“Ludruk Jember: Ruang Kebudayaan Masyarakat Jember dalam Mengekspresikan

Kembali Kultur Kemaduraan di Wilayah Perantauan”

Mohammad Rizaldy Ramadhan, Egy Fernando, Muhammad Sulton Ridho, Vivia Suaidin  97

Silakramaning “Aguron-Guron” Dalam Teks Cerita Bhagawan Dhomya-Adiparwa

Drs. I Nyoman Duana Sutika, M.Si 103

Dinamika Pemajemukan Dengan Morfem Unik Dalam Bahasa Bali

Ni Made Sri Ramayanti  110

Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris dalam Percakapan Bahasa Indonesia Generasi Muda

Anak Agung Sagung Shanti Sari Dewi  116

Kehidupan Sosial Migran Madura di Desa Kintamani Tahun 1982-2018 Risa Yuliandri  122

Upacara Ngerebong di Pura Agung Petilan Desa Adat Kesiman

Ni Made Odi Tresna Oktavianti  128

Pengelolaan Yayasan Albanna sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan Islam

di Denpasar Selatan 2007-2019

Deanita Salsabila 142

Psychological Analysis of Emily Grierson in Short Story A Rose for Emily

by William Faulkner

Gaby Kumala Dewi Santoso, Ida Bagus Putra Yadnya, Ni Ketut Alit Ida Setianingsih ....149

Code switching Used by Naila on Her YouTube Channel: Naila Farhana

Kadek Yuda Wardana, Luh Putu Laksminy, Made Detriasmita Saientisna  154

The Used of Online Learning Method in Acquiring Children's English Vocabulary

at English Buzz Bali

Ni Putu Manik Masuci  162

Pedoman Penulisan Naskah dalam Jurnal Pustaka



P-ISSN: 2528-7508 E-ISSN: 2528-7516


Susunan Redaktur PUSTAKA :

Penanggung Jawab Dr. Made Sri Satyawati, S.S., M.Hum.

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Dr. Bambang Dharwiyanto Putro, S.S., M.Hum.

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I Nyoman Aryawibawa, S.S., M.A., Ph.D.

Dr. Dra. Ni Made Suryati, M.Hum.

Dr. Dra. Ni Ketut Ratna Erawati, M.Hum. Zuraidah, S.S., M.Si.

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Foto sampul oleh I Gede Gita Purnama & I Putu Widhi Kurniawan

Code switching Used by Naila on Her YouTube Channel: Naila Farhana

Kadek Yuda Wardana1, Luh Putu Laksminy2, Made Detriasmita Saientisna3

  • 1,2,3English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University

Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia

Correspondence Email: 1[email protected], 2[email protected], 3[email protected]


Alih kode merupakan sebuah fenomena dimana seseorang mengganti bahasanya ketika berbicara. Fenomena ini biasanya digunakan oleh para remaja yang mampu berbicara dalam 2 bahasa atau yang sering disebut bilingual, dan Naila, seorang YouTuber dari Indonesia adalah salah satunya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisa tipe dan fungsi dari alih kode yang diucapkan Naila dalam salah satu video YouTube-nya yang berjudul “Belajar Bahasa Asing OTODIDAK kayak Fiki Naki”. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan teori tipe-tipe alih kode dari Poplack (1980) dan teori fungsi bahasa alih kode dari Appel & Muysken (2005), penelitian ini menemukan bahwa semua tipe alih kode dan semua fungsi bahasa alih kode digunakan oleh Naila dalam videonya ini dengan tipe Intra-sentential dan fungsi metalinguistik paling banyak digunakan olehnya.

Kata kunci: Bilingualisme, Alih Kode, YouTube, Naila Farhana


Code switching, a phenomenon wherein a person shifts or alters their language into another language in an utterance or sentence. It is a common phenomenon in our society. According to Grosjean (1984), “Code-switching involves the complete shift to the other language for a word, a phrase, a sentence, or an utterance". It happens around us, but we are often not aware of this phenomenon. Code switching is generally used among the young people to increase their prestige and nobility when they are speaking by switching into another language when they are speaking. Code switching has many varieties and each of it has its own function on an utterance. For instance, by using code switching, the speaker wants to emphasize a thing when they’re speaking. We could find someone using code switching on oral communication anywhere, at home, at school, at work and other places as well. One most recent phenomena of code switching were happening in Indonesia, called Jaksel (Jakarta Selatan) accent. The teenagers, especially from south of Jakarta, often mixed their language Bahasa Indonesia with English on their utterance. Code switching phenomenon also has been spread to social media which makes code switching popular around the world. Since media social is one of many platforms for people doing code switching, YouTube is the most popular site for people doing

it. As the definition of YouTube, according to Duffy (2008), “YouTube is a popular video sharing website where users can upload, view, and share video clips”. Many YouTuber, people who uploaded video on YouTube site, has done code switching on their videos, and the young YouTuber form Indonesia, Naila Farhana, is no exception for this. She has done a lot of code switching on her videos and one of them is on her most viewed video entitled “Belajar Bahasa Asing OTODIDAK kayak Fiki Naki”. The problems that will be the concern of this research are:

  • 1.    What are the types of code switching that Naila used on her video entitled “Belajar Bahasa Asing OTODIDAK kayak Fiki Naki”?

  • 2.    How are the functions of code switching Naila uttered on that video?

Research Method

The primary data source of this research is one of the Naila YouTube video on her channe, Naila Farhana, entitled “Belajar Bahasa Asing OTODIDAK kayak Fiki Naki”. This video was uploaded on December 4, 2020 and currently has more than 340.000 views and 16.000 likes. This video was about discussing the current viral video from Fiki Naki who are able to learn and speak in

many languages and Naila were giving tips and advice for the viewer so they can learn languages like Fiki Naki too. The research method of this reseach is using qualitative method. Stated by Creswell (2016) in his book, qualitative research is used to solve research problems of individuals or groups that mostly come from social or human problems. The data then were collected by using purposive sampling technique for only take Naila utterances that contain code switching on it. The collected data in this research then analyzed starting from identifying the code switching utterances on the video then analyzing the types of code switching found using Poplack’s theory. Furthermore, the data was also identified by using Appel & Muysken theory of code switching function to find out its speech function in the utterance. Finally, making a conclusion based on the analysis that has been done. While for the method and technique of presenting data, data that has been analyzed by using the theories above then presented descriptively. Descriptive explanation is needed in this research to makes reader understand the detail of the founded data and its explanation after analyzed.

Findings And Discussion

In this research, the theory of code switching types by Poplack (1980) will be used to analyzed the types of code switching that were founded and while for the analysis of function of code switching, this study will use the theory by Muysken and Appel (2005). Total of 38 Naila utterances that contain code swithcing on the video were founded those data will be analyzed by using both theories mentioned earlier.

  • 1.    Code Switching Types

Many types of code switching have been proposed by many scholars, and one of them is the type of code switching by Poplack (1980). In his book, Poplack distinguished code switching into three types, tag switching, intra-sentential code switching and inter-sentential code switching.

  • A.    Tag Switching

Poplack defines tag switching as the switch involving the insertion of a tag language into an utterance which is entirely spoken in another language (You know, I mean, etc). Code switching can be a form of a tag, an exclamation, or a parenthesis in another language that is

inserted in the sentence. A tag is a word that is added to a sentence to emphasize, an exclamation is a word to express sudden surprise and Parenthesis is a word, phrase or sentence that inserted as an extra explanation into a passage which would be incomplete without it. On the video entitled “Belajar Bahasa Asing OTODIDAK kayak Fiki Naki”, Naila uttered 6 utterances that contains code switching with tag switching types. The examples of these utterances can be seen below:

Example 1 / Data 2/ 00.33

“Dan of course, ini aku harus omongin dong”

Naila utterances on 00.33 in her video show the example of tag code switching. “Dan of course, ini aku harus omongin dong” She insert a tag in English language by saying “of course” on her utterance. As the definition of tag code switching by Poplack (1980), which describes tag switching involves insertion of a tag in one language into an utterance. The insertion of tag word “of course” in the middle of Naila utterance can be categorized as tag switching.

Example 2/ Data 22/ 08.01

“Misalnya kamu tipe orang yang suka gaming, kamu bisa belajar inggris itu dari forum game atau dari discord atau dari apa sih... emm... I don't know gaming... biasanya kamu bisa ngomong sama strangers on the internet karena like multiplayer... I don't know, I don't know, I'm not a gamer okay?

We can see from Example 2 on Data 22, Naila is doing code switching using tag function at the end of the utterance. The form of tag she used in this utterance is a tag question. Tag question is a type of short question that were added at the end of an utterance that asking about clarification or permission. The tag question she said is in English language which is in the clause ‘I'm not a gamer okay?’ By giving a tag question, she’s clarifying herself as not a gamer to the viewer so she didn’t really know about gaming stuff. Hence, the types of code switching in this data is tag switching because she uttered a tag question.

  • B.    Intra-sentential code switching

Intra-sentential code switching occurs when the alternation of language used is below sentential boundaries. The shift appears in the

middle of a sentence, with no interruptions, hesitations, or pauses to indicate a shift. The speaker is usually unaware of the shift. Intra-sentential type is the code switching types that Naila used the most on the video. With total of 24 times this type was used by Naila on the video. The examples of explanation based on the theory for this type can be seen as follows:

Example 1/ Data 4/ 02.11

“Jadi kita langsung mulai aja, tapi sebelum itu make sure to follow Instagram "Nailingua" karena disitu aku sering posting berbagai tips.”

As Data 4 present, Naila has done an intra-sentential code switching because she altered her language on her utterance in a form of a clause. The English clause “make sure to follow” were a code switching that put in the middle of Indonesian sentence Naila utter “Jadi kita langsung mulai aja, tapi sebelum itu make sure to follow Instagram "Nailingua" karena disitu aku sering posting berbagai tips.” This obviously categorized as intra-sentential code switching since the code switching were not separated by full stop.

Example 2/ Data 9/ 02.50

“Pasti dibilangnya, I don't know I just like languages.

When Naila wants to answer previous question that she explained, she switched her language at the end of her utterance. The utterance on the Example 2 in Data 9 says “Pasti dibilangnya, I don't know I just like languages.” contain intra-sentential code switching as Naila said the English clause “I don't know I just like languages.”. It can be seen that the English clause is in the same sentence with the Indonesia language, therefore it can be categorized as intra-sentential code switching.

  • C.    Inter-sentential code switching

Inter-sentential switching involves a switch between a clause or sentence boundary, where each clause or sentence is in one language or another (Poplack, 1980). Inter-sentential switching switches the part of utterance wider than the tag switching, in the form of a clause and/or a sentence. This can be occurring at the beginning or the end of a sentence. Eight data that contain this type of code switching were founded uttered

by Naila on the video. as for the example of those eight data, it can be seen below:

Example 1/ Data 3/ 00.45

“Dan menurut aku ini interesting banget karena sekarang aku juga lagi belajar bahasa Spanyol, so I think it's really fun to see another YouTuber doing it too and he went viral.

Poplack (1980) defines inter-sentential code switching as code switching that occurs on two sentences or clauses that separated by sentence boundaries in the same discourse. Sentence boundaries can be in form of period, commas, or conjunction. Like in the Example 1 in Data 3, the sentences are in two languages that separated by a sentence boundary. The first sentence is in Indonesian “Dan menurut aku ini interesting banget karena sekarang aku juga lagi belajar bahasa Spanyol” and the second sentence is in English “I think it's really fun to see another YouTuber doing it too and he went viral.”. the two sentence are combined together by conjunction “so”. In result, the code switching types Naila used in the Example 1 Data 3 is inter-sentential code switching.

Example 2/ Data 26/ 08.48

“Kalian gak perlu jauh-jauh harus tinggal di luar negeri untuk fasih sebuah bahasa asing. Because the tools that you need to improve your language learning skills is just right at your doorstep.

Naila give her viewer word of wisdom to motivate them learning languages. The word of wisdom she gave is in English which mean Naila has done another code switching in the video. She said it in a new sentence after explained the meaning of the word of wisdom in Indonesia beforehand. The word of wisdom is “Because the tools that you need to improve your language learning skills is just right at your doorstep.” and it meaning were explained in Indonesian “Kalian gak perlu jauh-jauh harus tinggal di luar negeri untuk fasih sebuah bahasa asing.”. Because of the word of wisdom and its meaning were in separated sentence, the code switching can be grouped into inter-sentential code switching type.

  • 2.    Code Switching Functions

Appel & Muysken (2005) divided code switching function into six: referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic

function, metalinguistic function and poetic function. All six functions are used by Naila spread through the video.

  • A.    Referential Function

This function occurs when the speaker lacks of knowledge of a subject in one language, so the speaker shifts the language of that subject into another language. It can also occur if the language chosen fits more in another language for the subject in the discussion. The speaker who are using this function of code switching is really aware that they are doing a code switching since they purposively change their first language into the second language when speaking. As on this video, Naila used this function 9 times. Examples of Naila uttered code switching using this function on the video can be seen below:

Example 1/ Data 15/ 05.29

“Banyak banget komen yang komplain, "iya nih gue udah bisa ngerti bahasa Inggris, udah bisa baca, udah bisa dengerin tanpa subtitle, tapi giliran gue ngomong tuh nge-blank. Gue gak bisa ngomong apa-apa gitu".”

Data 15 show Naila using referential function on her code switching on the word ‘subtitle’. English word ‘subtitle’ if translated into Indonesian become ‘anak judul’ or ‘sub judul’ which is rarely used by Indonesian people. Indonesian people prefer using the English word ‘subtitle’ rather than ‘sub judul’ since the word ‘subtitle’ is usually used and paired with foreign movie or film. So they listen and used ‘subtitle’ more because it’s identical with foreign language (usually English) in a movie or film. Therefore, the word ‘subtitle’ were chosen in the utterance because it’s easier to understand by the viewer than using its Indonesian word that they rarely heard of.

Data 17/ 06.17

“Nah nomor 3 adalah resourcefulness. Nah apa maksudnya resourceful? Ini artinya pinter-pinter mencari jalan keluar. Ini maksudnya apa yah... pinter ngakalin gitu, cerdik.”

Data 19/ 07.14

“OmeTV itu aslinya ga dibuat untuk belajar bahasa, tapi karena Fiki Naki itu resourceful atau cerdik atau bisa ngakalin, dia pake OmeTV untuk ningkatin skills bahasa asingnya.”

The case in Data 17 and Data 19 is Naila lack of knowledge of Indonesian translation of the word ‘resourceful’. Although, she tries to find the meaning of that word immediately and she comes with the word ‘cerdik’, however ‘cerdik’ not the closest meaning of the word ‘resourceful’. If translated into Indonesian, the English word ‘resourceful’ mean ‘banyak akal’ and its noun word ‘resourcefulness’ become ‘akal’ in Indonesian. While the word ‘cerdik’ closest meaning is ‘clever’ or ‘dodgy’. Due to the lack of vocabulary of it, Naila said the meaning of word ‘resourceful’ is ‘cerdik’ instead. So what happened here is the code switching functioning as referential function because Naila couldn’t find the Indonesian word of ‘resourceful’.

  • B.    Directive Function

This participant-related function of codeswitching aims to include or exclude a person from a part of a conversation such as by using a familiar or foreign language to that person. In purposes to the person with that language joined as a participant or exclude them in the interaction or conversation. The sole purpose of directive function is either to make other people understand what is going on in the conversation or make them don’t understand what is being talked in the conversation to make the conversation keep secret. The speaker switched her language in the middle of the conversation or discourse so other participant either could understand or not understand the conversation.

In this Naila video entitled “Belajar Bahasa Asing OTODIDAK Kayak Fiki Naki”, the researcher found 4 utterances that used this type of code switching. This is probably due to the whole video only contain monologue from Naila, while this function is more fit to conversation that has three or more participants. So this function is hardly found in a monologue discourse. One example of she used this function is as follows:

Data 5/ 02.11

“…disitu aku sering posting berbagai tips. And now we're gonna get to the video.”

In the data 5, it can be seen that Naila is using directive function on her code switching, by saying “And now we're gonna get to the video.” This utterance is code switching that uttered by Naila to invite her viewer to keep watching the

video since she wants to start the main discussion of the video. As she said this, she wants to include the viewer to join her discussing about Fiki Naki method by commenting on the comment section. Meanwhile, the directive function that purpose to exclude person was not being used because it might drive away her viewer to not watching the video and she doesn’t want that to happen.

  • C.    Expressive Function

Expressive function occurs when the speakers use more than one language to stress their self-identity or feelings to others in the conversation or utterances. Using this function, the speaker wants to express his/her feelings by switching their language into second language. The emotion that expressed in second language are depends on the speaker. It might be anger, sadness, or happiness. In the Naila case, she wants to share her feelings to the viewer by altering her language in the video. This function applied 4 times on the video, as examples on:

Data 3/ 00.45

“Dan menurut aku ini interesting banget karena sekarang aku juga lagi belajar bahasa Spanyol, so I think it's really fun to see another YouTuber doing it too and he went viral.

Here, Naila express her happiness to able to find another YouTuber that learned so many languages, especially Spanish, just like her. There’s two words that indicate Naila is feeling happy on the video. The first word is ‘interesting’ and the second word is ‘fun’. Both word is used by people when they are feeling happy. Therefore, the utterance on Data 3 is consisting expressive function on its code switching.

Data 37/ 12.02

So Fiki if you're watching this, good luck, mudah-mudahan you will get it very soon. Um, yeah and I would love to collab with you very soon and I can teach you a little bit of Spanish. I think it would be super fun and I'm looking forward to it.

This utterance happened at the end of the video. In this utterance, Naila is talking about her future plan and hoping for Fiki Naki YouTube account can be recovered. Once again, Naila express her happiness towards code switching utterance. She expressed her happy feeling as she

said the word ‘love’ and ‘super fun’ on the utterance in the Data 37. She also shown her excitement if she’ll be able to make collaboration video on YouTube with Fiki Naki. Her excitement is expressed on the clause ‘I’m looking forward to it’. So, the code switching on Data 37 is functioning as expressive function.

  • D.    Phatic Function

Phatic function happens when the speaker tries to keep communication channels open by switching the language. Phatic function also used to emphasize the words that is important in the utterance. People who using this function to emphasize something usually only switch the language only on that word alone. By emphasizing only on some word using phatic function, the speaker hope that the listener would be aware of that word.

While the content of the video is giving tips and advice about how to learn language individually like Fiki Naki, Naila also do some phatic function on her utterances. This function can’t be avoided since Naila wants to give the viewer important tips and trick to learn language, so to make sure her viewer gets the important message of her utterance, she’s using this function. Therefore, six utterances are using this function on its code switching and one of the example is as follows:

Data 7/ 02.30

“Dalam komunitas poliglot, dimana banyak orangorang yang bisa ngomong berbagai bahasa, ini adalah sesuatu yang sangat common gitu. It's very common to people to likes learning languages.

Naila is someone who are able to speak two or more languages at the time. So she is very well-know about polyglot community, community where most of the people who are able to speak more than two languages, and the people on it. Here, she is saying that peoples in polyglot community is commonly likes to learn language. Then she emphasizes the word ‘common’ twice on the Data 7 utterances to show that it’s an important aspect of her utterance. She even repeats the Indonesian utterance she just said to make sure that the important massage is delivered to the viewer, which is it’s common to people in polyglot community to likes learning languages. Another example of Naila using phatic function is shown on:

Data 11/ 03.21

“Dan kalo misalnya kalian suka melakukan suatu hal, kamu pasti bakal pengen terus-menerus melakukan itu dan akhirnya lebih sering practice, lebih sering meluangkan waktu untuk melakukan hal itu dan akhirnya bisa menjadi fasih atau bisa menjadi mahir gitu.”

On the data 11, Naila told her viewer that if they like to do something, they’ll find time to do it and then they’ll repeat it again and again until mastered it. The key word is the word that Naila switched her language into English, the word ‘practice’. Naila wants to underline word ‘practice’ because it’s important thing to do if someone wants to learn something until they can. Because it’s very important, Naila used phatic function when uttered it in her discourse.

  • E.    Metalinguistic Function

Metalinguistic function refers to the case where the speaker makes explicit references to one of the languages involved, either it directly or indirectly refers to it. The metalinguistic function purposes are to impress the hearer about the speaker linguistic skill by switching the language to second language when speaking. This function is almost similar with referential function. The difference is, when a person doing code switching with metalinguistic function, he/she doesn’t lack of knowledge of the words that switched into second language. People who use this function simply wants to show off their linguistic skill that they’re able to speak in two or more languages.

This function also founded on the video. Naila who are able to speak more than two languages, especially Indonesian and English, show her speaking skills to the viewer to impress them. She also doing it to make the viewer trust her ability to speak in two languages so the advice and tips she gave will be trusted and valid. So, this function is the most frequent used by Naila on the video, with total of 12 times of all 38 data founded. The example of Naila doing this function on the video is shown as follows:

Data 20/ 07.23

“Dan ini adalah hal penting yang aku juga omongin di online course aku, sumber itu banyak untuk dipake biar bisa ningkatin skills bahasa Inggris kamu.”

Here we can see that Naila switched her language to English on the words ‘online course’ and ‘skills’. Actually in this utterance, Naila is trying to promote her online course that contain a lot of material that can help to learn languages, especially English languages. To show that her English course can help learning English, she’s switching her language when saying the word ‘online course’ and ‘skills’. In reality, she could just say ‘kursus online’ instead of ‘online course’ and ‘kemampuan’ instead of ‘skills’.

Data 31/ 10.16

“Nah dan yang aku lihat dari video-videonya dia, dia itu sering ngomongin hal-hal kayak ‘oh loe lagi ngapain’, ‘itu lagi makan apa?’, "itu dari mana?" atau gak ‘eh itu situasi di negara loe tu kayak gimana?’ atau mungkin dia juga flirtingflirting sedikit.”

Naila tries to explain the topic that Fiki Naki usually talks about on OmeTV with strangers. Then at the end of her utterance she put English word ‘flirting-flirting’. Flirting if translated into Indonesian mean ‘menggoda’, however the word ‘menggoda’ in Indonesian perspective has negative meaning. She knew about it and decided to switch her language into English whereas it wouldn’t have negative meaning. So metalinguistic function is applied here.

  • F.    Poetic Function

Phoetic function refers to when a speaker changes the language when they tell jokes or use word-play in another language, or when they try to avoid taboo words and phrases in the main language used in the particular conversation. It’s also used to quote someone else words or giving word of wisdom in another language. Because some quote or word of wisdom can’t be translated into one language, either because there’s no quotation that has equal meaning or the word become ambiguous if translated, it’s easier to directly quote the word in its original language.

The topic of this video is about how to learn languages individually like what Fiki Naki does. Therefore, Naila gave some word of wisdom or pearl word in the video in purpose to motivate the viewer to learn languages. The word of wisdom she gave is in English language. So, Naila has done 3 utterances contain code switching that using poetic function as its function. One of the example can be seen below:

Data 24/ 08.28

“Jadi kalian itu sebenarnya udah punya sumber banyak yang bisa kalian pake buat ngelatih bahasa Inggris kalian atau bahasa asing kalian. It doesn't matter the tools that you have, but what matter is how you use it.

Here we can see that Naila tries to give word of wisdom about the topic that currently she discussed about. The word of wisdom is in English sound ‘It doesn't matter the tools that you have, but what matter is how you use it.’. When saying it, Naila are discussing about the tools that can help someone to learn languages. By saying the word of wisdom, Naila are meant to say that no matter how good or bad the tools that you had, as long as you use it right, it can help you to learn languages because even Fiki Naki is able to use the tools that aren’t meant to learn language (OmeTV) to help him learning languages. Since the code switching takes place in the word of wisdom Naila delivered, then the function of code switching applied here is poetic function. Another example of Naila said code switching with poetic function is as follows:

Data 26/ 08.48

“Kalian gak perlu jauh-jauh harus tinggal di luar negeri untuk fasih sebuah bahasa asing. Because the tools that you need to improve your language learning skills is just right at your doorstep.

Data 24 shown that Naila explained about someone didn’t need to go to a foreign country to learn their language. Naila said that all the things that you need to learn language is already in front of your eyes. Now it’s depends on you to how to use it so you can learn languages from it. Naila start her utterance in Indonesian language by saying ‘Kalian gak perlu jauh-jauh harus tinggal di luar negeri untuk fasih sebuah bahasa asing.’ Then she shifted her language into English by giving word of wisdom to continue the Indonesian sentence she just said earlier by saying ‘Because the tools that you need to improve your language learning skills is just right at your doorstep.’ The poetic function is used here since Naila switched her language when she said the word of wisdom in English language.


From the result of the research, it can be seen that on the video, Naila used the three types of code switching that was defined by Poplack (1980) namely tag switching, intra-sentential code switching, and inter-sentential code switching. With intra-sentential code switching is being the most often types code switching that Naila used by 63%, followed by Inter-sentential code switching with 21% and tag switching is the least frequent types used with just 6 utterances out of 38 utterances that contain code switching in this video entitled “Belajar Bahasa Asing OTODIDAK Kayak Fiki Naki”.

As for the second question about the function of code switching that Naila uttered; by using the theories from Appel & Muysken (2005) which divided code switching functions into six: referential function, directive function, expressive function, phatic function, metalinguistic function, and poetic function; Naila is used all the six function on her utterance in the video. Each function has its own reason to be used by Naila. Referential function, with 23% frequency usage in the video, is used when Naila didn’t know or forgot the appropriate Indonesian word that she wanted to say. Directive function that occurred 4 times in the video was used by Naila to invite her viewer to join her discussing Fiki Naki methods of learning languages. While expressive function that is the same frequency with directive function is being used for Naila expressing her feelings and emotions through her utterance that includes code switching. When Naila wants to emphasize something that she thinks is the most important part of her utterance, she’ll switched her language into English and that’s when Naila used phatic function on her 6 utterances in the video. As for metalinguistic function, Naila used it when she wanted to impress the viewer with her linguistic skills in both languages, Indonesian and English. Metalinguistic function is being the most often code switching speech functions uttered by Naila in this video. Lastly, Naila used poetic function three times when she gave words of wisdom that help to motivate her viewer.

Intra-sentential type of code switching is types that Naila used the most in the video. This might because of the characteristic of this type that didn’t required a very fluent grammar when switching to another language. This code switching type is indeed the easiest to use in the

utterance rather that the other two types, the speaker just need to shift their language in the middle of the utterances. While for the speech function, metalinguistic is the most used and followed by referential function. Naila, is indeed, want to show her language skill to her viewer in order to makes them believe that she’s competent and mastered both language so her tips and advice is trustworthy to be followed. In the other hand, referential function is the second most used function Naila uttered. This is probably because Naila grow and live for a long time in other country compared with live in Indonesia. These might affect her vocabulary and fluency on speaking Bahasa Indonesia. Even on the early videos in her channel, she used a full English language in the video.


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