used by the bilinguals. From the word uttered by Azka, the word “well” in the first sentence can be categorized as Tag Switching, especially interjections word. That word was uttered by Azka because he wanted to express his thought spontaneously that wearing a suit is cool for the girls. Azka in the dialogue two different languages which are English and Indonesian. In the first sentence of dialogue, Azka said ”well, it’s more stylish” in the English language and follow with “kan lebih umm untuk ke.. cewek-cewek” in the Indonesian language.

  • 2.  Inter-sentential Switching

Inter-sentential Switching involves a switch at a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in a different language. It may also occur between speaker turns. Inter-sentential Switching can be thought of as requiring greater fluency in both languages than tag switching major portions of utterance must conform to the rules of both languages. According to Romaine (1989:112), this type takes place between sentences, the switch occurs at a clause or sentence boundary where its clause or sentence is in different languages.

Data 1

Azka : “Well, it’s more stylist, kan lebih untuk cewek-cewek”

In the dialogue above, Azka uttered two sentences in different languages. First utterance is using English well its more stylist” and followed with Indonesian language “lebih untuk ke cewek-cewek”. Azka as a speaker switched from the English language into the Indonesian language after the word boundary. As the characteristic of inter-sentential switching, the switch that occurs at a clause or sentence boundary where its clause or sentence was in a different language, that can be categorized as Code Switching, especially Inter-sentential Switching.

Data 2

Deddy : “You want to dominate your teacher, biar guru-gurunya takut, luar biasa”.

In the data above, Deddy Corbuzier utterance can be categorized as Inter-sentential switching. The data showed when Deddy switched the language

from English “you want to dominate your teacher” to “biar guru-gurunya takut, luar biasa” that used the Indonesian language after sentence boundary. This action can be categorized as inter-sentential switching because the character of inter-sentential switching occurs at a clause or sentence boundary where its clause or sentence is in a different language.

  • 3.    Intra-sentential Switching

Intra-sentential Switching basically is switching that occurs in some units of language in the sentence. Romaine (1989) states Intra-sentential Switching involves, arguably, the greatest syntactic risk, and may be avoided by all but the most fluent bilinguals.

Data 1

Azka : “Tujuh tahun dulu kan aku engga, aku lebih shy, aku engga seconfident sekarang”.

Poplack (1980) Intra-sentential Switching is Code Switching action where the speaker switches their code or language in the form of sentence, word, phrase, or clause in the same utterance. The utterance above Azka said “dulu aku itu lebih shy”, and aku ga se-confident sekarang”. The word shy and “confident” are uttered in English in the same sentences. This action done by Azka can be categorized as Intra-sentential Switching.

Data 2

Azka : “Can I tell the story? Ok, I’ll tell the story. Jadinya aku beli bunga dan coklat, aku coba find her, and then aku coba gift bunganya dan dia lari karena shy

From the data above, there were two utterances said by Azka Corbuzier. These words “find her”, “gift” and word “shy” are uttered by Azka in the dialogue sentence. According to Poplack (1980) Intra-sentential Switching is Code Switching action where the speaker switches their code or language in the form of sentence, word, phrase, or clause in the same utterance. The phrase “find her” that is uttered in English in the sentence occurs after sentence boundary that said in the Indonesian language “jadinya aku beli bunga dan coklat,” which this sentence contain the coma.

How the Code-Switching function in Deddy Corbuzier’s Youtube Podcast

The function of code-switching was analyzed using the theory proposed by Hoffman (1991: 115-116) in the book entitled An Introduction to Bilingualism about seven reasons of code-switching, there are talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being empathic about something, interjection (inserting fillers or sentence connectors), repetition used for clarification, the intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor, and expressing group identity.

  • 1.    Talking About a Particular Topic

People sometimes prefer to talk about certain topics in one language than in another and become freer and more comfortable to express their emotions, thought, and feeling in a language that is not their daily language.

Data 1

Azka : “Oke, kalo ada guru-guru aku yang nonton ini, maaf. Jadi aku ini kan masih quarantine, ya kan, jadinya kaya engga, basically engga sekolah, tapi masi ada sekolah kaya haaa… nanti next year kalo udah quarantinenya, aku jadi lebih gede, nanti kalo guru-guru umm… get angry at me, lagi marah ke aku, aku Cuma stand up aja terus flex”.

In the conversation above caught the particular topic that they talked about was, Deddy asked Azka the reason for Azka doing workouts, and how big he wanted to be. Azka replied by told that he wanted to pass the size of Deddy Corbuzier and he wanted to dominate the teachers, in order for the teacher does not act harshly towards him. The bolded words in the conversation above were the Code-Switching that Azka used during the speech. The main topic in the conversation is in part “nanti next year kalo udah quarantinenya, aku jadi lebih gede, nanti kalo guru-guru umm… get angry at me, lagi marah ke aku, aku Cuma stand up aja terus flex”.

Data 2

Deddy : “Naaah I think just fever, and then ga boleh panik juga, and if you strong. This is what I think is wrong, this is what I wish to everyone, sekarang kan everybody say, yang pemerintah kita omongin, yang government tell,

friends or whatever, kan adalah, you know? Masker, terus udah gitu cuci tangan dan sebagainya. Tapi one thing they forget to tell is your immune system, it’s how healthy you are. So, they need to promote workout. Jadi yang harus dipromosiin adalah olahraga, bukan cuma masker doang, kan udah kebukti kalo imun kita kuat kita bisa survive. Harusnya itu yang dipromosikan.

From the data above, Deddy Corbuzier told that he was got the fever to thirty-nine degrees in the first dialogue. Then Deddy emphasize to do workout in the sentence “Jadi yang harus dipromosiin adalah olahraga, bukan cuma masker doang, kan udah kebukti kalo imun kita kuat kita bisa survive. Harusnya itu yang dipromosikan”. The bolded sentences were the Code-Switching that occurred in the conversation Deddy Corbuzier used English mostly in the conversations mostly used English language from the beginning of conversations.

  • 2.    Quoting Somebody Else

Hoffman (1991) suggested that people sometimes like a quote a famous expression of saying of some well-known figures. A bilingual sometimes switches code or language to quote famous expressions, proverbs, or sayings of some famous figure, character, or people in the world.

Deddy : “Lu bisa pulang Cuma belum tentu bias sampe rumah, pulang mah gampang, kan Cuma mobil, keluar, nyampe urusan beda. Kaya siapa tu yang di Rusia tu? Putin or something? Dia bilang katanya “lu salah ga salah tu urusan Tuhan, tapi gua bisa nemuin lu ke Tuhan”.

This conversation above occurred in one conversation, Deddy quoted from Vladimir Putin’s quote about the topic after the terrorist attack in Paris, France at November 2015.

  • 3.    Being Empathic About Something

Hoffman (1991) suggested that people sometimes like a quote a famous expression of saying of some well-known figures. A bilingual sometimes switches code or language to quote famous expressions, proverbs, or sayings of some famous figure, character or people in the world.

Data 1

Deddy : “Seratus Sembilan puluh? It so tinggi banget”.

In the dialogue, Deddy asked Azka about how tall he wanted to be. Deddy uttered “it’s so tinggi banget” to Azka’s reply to his question, this action can be categorized as a function of Code-Switching Being Empathic about something because the phrase that uttered by Deddy is expressed admiration of Azka’s answer about he wanted to reach 190cm tall.

  • 4.    interjection (inserting fillers or sentence connectors)

An interjection is a word or expression that is inserted into a sentence used as a filler or connector used frequently by people. Interjection or can be called an Exclamation word is a word that is stated spontaneously to express feelings or thought that came spontaneously like shocked, happy, hurt, confused, etc.

Data 1

Deddy : “Why on earth? Kenapa mau beli yang warna pink?

In the dialogue above, Deddy Corbuzier was uttered “why on earth?” which is an Idiomatic expression. The phrase “why on earth” according to Farlex Dictionary, this idiomatic expression is the phrase that is used to ask that emphasize one’s shocks, disgust, incredulity, etc. in the replied that uttered by Deddy Corbuzier, he uttered the phrase “why on earth” used in the English language was to expressed disgust by Azka’s wish that wanted to buy a pink suit and emphasize the question as follow, then continued with the sentence “kenapa mau beli warna pink?” in the Indonesian language in order to asked Azka with Indonesian language.

Data 2

Azka : “Uuu… ahh… ah… kok gak pernah bilang?”

Interjection or can be called an Exclamation word is a word that is stated spontaneously to express feelings or thought that came spontaneously like shocked, happy, hurt, confused, etc. In the conversation above, the utterance “Uuu… ahh… ah… kok gak pernah bilang?” stated by Azka Corbuzier was expressed of happy feeling that came spontaneously.

  • 5.    repetition used for clarification

When the bilinguals want to clarify their utterance, sentence, or their speech to be understood better by

the listener, sometimes they use both of the languages or codes that they master to say the same meaning. Literally, a message or meaning in one language or code is often repeated in another language or code. Repetition is not only served to clarify what is said but also to amplify or emphasize the meaning.

Data 1

Deddy : “Udah tujuh tahun, sekarang umur empat belas, you are fourteen right? You are fourteen, berarti umur tujuh tahun kamu pacaran. Wih, orang tua macam apa yang ngasi anaknya pacaran hehehe…”

In the utterance above, Deddy Corbuzier in the podcast when asked Azka about the age uttered “sekarang umur empat belas, you are fourteen right? You are fourteen” It can be identified as the reason for repetition used for clarification because, in the utterance above, Deddy Corbuzier wanted to clarify what he wanted to ask and to be understood better by Azka Corbuzier by uttering an utterance in the Indonesian language “sekarang umur empat belas” and repeated it in the English language “You are fourteen”.

Data 2

Deddy : “There is a lot of people, banyak yang nanya, maksudnya kamu ee… kan keluarganya cerai katanya, you know that right?”

In the dialoge of Deddy Corbuzier above, he uttered an utterance “There is a lot of people, banyak yang nanya, maksudnya kamu ee… kan keluarganya cerai katanya, you know that right?” it can identified as Repetition used for Clarification.

  • 6.    the intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor

When the bilingual talks with another bilingual, there will be lots of code-switching that occurs in that conversation. It means to make the content of their utterance, sentence, or speech run smoothly and can be understood by the listener, a message or meaning in one language or code is changed in the other code or language in somewhat modified form to clarify the message or it meaning.

Data 1

Deddy : “You know what, kenapa ngga kita bikin podcast berdua aja ya? Iya kan,

bikin podcast berdua, maksudnya kamu sama papa, tapi you the podcaster, kamu podcasternya”.

In the utterance above, it can be identified that Deddy Corbuzier used the function of the intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor because he said the speech used mostly in the Indonesian language “kenapa ngga kita bikin podcast berdua aja ya?” and he used the English language to clarify the speech content for his interlocutor at that time and said “maksudnya kamu sama papa aja, tapi you the podcaster, kamu podcasternya”. An utterance in one language was changed in the other language in somewhat modified form to clarify the message or the question.

  • 7.    expressing group identity

The way of academic people communicate in their disciplinary groupings, are obviously different from the other groups. In other words, the way of communication of one community between people who are out of the community is different.

Azka : “Engga boleh bilang ini, don’t say, engga pernah. Kalo ada guru-guru yang nonton ini, aku ga pernah lakukan itu, temen-temen aku juga engga pernah lakukan itu, kita cuma listening dan working, cuma itu aja. Kita cuma listening dan working, engga lakukan apa-apa yang lain”.

From the dialogue above, Azka uttered words “listening” and “working”. That action can be categorized as Expressing Group Identity because from the previous conversation, Deddy and Azka were talking about homeschooling and Deddy talked about Azka action that muted the microphone while online study and Azka talked with his friends. The words “listening” and “working” here were used in terms of things that doing in an online study by Azka Corbuzier. Azka switched his language from Indonesian to the English language in the middle of sentences.


This thesis was discussed Types of CodeSwitching and Functions of Code-Switching in

Deddy Corbuzier’s Youtube Podcast. The researcher used a theory from Poplack (1980) about three types of code-switching there are Tag Switching, Inter-sentential Switch, and Intra-sentential Switching. Based on the research, all kinds of types were found in Deddy Corbuzier’s Podcast that was uttered by Deddy Corbuzier and Azka Corbuzier. In some utterances, there were contained more than one type of Code-Switching. In this section, Azka Corbuzizer mostly occurred Intra-sentential Switching while his speech in the podcast.

The functions of Code-Switching that stated by Hoffman (1991) about seven reasons of CodeSwitching; talking about a particular topic, quoting somebody else, being empathic about something, interjection (inserting fillers or sentence connectors), repetition used for clarification, the intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor, and expressing group identity. All the functions were found in some conversation. Deddy Corbuzier in his speech during the podcast was mostly used repetition used for clarification while talking.


Romaine, Suzanne. (1989). Billingualism. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publisher.

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Hoffman, C. (1991). An Introduce to Bilingualism. London: Longman Group UK Limited.

English++. English Material, Course, and Service. (No date). Available at: https://englishplusplus.id/interjection/.

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