The Used of Online Learning Method in Acquiring Children's English Vocabulary at English Buzz Bali
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Mohammad Rizaldy Ramadhan, Egy Fernando, Muhammad Sulton Ridho, Vivia Suaidin 97
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Drs. I Nyoman Duana Sutika, M.Si 103
Dinamika Pemajemukan Dengan Morfem Unik Dalam Bahasa Bali
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Anak Agung Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi 116
Kehidupan Sosial Migran Madura di Desa Kintamani Tahun 1982-2018 Risa Yuliandri 122
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Ni Made Odi Tresna Oktavianti 128
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di Denpasar Selatan 2007-2019
Psychological Analysis of Emily Grierson in Short Story A Rose for Emily
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Gaby Kumala Dewi Santoso, Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih ....149
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The Used of Online Learning Method in Acquiring Children's English Vocabulary
at English Buzz Bali
Pedoman Penulisan Naskah dalam Jurnal Pustaka
P-ISSN: 2528-7508 E-ISSN: 2528-7516
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The Used of Online Learning Method in Acquiring Children's English Vocabulary at English Buzz Bali
Ni Putu Manik Masuci
English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
This study entitled “The Used of Online Learning Method in Acquiring Children's English Vocabulary at English Buzz Bali”. It focuses on finding out the effectiveness of Online Learning Method in acquiring English vocabulary. This study was test how effective is the use of online learning method to teach children’s English Vocabulary at English Buzz Bali and to know the student perception about their new learning method of study. The research of this study applied field work research that used theories by Revan Revan (1991 in M. Pedlar edition (2011) about theory of action learning and Terry Anderson (2008) about online learning method. This research used teaching and observation technique involving students in the third grade of elementary school. The data in this study were the collected from the result of Pre-test and Post-test of the students of English Buzz Bali using online platform; ZOOM for their teaching and learning process. There were ten children (M= 9) participating in this study and official permission from the school has been obtained to conduct the study. The result of this study shows that, the use of online learning method is quite effective to acquiring English vocabulary for the children during the pandemic Covid-19. It can be seen from the high percentage score (80,85%) of correct answer from the Post-test of the students who been taught through online platform. It can be concluded that online learning method is the suggested ways to acquiring children’s English vocabulary during the pandemic Covid-19.
Language is used to communicate between two or more people to deliver a message. Language also becomes the primary needs of human meanings through language humans have the ability to interact with one another. There are so many languages in the society. One of them is English. It is a universal language and considered to be a second language or foreign language in multilingual country such as Indonesia. The way of acquiring English for the learners could be from parent, sociallife, or environment. Language Acquisition is a process where someone acquires a language
in an unconscious situation. Krasben (2009: 10) stated acquisition is a sub-conscious process where the learners acquire language which understandable and meaningful to them. The importance of English language has become a concern in Indonesia. English has been taught as early as it can, to boost proficiency in speaking and understanding English. One of the important components in teaching English is vocabulary, because without vocabulary students can not able to understand others or express their own
ideas. By mastering vocabulary, students can communicate and tell their idea effectively.
This study was inspired by the world condition nowadays because of the pandemic Covid-19. People were supposed to stay to reduce the virus became wider and it was also impacted all the students all over the world. They are supposed to study at home because the schools were closed. During the pandemic of covid-19, the education system of the world has affected extremely. Online learning method has become a popular learning system for education especially in pandemic because of its multi-functionality characteristic and effectiveness. Online learning method reflects remote teaching tactics for teachers as well as one of the learning strategies for students because it helps to learn anytime from anywhere. It also helps the students to reduce the study gap that could play an alternative learning methodology during pandemic covid-19.
This current study is interesting to be observed because the method that used in this study has not been observed yet by the other undergraduate students specifically at the English Department of Udayana University. This chance is
a good opportunity to explore deeper to this current method of learning to know the effectiveness of this method. On the other hand, some references related to the topic of the study reviewed in order to deepen the knowledge in teaching strategies for the children. The studies such as from Widyastuti (2007) discusses the effectiveness of the combination of songs and illustrations in the vocabulary acquisition on children of SD No. I Sesetan. Then, Triningsih (2013) discusses the development of children at TK Negeri Negara in acquiring vocabulary of English through the English children music and video. Also, Wiana (2013) discusses about the use of action learning method to improved student’s English vocabularies at 10 grades of IPB 1 Class in SMAN 1 Sawan. Besides, from AH Fansury R Januarty (2017) discussed about the comparison between two different learning methods to improving vocabulary abilities of class VII students of SMPN 35 Makassar.
Regarding to the background of the study above, the problems of study can be formulated as follows:
1. How effective is the use of Online Learning Method for teaching children's English vocabulary in English Buzz Bali?
2. What are the common problems faced by the children to learn English vocabulary using Online Learning Method in English Buzz Bali?
This study applied field work research to observe the data source. The data source of this study was taken from English course named English Buzz Bali, which is located in Denpasar, Bali. English Buzz Bali is a formal language course that implements an international-based English curriculum integrated with Indonesian curriculum guidelines. English Buzz Bali open the online class to support the learning process during the pandemic Covid-19, to avoid the spread of the virus and to help the students to learn English from home.
The data sources in this study collected from the children's responses based on the results of pre- and post- tests and the answer from the students about common problems that they are faced during the teaching and learning process related to the problems of questions. The main reasons the nine years old students were chosen in
this study because according to Journal of Research in Science Teaching about Cognitive Development in Children by Jean Piaget (1896– 1980) in around this age, students become les egocentric, more rational, can organize and classifies the class or words and able to understanding the conversation. This is become the main reason nine years old chosen to be the object of this research. The main objectives of this present study are to know the student’s perception and how effective is the use of online learning method as the alternative learning medias for students in English Buzz Bali during covid-19.
The method that was used in collecting the data was field research method. On the other hand, the technique that was used in collecting the data is note-taking technique. There were several procedures in collecting the data consist of planning, action and observation. In planning step, all of the student’s activities and the materials of the study that needed in the learning process must be prepared such as checking the attendance list of the students, prepare all of the pre-test, post-test and questions.
Through all of the observation that has been conducted for one period of the research, it was proved the effectiveness of this method through the valid data and the data is definitely compelling to see how the tests scored as followingBesides, after the end of the class, asking the students after the lesson is held to collect the information from the students about problem or struggles that they might face during the online class happened. Last, observation step conducted during the teaching and learning process to find out the progress of each students using the online learning method as their learning media The data of this study also collected by screenshot and video recording technique.
In this study, the descriptive qualitative method was applied to analyze the data which means describing the result of pre and post-test score and transcribing the explanations of the students related to the problems of questions. The data from the pre-tests and post-tests were compared, described, and quantitatively analyzed by grouping the results of the tests. The data were analyzed by using theory of Revan (1991 in M. Pedlar edition (2011)) and Terry Anderson (2008) and counted using technique proposed by Darmadi Hamid (2011) with his book entitled “Metode Penelitian Pendidikan”.
Findings And Discussion
This part focusses on the analysis of verb (action verb), adjective (describing a person) vocabulary and common problems faced by the students of English Buzz Bali.
Table 1: Data obtained from the Pre-Test of Verb
Vocabulary | ||||||
No. |
Students |
Number of words |
Number of words answered correctly |
Number of words answered incorrectly | ||
1. |
Adelio |
20 |
7 |
35% |
13 |
65% |
2. |
Bagas |
20 |
6 |
30% |
14 |
70% |
3. |
Devina |
20 |
9 |
45% |
11 |
55% |
4. |
Eveline |
20 |
11 |
55% |
9 |
45% |
5. |
Ibas |
20 |
8 |
40% |
12 |
60% |
6. |
Joia |
20 |
8 |
40% |
12 |
60% |
7. |
Nirbana |
20 |
4 |
20% |
16 |
80% |
8. |
Ode |
20 |
6 |
30% |
14 |
70% |
9. |
Revata |
20 |
9 |
45% |
11 |
55% |
10. |
Praja |
20 |
10 |
50% |
10 |
50% |
According to the calculation of the Pretest of Verb Vocabulary, only 1 student (Eveline) from 10 ten students can answer correctly up to 50% of Pre-test. It was indicated that the students need to explore and acquire the vocabulary of verb. To know the percentage of the improvement of the second pre-test, it was calculated as follows:
P = 1 X 100 = 10 %
Based on the result above, the percentage of the students who passed the tests were very low, the result is just only 10% of students are able in acquiring vocabulary in the pre-test of the verb vocabulary. So, it was shown that vocabulary acquisition of the students for verb vocabulary were very poor.
Table 2: Data obtained from the Post-Test of Verb Vocabulary
No. |
Students |
Number of words |
Number of words answered correctly |
Number of words answered incorrectly | ||
1. |
Adelio |
20 |
13 |
65% |
7 |
35% |
2. |
Bagas |
20 |
10 |
50% |
10 |
50% |
3. |
Devina |
20 |
14 |
70% |
6 |
30% |
4. |
Eveline |
20 |
17 |
85% |
9 |
15% |
5. |
Ibas |
20 |
14 |
70% |
6 |
30% |
6. |
Joia |
20 |
12 |
60% |
8 |
40% |
7. |
Nirbana |
20 |
8 |
40% |
12 |
60% |
8. |
Ode |
20 |
9 |
45% |
11 |
55% |
9. |
Revata |
20 |
15 |
75% |
5 |
35% |
10. |
Praja |
20 |
16 |
80% |
4 |
20% |
According to the calculation of the Posttest of Verb Vocabulary, there are 7 students from 10 ten students answer correctly up to 50% of Post-test. The highest percentage was collected by Eveline with 85% of correct answers. In order to know the percentage of the improvement of the post-test, it was calculated as follows:
P = 7 X 100 = 70 %
In contrast with the pre-test result, the percentage of the students who passed the test were quite high in the post-test. The result shown that 70% of the students are passed the test and able in acquiring verb vocabulary. It was shown that there are significant progresses of the vocabulary acquisition from the students using online learning method.
The second analysis of this research were containing the result of pre and post-test of adjective vocabulary from students at English Buzz Bali as follows:
Table 3: Data obtained from the Pre-Test of Adjective Vocabulary
No. |
Students |
Number of words |
Number of words answered correctly |
Number of words answered incorrectly | ||
1. |
Adelio |
20 |
6 |
30% |
14 |
70% |
2. |
Bagas |
20 |
8 |
40% |
12 |
60% |
3. |
Devina |
20 |
7 |
35% |
13 |
65% |
4. |
Eveline |
20 |
9 |
45% |
11 |
55% |
5. |
Ibas |
20 |
6 |
30% |
14 |
70% |
6. |
Joia |
20 |
9 |
45% |
11 |
55% |
7. |
Nirbana |
20 |
5 |
25% |
15 |
75% |
8. |
Ode |
20 |
4 |
20% |
16 |
80% |
9. |
Revata |
20 |
5 |
25% |
15 |
75% |
10. |
Praja |
20 |
7 |
35% |
13 |
65% |
According to the calculation of the Pretest of Adjective Vocabulary, none of the student can answer correctly up to 50% of pre-test. Mostly, students only can answer 6-8 questions that were given. So, it was indicated that the students are not able mastering the adjective vocabulary.
Table 4: Data obtained from the Post-Test of Adjective Vocabulary
No. |
Students |
Number of words |
Number of words answered correctly |
Number of words answered incorrectly | ||
1. |
Adelio |
20 |
12 |
60% |
8 |
40% |
2. |
Bagas |
20 |
11 |
55% |
9 |
45% |
3. |
Devina |
20 |
14 |
70% |
6 |
30% |
4. |
Eveline |
20 |
16 |
80% |
4 |
20% |
5. |
Ibas |
20 |
11 |
55% |
9 |
45% |
6. |
Joia |
20 |
15 |
75% |
5 |
25% |
7. |
Nirbana |
20 |
6 |
30% |
14 |
70% |
8. |
Ode |
20 |
11 |
55% |
9 |
45% |
9. |
Revata |
20 |
17 |
85% |
3 |
15% |
10. |
Praja |
20 |
17 |
85% |
3 |
15% |
Based on calculation of the Post-test above, there are 8 students from 10 ten students answer correctly up to 50% of Post-test. The highest score of percentage was collected by Revata and Praja with 85% of correct answers. In order to know the percentage of the improvement of the post-test, it was calculated as follows:
P = 8 X 100 = 80 %
As seen above, the percentage of the students who passed the test were really high if compared with the previous one. The result shown that 80% of the students are passed the test and able to acquiring adjective vocabulary. It was shown the increasement progress of the students in acquiring vocabulary.
On the other hand, there are 5 common problems faced by students during the process of teaching and learning using online learning method. These problems are collected by asking the students at the end of class such as:
1. Adaptability Struggle
Switching from traditional classroom and face to face learning method to computer-based training in a virtual classroom makes the learning experience entirely different for students. Students who have been always studying in the traditional classroom mindset are not able to focus on online learning platforms. It is important for them to accept the new learning environment with an open mind.
2. Home Distraction
Learning through online, the students must manage everything in one room with parents around them. As an online student, the classroom is often in home, and these distractions may seem nearly impossible to avoid. The students can be easily distracted by small things at their surroundings especially with family and possibly younger siblings around by talking to them, innocently asking questions or even playing phone while the teaching and learning process happened. It is important to establish boundaries and make sure everyone understands which disruptions are acceptable and which should wait until the study time is complete.
3. Lack of Social Interaction
During the online class, it was hard to keep students engaged without a teacher’s physical presence and face-to-face contact because teacher cannot control the students directly. Many students find that learning was not just an intellectual activity, but a social one – and that explains why a number of student’s report missing in-person interaction with their teachers. The students also miss face-to-face interactions with fellow students. For some students, this lack
of social interaction and the accompanying need to be self-motivated to get their work done and it can lead to feelings of isolation.
4. Self-Motivation
Self-motivation is an online learning essential requirement; however, many online learners lack on it. After enrolling in distance learning courses, many learners feel fall behind even they want to give up. Mostly, the students do not know how to explain about it but one thing for sure, they missed having to get up and walk into the classroom. They feel unmotivated and lack of concentration because they just spent their time straight to the monitor and cannot feel the ambience of the study as before as pandemic.
5. Technical Issues
Technical issues are bound to happen in an online-only environment. This technical issue could distract the online learning process and interrupt online learning sessions. Sometimes the computer could be shut down or there are moments when the Wi-Fi is spotty, and slow computer can make it difficult to keep up with the virtual class. Some students are not provided with strong internet connections and this situation make them failed to catch up with the materials given in online class. The students should inform what happening to them if this kind of situation happened to them. Besides, teacher also have to understand and be flexible perhaps even recording the class session for backup data.
Based on the research and the analysis, it can be concluded that indeed the use of online learning method during the pandemic is quite an effective way in the process of acquiring children’s English vocabulary, it can be seen from the high percentage of correct answer of the posttests from the students who had been taught with online learning method. This study not only to find out the effectiveness of online learning method, it also to find out common problems that faced by the children in the learning process.
There are five common problems that faced by the children during the learning process of online learning method. Adaptability struggle was
become the first problems for them because at the beginning students find the difficulties to adapt to an online learning environment. Then, the technical issues are also bound to happen in an online learning environment because not all the students well equipped with a high internet connection that is required for online learning. Next, home distraction. The students are easily distracted by small things at their surroundings and hard to get their focus back and this condition may lead to student’s self-motivation to learn. The students feel unmotivated because they just spent their time straight to the monitor.
Based on student's problem, there is an alternative media to decrease the rise of problems in learning English by showing interactive pictures and videos through online learning method. Through this method, students can interpret their imaginations because they not only knowing the object but also have their own description about the characteristic for each object that they see. Besides, the presence of this pandemic will indirectly change education in the future, seeing that the students must be able to adapt to studying online for any kind of reasons and situations.
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Discussion and feedback