Dissociative Identity Disorder In K. Webster’s Novel Whispers And The Roars
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24843/ling.2022.v29.i02.p01
p-ISSN: 0854-9613 e-ISSN: 2656-6419
Vol. 29 No.2
Dissociative Identity Disorder In K. Webster’s Novel Whispers And The Roars
Fira Rosa Nasution1, Hidayati2
1(English Department, Faculty of Language and Communication/ Universitas Harapan Medan, Indonesia)
2(English Department, Faculty of Language and Communication/ Universitas Harapan Medan, Indonesia) E-mail: [email protected]1, [email protected]2
Abstract--This research aimed to study a literary work, generally it focuses on certain or special factors of literary works such as moral, aesthetic, behavioral, society, environment, psychology, etc. This thesis deals with psychological literature approach. Psychological approach works on character psychological aspect in literature. The main purpose of this study is to analyze psychological aspect especially Dissociative Identity Disorder mental illness on novel Whispers and Roars by K.Webster. The research objective is to find what kind of multiple personalities and what caused the Dissociative Identity Disorder. The theory of this research is psychological literature. The methodology of this research is descriptive qualitative method. The analysis are collected from the texts in the novel that related to Dissociative Identity Disorder. The main character has suffered from bad experiences that made her unconsciously create and alter inside her head. Each alter triggered from different kind of experiences. The result of this thesis is the kinds of multiple personalities the main character had in mind. There are avenger personality, protector personality, child personality, and persecutor personality.
Keywords: Dissociative Identity Disorder, Psychological Literature, Psychoanalysis Criticism
Abstrak--Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sebuah karya sastra, umumnya berfokus pada faktor-faktor tertentu atau khusus dari karya sastra seperti moral, estetika, perilaku, masyarakat, lingkungan, psikologi, dll. Skripsi ini membahas pendekatan psikologi sastra. Pendekatan psikologis bekerja pada aspek psikologis karakter dalam sastra. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis aspek psikologis khususnya gangguan jiwa Dissociative Identity Disorder pada novel Whispers dan Roars karya K.Webster. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menemukan kepribadian ganda seperti apa dan apa yang menyebabkan terjadinya Dissociative Identity Disorder. Teori penelitian ini adalah psikologi sastra. Metodologi penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Analisis dikumpulkan dari teks-teks dalam novel yang berhubungan dengan Dissociative Identity Disorder. Karakter utama telah mengalami pengalaman buruk yang membuatnya secara tidak sadar menciptakan dan mengubah di dalam kepalanya. Setiap alter dipicu dari berbagai jenis pengalaman. Hasil dari tesis ini adalah jenis kepribadian ganda yang ada dalam pikiran tokoh utama. Ada kepribadian pendendam, kepribadian pelindung, kepribadian anak, dan kepribadian penganiaya.
Kata Kunci: Gangguan Identitas Disosiatif, Sastra Psikologis, Kritik Psikoanalisis
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Literature known as written work that has purpose to inform, educate and mostly to entertain. According to Wellek and Warren (1963: 22)
Literature seems best if we limit it to the art of literature, that is, to imaginative literature. It is also produced by the author imagination. Literature is not just a document of facts and not just a collection of real thought events that might occur in real life. To study a literary work, generally it focuses on certain or special factors of literary works such as moral, aesthetic, behavioral, society, environment, psychology, etc. This thesis focuses on psychological factors in literary works. Literary psychology pays attention to problems related to the mental elements of fictional figures contained in literature. These aspects of humanity that become the main object of literary psychology because it is only in humans that these psychological aspects are grafted and implanted. According to Ratna (2004:344) literary psychology research is carried out in two ways. First is through psychological undesrtanding theories then, an analysis of a literary work is held. Second is by first determining a literary work as the object of research, then psychological theories are determined which are considered relevant to carry out the analysis.
The relationship between literature and psychology dimension in literary work is very significant because both of them deal with human beings and their reactions, perceptions of the world, desires, miseries, fears, wishes, conflicts and reconciliations, individual and social concerns. Endraswara (2003: 96) literary work viewed as psychological phenomena, the psychological aspects appear through the characters if the text likes drama or prose. According to Endraswara (2011: 96) literary psychology is a literary
approach that views literary works as a psychological activity. The first and main theory is the psychoanalytic theory by Sigmund Freud. Psychoanalysis is one of the modern theories that are used in English literature (Hossain, 2017:11). Psychoanalytic criticism is a form of literary criticism that uses several psychoanalytic
techniques to interpret literary works. Psychoanalysis itself is a therapy form that aims to cure mental disorders by investigating the conscious interaction and unconscious elements in the mind. The researcher intends to present a psychological approach in literary research and wants to explore some important issues related to psychology. The researcher analyzed the psychological aspects by the personalities of the main character. As this work focus on Dissociative Identity Disorder the main character have.
This research is based on descriptive qualitatively. This research focuses on the analysis or interpretation of the written material in context which is a method of research that attempt to describe and interpret the objects in accordance with reality. Source of data is from the novel entitled Whispers and the Roars by K. Webster that published on December 6th 2016. The novel consists of 279 pages.
The data of this research are taken from selected texts in the novel Whispers and the Roars related to dissociative identity disorder and the causes of dissociative identity disorder having by the main character. The followings are the data collection methods: documentation is intended to obtain data directly from the research, including relevant books, studying, reporting on activities, relevant research data. However, in this research the writer obtained data documentation from the novel to research, the writer read and underlined the important things from the short stories such as the information that can be used.
Creswell (2009:3) states that research design is plans and the procedures for research to detailed methods of data collection and analysis. The steps collected the data are as the following (1) Reading the novel Whispers and The Roars by K. Webster repeatedly, (2) Understanding novel Whispers and The Roars by K. Webster, (3) Taking notes on important plots and character personality of the novel about Dissociative Identity Disorder and (4) Analyzing the data using Critical
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psychological approach combine with kinds of Dissociative Identity Disorder.
Researcher showed the results of the research, and the goals of the research was Kady’s multiple personalities that depicted in the novel and to analyze what causes the Dissociative Identity Disorder itself. This part contains the discussion about how many and type of personalities in Kady based on the investigation and interpretation towards hers deeds and behaviors within the novel.
The kind of personalities or usually called alter in this illness that Kady has is discussed as the following:
This dissociative identity disorder alter holds the rage of childhood abuse and may seek retribution of the abuser and they tend to express the anger of the entire system and can be hostile. In this novel, the identity has this personality name Bones.
Bones is Kady’s first alter or first personality that show up inside Kady and an avenger personality. Bones is a alter that almost the dominant personality other than Kady. Bones is a boy that usually go out without shirt on and sometimes bad manner but Kady consider him as best friend. It’s usually Kady’s lover, Yeo that describe him as such those things.
“Arrogant. Balsy. Doesn’t give a damn about rules or logic or reason. And my best friend (Webster, 2016:18)”.
“He shoulder is leaned up against the wall and his shirt is gone as usual. It irritates me that he walks around half naked every time I see him. (Webster, 2016:21)”.
The describer of Bones and all of the alter in Kady was done by Yeo, Kady’s best friend but
also a lover. Yeo describe them by showing the pictre to his family of the personalities tht he hd collected for years for better understanding of each personalities. It also Yeo that labeled each personalities that has what role. Bones as the avenging personality is what Yeo concluded after some research. Bones usually came out when its hard time for Kady to deal people. Bones had different attitude to Kady. Bones as the avenger alter had to be more braver than Kady. It it shown that Bones does not have shy personality because he does not wearing any shirt everytime he showed up.
These alters can be of any age and were created to save real people from intolerable situations. These Dissociative Identity Disorder alters are often braver and tougher than the original personality. Agatha, aunt Suzy and Officer are these type of personalities.
Agatha is an old lady that has role as the protective one. She do the cooking and mostly dealing with people. Agatha role more like a grandmother to Kady’s that always caring for her.
“Neat brown hair pulledinto a bun. Bright blueeyes hidden behind bifocals. A kind, gentle smile on her face, (Webster, 2016:175)”.
The describer of Bones and all of the alter in Kady was done by Yeo, Kady’s best friend but also a lover. Yeo describe them by showing the picture to his family of the personalities that he had collected for years for better understanding of each personalities. It also Yeo that labeled each personalities that has what role. Bones as the avenging personality is what Yeo concluded after some research. Bones usually came out when it is hard time for Kady to deal people. Bones had different attitude to Kady. Bones as the avenger alter had to be braver than Kady. It is shown that Bones does not have shy personality because he
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does not wearing any shirt everytime he showed up.
Aunt Suzy
Aunt Suzy is the second alter that act motherly. It show that Kady’s really missed the affection of a mother that this alter came to live. Aunt Suzy almost like Agatha, hat cring for the household. She was the one who always buy the groceries.
Aunt Suzy
“She’s like an aunt. Suzy is an extreme coupon cutter. It is my understanding tht Suzy is the mother that Kady never really had. Her own mother was a shell and under her father’s thumb until he squashed her for once and all. Suzy is the one who shops for the family and rnd errands. (Webster, 2016:178-179)”.
Suzy liked to take care of the household where Kady’s live. She liked to shop with discount, cooks for Kady, and also clean the house. The motherly figure that Kady lost at very young age, that’s why Kady created it in her head.
Officer Joe
Officer Joe is the third protective alter. He shown as the one who make Kady’s feels save in her own mind because not all her alter is a good alter. Kady’s unconsiouness thought that she will be harmed and made protective alter that has enough power to stop it.
“This is Officer Joe, I tell them pointing at the figure staring back, dark aviator shades over his eyes. He’s serious and stern but protectives can be. He’s also a protective alter. After Normand killed her mother, Officer Joe was her side promising to keep her safe. (Webster, 2016:180-181)”.
Officer Joe as a police figure give sense of save feeling in Kady’s head. He is described as a very protective over Kady. Because his purpose is to protect Kady from any danger that happen to Kady’s life. Yeo concluded that Agatha, Aunt Suzy, and Officer Joe as the protector alter because
he observed those personalities as the one that take care of Kady. Officer Joe usually showed up when Kady felt unsafe. Agatha showed up when it is time to cook. Aunt Suzy showed up when it is time to shop.
These alters came about to deal with the abuse the original personality that could not tolerate. This personality may be referred to as a little if the alter acts seven years or younger. Persley is the younger self of Kady.
Persley is a little girl alter. She shown up as a child and make a change of Kady’s unhappy child to be happier. She always buy ice cream and has a knowledge of child.
“Cute brown pigtails. Wide blue eyes.
A crooked, Sticky grin on her face. (Webster, 2016:175)”.
“We’re having ice cream. And you’re going to persley. Sweetest little nine year old girl you’ll ever meet. Be nice.
I warn. (Webster, 2016:105)”.
Persley shown as a nine year old little girl that living in Kady’s body. She is cute and loves to eat Ice cream. Its show that Persley not really a little girl. She is just a little alter.
These alters are modeled after the abuser. Persecutor alters create negative messages blaming the original identity for the abuse and telling them they need to die or pay for it. Often the host will act on these negative messages and self-harm or even attempt suicide. Kanneth is the persecutor part of Kady.
Kanneth is a suicidal alter. After such bad experience in Kady’s childhood, Kanneth alter shown as self pity and self destroyer in Kady’s mind. He always try to do harm to Kady’s body.
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“I say with hiss as I flip the page, is what they call a self-destroyer alter. He’s depressed and self-harm. I can’t even look at his face. In the picture, he is staring at the knife in his hand as he runs it across his thigh. (Webster, 2016:181)”.
Kanneth is Kady’s self-harm alter because of her guilt. Kanneth shown likes to cut Kady’s body. He is shown as a depressed guy that likes to inflict pain to himself, since the body belong to Kady and he is not a real person, Kanneth hurt Kady unintentionally. The Cause of Dissociative Identity Disorder in Kady as the Main Character Kady’s past experiences are what caused the Dissociative Identity Disorder happened. Kady had some bad things happened in her childhood that make her traumatic and make all those alter in her mind unconscious. Bad childhood that Kady experiences happened in series of events that made her not only have one alter but several alter at way to protect her from the real world. Those experiences is discussed in the following:
In study Psychological Literature, Dissociative Identity Disorder has been widely conducted by some researcher. Dissociative Identity Disorder mental illness are important to analyze to find what kind of multiple personalities through novel Whispers and Roars by K.Webster.
From the research results, it can be seen the kinds of multiple personalities the main character had in mind and in this part the discussion is about the series of event that caused Kady’s unconsiousness make all those alter. This will be categorize as two part, the dominant alters and the not dominant one. The dominant alters that almost taking care full of Kady’s life and the not dominant one that just a circumstantial in Kady’s life and not be told too much in the novel.
The dominant alters are Bones and Agatha. The avenger alter and the protective alter. The not dominant alter are Pesley, Aunt Suzy, Officer Joe, Kanneth.
Bones is alter that has a role to avenge the things that Kady’s father did to her. Bones depicted as a boy who arrogant and don’t give a care to what people think. He showed up at the time Kady got beaten by her father.
“Kady, Daddy slurs as he falls face first onto my bed.
I shudder at how close he is. He stinks. Daddy always stinks. I hate how he smells. I’m sleepy. I don’t want to cuddle, I tell him bravely.
At this, he laughs darkly. Daddy’s laughs are scary. I hate his laughs. His fingers tickle at my ribs. I hate his tickles. Nothing about his tickles make me laugh.
Kady baby, he murmurs, nuzzling his nose into my hair. You always make Daddy better, though.
I swallow and a single tear streaks down my cheek. His fingers are no longer tickling. They stroke up and down my arms in a way that used to soothe me. Now, it terrifies me. I hate his fingers.
I don’t feel good, I lie, hoping he’ll leave me alone. But he never does anymore. Every night he comes into my room so I can help him feel better.
Is my nurse sick? he slurs. Should I be the nurse tonight?
More tears roll out.
Let me feel your heartbeat, he murmurs, so I can make sure my patient is okay.
His fingers slip under my gown and I shudder, thankful they bypass my panties and flutter over my chest. He grunts behind me, pressing something hard into me. I’m afraid one day he’ll do something terrifying with that thing. Something painful.
You seem perfectly okay to me, he says. But maybe I should check
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everywhere just to be sure. Make sure you don’t have any broken bones or anything.
I wish I could break his bones.
The thought, so evil and quick, has me confused.
He’s my daddy. I can’t hurt my daddy, can I?
But my daddy hurts me…
Please, God, help me.
He’s not my Daddy.
I search my dark room for the person belonging to the voice. Fierce but young. A boy. Brave unlike me.
Who are you? Why are you in my room? I demand, searching the darkness. I’m embarrassed for this boy to see the way my daddy touches me. Please leave.
Daddy’s fingers stop just over my belly button. Who the fuck are you talking to? I know you’re not talking to me. His voice is a menacing growl.
I’m Bones, the boy says from the shadows. And what your daddy is doing ain’t right. Want me to stab him? Yes.
I want you to stab him.
No, I lie. Go away. My whispered words only anger my daddy.
Kady. Kady. Kady.
I don’t want to be in this room where my daddy does things that make my skin crawl. I don’t want to be in this room where the boy named Bones watches what happens to me late at night when all the lights go out.
I’m sobbing with my eyes slammed shut when I hear the sounds. Slapping and hitting and grunting in anger. Bones is fighting with my daddy.
You’ve lost your damn mind! Daddy snaps.
I rock and murmur to myself in an attempt to fade away completely. I
don’t want to be here. I want to be far, far away from here.
Go hide, Kady, Bones tells me, his voice firm and fierce. I’ll find you when it’s over.
Minutes or hours pass, I’m not sure.
But when I reopen my eyes, Daddy is gone. I flick on my lamp and am horrified to find blood on my sheets.
I kicked him in the nose, Bones says, his tone triumphant.
I search for the boy, but he’s hiding too well. Where are you?
Always watching. Always waiting.
Always wanting to help. Tonight is the first time you let me.
I don’t know you. Where are you?
He laughs. Right behind you, Kady.
Always right behind you. I have your back.
Frightened tears roll down my cheeks. I look down at my nightgown and am thankful it’s still on me. That my panties are still on my body. Bones protected me.
Thank you.
It was nothing, he says shyly.
I swallow and shake my head. It was everything. You saved me from him.
The room grows quiet and I fear he left. Bones? Please don’t leave me!
His warmth cloaks me and I can feel his smile. I’m yours now. I’ll never leave. Not ever (Webster, 2016: 166169)”.
He was the one that show up when the Kady got the beaten from her abusive father and always tries to fight back not just to her father but also to anyone that try to harm Kady. Kady didn’t have any friends growing up beside Bones. She always feel protective offer Bones and don’t want to lose him. Kady I’d play apart in that area. Having Bones help her to escape the pain that was caused by her father and give Kady happiness and painless experience when the beaten start. To hide behind another alter Kady just suffered mental
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illness by making Bones inside her head to endure the pain and not what is the normal people usually do.
“Kady, go back to bed, Bones says with a grumble from behind me. If he sees you…
I turn to look for my friend. I don’t see him. I never see him. But I always hear him.
What if he hurts Mommy again? I ask tearfully.
Bones’s warmth cloaks me from behind. I feel comforted and safe with him behind me. What if he hurts you again?
A cold, sick feeling pours over me. It reminds me of how we watched that science video in class.
The seagulls that had become covered in oil from a spill in the ocean. How the slippery black substance was glued to their tiny bodies. No way to get it off except to scrub and scrub and scrub.
I wish someone would scrub the feeling off of me.
Daddy is dirty and scary.
He poisons me from the outside.
Something crashes in Mommy’s room making both Bones and I jump.
Go back to bed, Kady, he urges, a slight panicked tone in his voice. Bones is never scared. If Bones is frightened, I should be terrified.
But Mommy… Go!
Bones roars sometimes.
His roars make me run. (Webster, 2016: 194-195)”.
In this part of novel, the ego part and the id had and argument. Kady’s knows that eventhough it was Bones that endure the pain from her father, it is still her body. Bones in order to survive Kady’s has to let some of the control slip away. That’s when the superego went in and compromise.
“As soon as Kady scampers off into the shadows, I fist my hands and charge into her momma’s bedroom. Fear threatens to tear my chest in half but it’s my duty to protect Kady. She’s so small and so innocent. Her stupid daddy tries to hurt her. I hate him.
Well, well, well, Norman’s deep voice growls. And who do we have here? A lamp turns on and I see his giant form looming beside the bed. Kady’s daddy looks bigger than he did the last time we saw him. His eyes are darker and wild. By the way he says, I know he’s drunk (Webster, 2016: 195-196)”.
After Kady went to the unconsiousnes, superego part are on consciousness and unconsciousness. Kady’s let Bones took control to endure the pain. When the id made Bones, Kady ego knew it was wrong but the superego need to put Kady’s survival in first place.
Agatha and aunt Suzy
Kady’s childhood was full unhappiness. She has gone through some bad experiences and o one practically caring for her. Her mother was always afraid of her father.
“Her own mother was a shell and under her father’s thumb until he squashed her for once and all (Webster, 2016: 178)”.
After her father killed her mother, Kady’s longing for someone to take care of her. She missed her mother and her grandmother and no one to take that spot so Kady unconsciously made a protective figure in her mind to fill the spot as a mother.
“My shoulders fall in defeat. I skim the room and my gaze falls on a picture of Bones and Ruth. I know it’s Bones in the picture because his face is orange with Cheetos residue. Bones tell you Ruth passed away?
My gaze reverts back to hers and she frowns.
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Kady is devastated. Tears well in Agatha’ s eyes. She waves her book to dry them. Come sit, kiddo.
Agatha, this new persona dressed in Ruth’ s clothes but looking so much like my Kady, instantly crawls her way inside my heart. I fall to my knees at her feet and hug her middle. (Webster, 2016:274)”.
The text shown the new person, Agatha, came after her grandmother Ruth passed away. She longing the love that she get from her grandmother that she made another alter unconsiously. Aunt Suzy as the protector alter also play part in taking care of the house groceries and buying Kady clothes like Kady’ s mother used too.
“He sips at his iced tea and then lets out a whistle. Miss Suzy, I must say that is quite a deal.
Coupon cutting was a fad, I thought. But here you are still saving your family lots of money. That’ s admirable (Webster, 2016: 225)
I flick my gaze down to the bulging wallet full of coupons that sits between us. I’m glad some things never change. Aunt Suzy makes sure Kady eats, and for that I am grateful (Webster, 2016: 27)
What in the world? I mutter to myself as I snatch up the black dress. Aunt Suzy? Did you buy me a dress? (2016:39)”.
Agatha and Suzy shown to the people that took care of Kady. They cooked, bought groceries, and clean the house. Kady Id had desire to have someone to care for her. This part or alter does not have her ego play part. Her super ego knew that she needed someone to look after her after her grandmother and mother
passed away. The one alter that could communicate directly with Kady is only Bones. Kady ego is on Bones mostly because he is the one that can communicate with her and can organize the alter from inside Kady’ s head.
Presley is the child alter in Kady’ s character. She is not have much story told in the novel. She was shown as the younger self of Kady, same experience as Kady what used to have. Kady’s Id want that her younger self can handle the abused she could not handle before.
“Then, she turns to my dad. I’m Presley, she sticks out a sticky hand to shake my father’s. What’ s your name?
Dad is stiff and unmoving. But when Presley’ s smile falls, he sits up, offering his hand. She shakes it, beaming at him. I’m Fletcher.
Fletcher, she tries the word out on her tongue. Do you think I look like a puppy or a horse? She doesn’t let go of his hand. When she stands, his eyes widen for a moment. Her mouth goes to his ear as she whispers loudly. Say horse.
Um, he says, his voice gravelly and unsure before darting a confused glance my way. Horse? She shrieks and let is go of his hand so she can point at me. Ha! Told you so. You stink, Yeo. Fletcher is my new friend. Her lashes flutter in that innocent way that makes everyone’ s heart around her melt as she flits her gaze to Dad. Aren’ t you?
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He’s uncomfortable but he’s not being rude. Progress. Yeah, I guess. I’m your friend.
With a triumphant glint in her eyes, she continues licking her cone cone. Why are you out here alone? I question, my eyes narrowed.
She shrugs her shoulders but gets a faraway look in her eyes. Daddy hurt Mommy again. She couldn’ t get ice cream with me.
I had to go alone.
A low growl in Dad’ s throat startles me. I flicker my eyes over to him. He now sits with his elbows on his knees, leaning toward her. Sweet, magnetic Presley.
Did your daddy hurt you, nugget? I ask.
Melted green ice cream runs down the back of her hand. Her lip wobbles at my question. No.
Dad and I both sense the lie. He, surprisingly so, is the first to respond. Who’s abusing you? The tone of his voice is protective. I’m shocked.
Her tear-filled glassy blue orbs find his Daddy. Always Daddy (Webster, 2016: 117-118)”.
Kady unhappy childhood made her had a desire to be able to rewind her younger self. She was hoping that she can feel the happiness of a child again. It is shown that in adult body, Kady had a personality of a little girl from hoe she acted and how she talked. Kady desire of the younger self shown her id. She unconsciously created Persley in her head. But even the ego still take part of this process. Kady still remember about her father.
Officer Joe
Officer Joe is one of the proactive alter. He does not appear that much in Kady’s life. Officer Joe was made by Kady unconsciously after her father beat her mother to death. Kady thought she need a protection from bad people.
“Kady Bug?
The warm voice is right there in my ear but I don’t dare open my eyes.
I’m Officer Joe. Are you okay?
He asks. The man sounds nice. I wish he’d hug me and promise me Mommy will be okay.
You’ re safe now. He can’t hurt you anymore.
I want to believe the nice man. Where is Daddy?
He’s going to jail for a long time.
Peace settles over me knowing we won’t have to fear Daddy anymore. Mommy will be safe from his hits. Me and Bones will be safe from the bad stuff he does. And Grandma will be safe too (Webster, 2016: 260)”.
Kady created officer Joe after she lost her mother due to the beaten that her father gave to her mother. She did not feel save after what she was witnessing. To have a police in her head, she thought she will be save from whatever danger that could come. This is a prove that Kady needed a protection since she was a kid due to so much abuse that she experienced. She unconsciously created a form of police officer as official figure that can make his father locked away in her head.
Kanneth shown as the persecutor alter. He is told always did self harming
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in Kady’ s body. Kanneth was made in Kady’ s mind because Kady thought she was not enough for her family, so she felt guilty about what happen in her family. Though Kanneth is not told that much, he made appearance once in the novel.
I know this because his weapon of choice is gripped firmly in his hand.
Naked and sitting cross legged on the bed.
Kenneth loves his weapons.
I’d recognize his destructive self from a mile away.
Bones! I yell at Kenneth, hoping to reach him.
Kenneth lazily raises his impassive gaze to mine. Blood runs down the inside of his thighs. He’s been slicing what seems to be words amongst the already cigarette burn scarred flesh.
What have you done? I seethe, my body tense and poised to pounce. I’m afraid to move though in case he digs the razorblade in too deep. That’ s not your body to destroy.
He lifts his droopy gaze to mine and frowns. Kenneth is always in another world. Every time he sees me it’s as if I’m a figment of his imagination. Confusion sets in and his hand holding the razorblade begins to tremble. Get out of my head! All of you!
It’s you who needs to go, I growl as I take a slow step toward him. Give me the razorblade (Webster, 2016:207)”.
Kanneth is part of Kady that felt guilty over what happened to her family so it’s a depression from what happened in
the past. The depressed Kady created another alter as the self-destroyer. It is shown that Kanneth likes to cut Kady’ s body part. He is the depression in Kady’s head to prove the impact of the abused that Kady experienced.
Kady as the main character of the novel Whispers and the Roars by K. Webster. Kady has mental illness called Dissociative Identity Disorder. She suffered from really bad childhood experiences that made her unconsciously made multiple personalities in order to survived any bad things or events that she already felt. The character of Kady is shown by the interaction of her and her multiple alters also with some other side character. The multiple personalities she has formed because different kinds of events. Each events had different result of personalities or alter in Kady’ s head. Kady’s avenger alter called Bones, appear after Kady got beaten from her father. Her father is a very cruel man that has been abusing Kady and her mother since Kady was a child until he went to prison after killed Kady’s mother. Kady’ s feeling to fight her father back created an alter in her head, Bones as an avenger alter. Every time Kady afraid and something likely going to be very bad, she switch to Bones unconsciously. Kady’ s protector Alter are Agatha, aunt Suzy and officer Joe. These alter has sense to protect Kady or more like care for Kady. Agatha as a grandmother figure always cleaning the house. Aunt Suzy as the mother figure always feeding Kady.
The longing of her mother and her grandmother is what made Kady create these two alter, When officer Joe is an alter to protect her from her father. To have a police figure in her head make her feel saver. Her childhood was hard so she
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also made her younger self alter, with hope she could deal with the abuse better than she was when she was a kid. There also bad alter called Kenneth. Kanneth is self harming alter. Kady feel guilty because of what happened in her family. Because her father always want a boy kid, Kady felt she wasn’ t enough and make Kanneth alter in her head as the result of guilty.
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Discussion and feedback