
Suardana I Wayan, Susrami Dewi I G A


“Tourism is one of the development activities with high growth prospects. The concern for poverty in touristdestinations becomes the attention of scholars, tourist components, and tourists. Attempts which were made toeradicate poverty, among others are : to engage and make the community as tourism subjects who participateddirectly in alleviating poverty. One district in Bali that support and develop tourism is Karangasem regency. The slowpace of the community in participating in tourism, caused by mental attitude of the society who don’t have idea howto get out of the poverty cycle, so the motivation to work productively still low. There is a positive influence on thedevelopment of tourism on the economic changes of society, especially livelihood. Tourism provides an opportunitychange people’s livelihood that increasingly widespread. The development of the first advanced society has a rolein influencing other people to change mental motivation to work better. Utilization of skills as a fisherman is offsetby enhancement of opportunities for diving tourists, which can be utilized as a sideline to supplement their incomeopportunities.”


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How To Cite

I WAYAN, Suardana; I G A, Susrami Dewi. DAMPAK PARIWISATA TERHADAP MATA PENCAHARIAN MASYARAKAT PESISIR KARANGASEM:PENDEKATAN PRO POOR TOURISM.PIRAMIDA, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 2, dec. 2015. ISSN 2685-788X. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 11 No 2 (2015): JURNAL PIRAMIDA



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