Translating English-Indonesia Authentic Text Entitled Osaka

Fransiskus Sanur

ITDC Nusa Dua-Peninsula Resort

[email protected]


This paper aims to identify and describe the procedures of translation of Osaka in Garuda Magazine, the translation strategies employed, and how to find out the form and the occurrence of seven procedures of translation which proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet in 1995. Seven types of translation procedures have been identified and can be further categorized into two methods of translation, namely direct or literal translation and oblique translation. The result of data analysis shows that some of the procedure proposed by Vinay and Darberlnet occurs. Most of the data are translated using translation procedures, which are borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation.

Keywords: direct or literal translation and oblique translation, Translation Procedures


The activity of transferring message by written language is translation. Whatever the difficulty in the translation process and methods, it must aim at the essence of the message and faithfulness to the meaning of the source language text being transferred to the target language text.

This analysis is focused on analyzing translation of the text entitled Osaka by using translation procedures proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet in 1995. Seven types of translation procedures have been identified and can be further categorized into two methods of translation, namely direct or literal translation and oblique translation.

Therefore, the problems of analysis can be stated to what kinds of translation methods are used in translating English-Indonesia of the text entitled Osaka and how to analyze them. Thus, based on the analysis problems, aims of this analysis are formulated as follows: in order to identify and analyze the kinds of translation methods used in translating English-Indonesia of the text entitled Osaka.


  • 2.1  DATA SOURCE

The data was taken from a magazine entitled Osaka provided with English and Indonesia translation. This study is focusing on translation procedures. The method used for collecting data was note taking, and there were some steps taken to collect the data. It was started with identifying the translation procedures found in the story, then taking note and comparing the data in SL and TL on translation procedures. The collected data was then analyzed by using the theory of translation by Vinay and Dalbernet (1958).


According to Brown and Rodgers (2002:6), before anything useful can be done with the research data, this data has to be compiled. Compiling data means putting all the data together in one place in such a way that you can easily analyze and interpret them. The method of collecting data in this study was observation method. The observation method was applied by thoroughly observing the source language of the text entitled Osaka and its translation in the target language. This method of observation was implemented at once with the implementation of note-taking technique (Sudaryanto, 1993: 135). The note-taking technique was used to identify and classify the data based on the methods of translation, in order to formulate the analysis. The data collected in this study were primary data since they were directly collected from the data source by using the observation method and note-taking technique. The first step was a close reading of the source language text and that of the target. All instances of methods of translation in the source language and their translations in the target language were underlined and noted down and then taken as data for the analysis. Then, the occurrences of methods of translation are classified based on types of methods of translation as proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (1995).


The data were quoted from the SL texts and TL texts by using observation method and note taking technique. The process of collecting data was done based on some procedures, such as: reading the SL texts and the TL texts several times in turns to find out any information of translation procedures in the text, identifying the data and classifying them based on each translation procedures by making notes both of SL and TL texts, and analyzing the data.


The collected data was analyzed by using qualitative methods. Qualitative method is used to analyze the data based on each translation procedure. The data collected were analyzed descriptively. They were classified according to the types of translation procedures which were proposed by Vinay and Darbelnet (1995). After identifying the data, data will be classified on each type, and provide its description.


Vinay and Darbelnet (in Venuti, 2000: 84-93) divide two methods of translation namely direct or literal translation and oblique translation. The procedures belong to direct translation are borrowing, calque and literal translation; while transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation procedures are categorized as oblique translation. The analysis of the qualitative data can be seen as follows:

  • 3.1    BORROWING

Borrowing is the simplest of all translation methods to overcome an unknown concept in the culture of the TL. Borrowing is applied to introduce the flavor of the SL culture. The decision to borrow SL word or expression to introduce an element of SL is a matter of style, but at the same time it may have significant effects on the message contained. For example, the English word radio, bank is translated into radio, bank in Indonesian.

  • (3.1)    SL      : Universal Studios Japan

TL     : Universal Studios Japan

Here the phrase Universal Studios in SL was still translated in Universal Studios in TL. It clearly shows that they were borrowed purely (pure borrowing) of SL.

  • 3.2  CALQUE

A calque is a special kind of borrowing whereby a language borrows an expression form of another, but the translator translates literally each of its elements. A foreign word or phrase is translated and incorporated into another language. The result can be categorized into two types; the first one is lexical calque which respects the syntactic structure of the TL while introducing a new mode of expression. For example, the English phrase honeymoon is translated into bulan madu in Indonesian. The second type of calque is called structural calque which introduces a new construction into the language. For example, the English term prime minister is translated into perdana menteri in Indonesian.

  • (3.2)    SL     : Garuda Indonesia flies from Denpasar to Osaka vv 7 times per week.

TL     : Garuda Indonesia melayani rute Denpasar-Osaka pp 7 per minggu.

Here the word vv (vice versa) is translated in pp (pulang pergi) in target text.


Literal translation is word for word translation, which is the direct transfer of a source language (SL) text into a grammatically or idiomatically appropriate target language (TL) text in which the translator task is limited to observing the adherence to the linguistic servitudes of the TL.

  • (3.3)    SL      : In keeping with its reputation as one of Asia's top theme parks

TL     :Untuk menjaga reputasinya sebagai salah satu taman rekreasi paling wahit di Asia

Asia’s top theme parks

Here the italic words were translated literally from SL into TL.


Transposition involves replacing one word class with another without changing the meaning of the message. There are two types of transposition, namely obligatory and optional transposition. Obligatory transposition occurs when the TL has no other choices because of the language system. For example, medical student is translated into mahasiswa kedokteran (Machali, 2009: 96). There is a change in the word class since the adjective medical in the SL is translated into a noun kedokteran in the TL. An optional translation is a transposition that for the sake of style can be chosen by the translator if it fits better into the utterance. For example, the pronoun she can be translated into a pronoun dia or into a noun phrase wanita itu to avoid ambiguity.

  • (3.4)    SL     : From Osaka classic such as okonomiyaki (pan-fried batter) and takoyaki (octopus

dumplings) to fine-dining establishments serving the best quality foie gras

TL     : Dari okonomiyaki (gorengan dari tepung) dan takoyaki (bakso berisi gurita) hingga

restoran fine dining yang menyajikan foie gras (hati bebek)

The phrase foie gras in SL formulates as modifier + head, In TL formulated as head + modifier. Other examples of the use of similar phrase, is in fine dining (fabulous food) that fine-dining establishments in SL was translated into restoran fine dining.


Modulation is a variation of the form of the message, obtained by a shift in the point of view. This change can be justified when the close translation results in a grammatically correct text, but it is considered unsuitable, unidiomatic or awkward in the TL. For example, the sentence I cut my finger is translated into Jariku teriris. It is an example of shift in the point of view since there is a structural change from active voice into passive voice.

  • (3.5)    SL       : From Osaka classic such as okonomiyaki (pan-fried batter) and takoyaki (octopus

dumplings) to fine-dining establishments serving the best quality foie gras

TL     : Dari okonomiyaki (gorengan dari tepung) dan takoyaki (bakso berisi gurita) hingga

restoran fine dining yang menyajikan foie gras (hati bebek)

The word establishments in SL was translated into restoran in TL. The word establishments in SL is equivalent with pembentukan, pendirian, yayasan, perusahan in TL. However it was translated into restoran.


It is often desirable for the translator to use an entirely different structure with different meaning from that of SL text so long as it is considered appropriate in the communicative situation equivalent to that of the SL. For example, the proverb don’t cry over spilt milk is translated into nasi sudah menjadi bubur. The translation has different structure and meaning from the SL, but it is considered equivalent in the TL.

  • (3.6)    SL     : okonomiyaki (pan-fried batter) and takoyaki (octopus dumplings)

TL     : okonomiyaki (gorengan dari tepung) dan takoyaki (bakso berisi gurita)

In SL okonomiyaki (pan-fried batter) is equivalent with okonomiyaki (gorengan dari tepung), takoyaki (octopus dumplings) is equivalent with takoyaki (bakso berisi gurita) in TL. Similar example to this is the phrase vise versa/vv in SL is equivalent with pulang pergi/pp in TL.


This procedure is adopted when the object or situation referred to in the SL is unknown in the TL culture. In such case, the translator has to create a new expression for a new situation that can be considered equivalent. For example, the expression as white as snow is translated into seputih kapas to make the translation familiar to the target readers.

  • (3.7)    SL      : foie gras


    : hati bebek

Here the word foie gras is translated to hati bebek in TL text. Acording to Wikipedia, foie gras is derived from French language that means fat liver, which is a luxury food product made of the liver of a duck or goose that has been specially fattened.


The result of data analysis has found several procedures in the English-Indonesia translation text entitled Osaka in Garuda magazine. Two methods of translation are direct or literal translation and oblique translation. The procedures belong to direct translation are borrowing, calque and literal translation; while transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation procedures are categorized as oblique translation. Furthermore, most of the data are translated using the translation procedures. Those translation procedures are borrowing, calque, literal translation, transposition, modulation, equivalence, and adaptation.


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Universal Studios Osaka


In keeping with its reputation as one of Asia’s top theme parks, Universal Studios Japan is upping the ante even further by offering visitors a very special seasonal even this autumn. The Universal Surprise Halloween will see Zombies roaming the park and there will be spooky treats galore to enjoy. Hurry though, because this only lasts until November 11, 2012.


Untuk menjaga reputasinya sebagai salah satu taman rekreasi paling wahit di Asia, Universal Studios Japan mengadakan “Universal Surprise Halloween”. Hati-hati karena sejumlah Zombi akan berkeliaran di taman ini sampai dengan 11 November 2012.

Dotombori Arcade


Osaka is rightly renowned for its fabulous food and Dotombori Arcade is the city’s self-styled cuisine hub, a spot that is much loved by both professional and amateur foodies alike. From Osaka classic such as okonomiyaki (pan-fried batter) and takoyaki (octopus dumplings) to fine-dining establishments serving the best quality foie gras , Dotombori has it all.


Osaka akan terkenal akan makanannya dan Dotombori Arcade yang merupakan tempat terbaik untuk mencicipi aneka masakan khas Osaka. Dari okonomiyaki ( gorengan dari tepung) dan takoyaki (bakso berisi gurita) hingga restoran fine dining yang menyajikan foie gras (hati bebek), semua ada disini.

Osaka Castle


Originally built by one of Japan’s most famous warlords, Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Osaka castle is a true testament to this warrior leaders power. Enjoy a fascinating spin-back through Japanese history and don’t forget to cheek out the superb views of down-town. Osaka offered up on the castles eighth-floor observation deck, as well as the castle’s beautiful grounds.


Toyotomi membangun istana Osaka untuk menunjukan kekuasaannya. Sempat dihancurkan dan dibangun kembali selama bepuluh-puluh tahun, kini istana ini memiliki beranda di lantai ke delapan yang menampilkan pemandangan kota Osaka.



Garuda Indonesia flies from Denpasar to Osaka vv 7 times per week. The city’s well-designed and integrated public transportation system should suffice for exploring the city in convenience and comfort.


Garuda Indonesia melayani rute Denpasar-Osaka pp 7 per minggu. Anda cukup menggunakan transportasi umum Osaka yang tertata baik.