The Procedure Applied in Translating Jargon in English Parliamentary Debating into Indonesian

Ni Luh Putu Krisnawati

English Department, Faculty of Arts, Udayana University

[email protected]


At present, competition regarding English debating is a common thing. All countries are competing in the World Debating Competition either for high school or university level. The spread of this “popular culture” has made other country to adopt the English debating system and translate that system into their native language. However it cannot be denied that there are also many jargons that need to be translated into the native language without changing the meaning. This research is focused on the jargons of the English parliamentary debating and its translation into Indonesia. The aims of this study are to identify the jargons in English parliamentary debating and its equivalence in Indonesia and also to know the procedures used in translating the jargons in English parliamentary debating into Indonesia. The theory used for this study is the theory proposed by Peter Newmark (1988) regarding the procedure of translation. The findings shows that they are five procedure of translation used in translating the jargons of English parliamentary debating into Indonesia namely literal translation, functional equivalent, couplets, transference, and naturalization.

Keywords: translation, English parliamentary debating, translation procedure


At present, English parliamentary debating has become a popular culture among students in high school or university level. Through debating, students are not only required to be an educated generation but also master the problem-solving abilities. Debate culture is able to bridge the exchange of views between one another peacefully without involving any physical confrontation in it. Furthermore, a qualified debate culture will be able to bring and encourage people to think systematically and to use all their minds to compare their views and to provide enormous opportunities for concrete and rational solutions to problems. Thus, debating bring a positive atmosphere to promote peace and deliberation.

The importance of English parliamentary debating system has made the Minister of Education in Indonesia aware to adopt the system and make a debating competition in Bahasa Indonesia known as Lomba Debat Bahasa Indonesia (LDBI). The rules and jargon from English parliamentary system are translated into Indonesia. Jargon is a collection of words or specific terms used by a group of people, in which the words are only understand by those who joined the group (Fromkim and Rodman, 1979).

Based on the above explanation, this study analyzes the jargons used in English parliamentary debating and its equivalence into Indonesia and also to know the procedure used to translate those jargons.



According to Newmark (1988:81) translation procedure are the ways used by the translator for translating SL (words, phrase, terminologies, text) into TL. They are eighteen procedure proposed by Newmark, they are:

  • 1.    Transference is the translations process of transferring the foreign word from SL to TL without any change at all.

  • 2.    Naturalization is the translations procedure that adapts the SL word first to the normal pronunciation and then to the normal morphology.

  • 3.    Cultural Equivalent is the translation procedure in translating a cultural word in the SL with a TL cultural word.

  • 4.    Functional Equivalent is the translation procedure that translates a word in the SL with a functional equivalent TL words. This procedure is applied for cultural words that require the use of culture-free word or sometimes with a new specific term.

  • 5.    Descriptive Equivalent is the translation procedure that uses description in translating SL to TL.

  • 6.    Synonymy is the translation procedure that uses word in SL which has the nearest equivalent in the TL.

  • 7.    Through Translation is the translation procedure for translating common collocations, names of organizations, the components of compounds and phrases.

  • 8.    Transposition is a translation procedure involving a change in the grammar form SL to TL.

  • 9.    Modulation is the translation procedure which changes the point of view from the SL to the TL.

  • 10.    Recognized Translation is the translation procedure that translates the accepted translation of any institutional term.

  • 11.    Reduction and Expansion is translation procedure used by the translator to add or omit elements in translation.

  • 12.    Paraphrase is the translation procedure whereby the translator replaces a word in the SL by a group of words or an expression in the TL.

  • 13.    Literal Translation is translating the SL to the TL by word per word technique. Normally, literal translation should be used only when they are already recognized terms.

  • 14.    Couplet is a translation procedure that uses more than one procedure to deal with single problem.

  • 15.    Compensation is a translation procedure whereby the translator solves the problem of aspects of the SL that cannot take the same form in the TL by replacing then aspects with other elements or forms in the SL.

  • 16.    Note is the translation procedure that inserts additional information a translator may have to add to his version of TL from SL.

  • 17.    Componential Analysis is the translation procedure that comperes a SL word with a TL word which has a similar meaning but it is not an obvious equivalent by demonstrating first their common and then their differing sense components.

  • 18.    Generalization and Particularization is the translation procedure which translate the SL to TL either to have more general or specific meaning.


Jargon is defined as technical words in a particular field of knowledge used by a particular group of people, but the words are not confidential. Jargon is formed because of certain communities or groups that combine multiple languages to form a new language (Keraf, 2001: 24). The use of jargon is very limited and often cannot be understood by the general public or society outside the group.


Bogdan and Taylor (1975) define a qualitative methodology as a research procedure that produces descriptive data in the form of written words. Therefore, this research is a qualitative descriptive research by using data in the form of translated text. The data source of this study was taken from the guideline book on debating for NSDC (National School Debating Competition) and LDBI (Lomba Debat Bahasa Indonesia) issued by the Minister of Education and Culture the Republic of Indonesia. The data were collected by identifying and note taking the jargons in English parliamentary debating and its translation into Indonesia. Then the collected data were compered to find the meaning of the jargons in SL and TL. Lastly, the data were analyzed by using the theory proposed about Peter Newmark (1988) in order to know the procedure used in translating the jargons.


Data 1

SL     : Adjudicator

TL      : Juri

In data 1 above, the SL word adjudicator is translated into the word juri in the TL. Adjudicator and juri both have the same meaning that is a person who judges a debate competition and gives a critical evaluation, resulting in the reward of marks. The procedure used to translate the jargon is literal translation because the SL word is recognized in the TL.

Data 2

SL     : N1

TL     : N1

In data 2, the jargon N1 in the SL is translated into N1 in the TL by means of transference procedure because there is no term for N1 in Indonesian. N1 in the SL means a prospective adjudicator provide by the team joining a debate competition and must join the adjudicator accreditation to know their quality of assessing a debate.

Data 3

SL     : Best Speaker

TL     : Pembicara terbaik

The jargon best speaker in the SL means the debater with the highest score in terms of manner, matter and method that comes from any team competing in the debate competition. The TL jargon pembicara terbaik also have the same meaning as the jargon in the SL that is a debater with the highest speaker points. Since the jargon in the SL is known in the TL the translation procedure applied is literal translation.

Data 4

SL     : Impromptu motion

TL     : Mosi Impromptu

Data 4 above uses the couplets procedure in translating the jargon from SL to TL, namely transference and literal translation. Transference is applied in translating the word impromptu which means done without being planned or organized and literal translation is applied in translating the word motion in the TL into mosi in the SL, which both TL and SL means a statement, idea or policy that is disputed. Therefore both the SL and TL jargon have the meaning that is debating a statement, idea or policy without being planned.

Data 5

SL     : Reply

TL     : Pidato Kesimpulan

In data 5, the SL jargon reply is translated into pidato kesimpulan in TL. Reply in the TL means a speech that is intended to review major issues of the debate, showing both team positions and proving why your team’s arguments are superior. In TL pidato kesimpulan also have the same meaning as the SL word. The translation procedure used is functional equivalent since both SL and TL have the same function in a debate competition.

Data 6

SL     : Motions

TL     : Mosi

In the data 6, literal translation is applied in translating the word motion in the TL into mosi in the SL, which both TL and SL means a statement, idea or policy that is disputed in a debate competition by both the proposition and opposition team.

Data 7

SL     : Time Keeper

TL     : Time Keeper

The jargon time keeper in SL is translated by using transference procedure in the TL into also time keeper. The SL jargon is being transferred directly to the TL without any changes or known as pure borrowing. Both the SL and TL jargon have the same meaning that is a person who is responsible for keeping the time during a debate, times how long a speaker deliver their speech during a debate and also giving signals by ringing a bell or clipping to show the time starts or ends.

Data 8

SL     : Chairperson

Both the jargon in the SL and the TL have the same meaning that is a person who presides over a meeting, in the case of debating competition a chairperson will open the debate, explain the rules in conducting a debate, and introduce the speakers of both team. The procedure used to translate the SL to TL is the transference procedure because it takes the foreign terms without any change.

Data 9

SL      : Tabulator

TL     : Tabulator

In data 9 above, the jargon tabulator in SL is transferred directly without any change in the TL into tabulator too, therefore the procedure of translation used is transference. Both the SL and TL jargon for tabulator have the same meaning that is a person who is responsible to input the scores of all speaker and team.

Data 10

SL      : Tabulation

TL     : Tabulasi

Naturalization procedure is applied in translating the SL word tabulation into tabulasi in the TL because it adapts the word in the SL into the normal word in the TL in terms of morphology and pronunciation. Both the SL and TL jargon have the same meaning that is the results from a tournament stating everyone's scores and team and individual rankings.

Data 11

SL     : Chief Adjudicator

TL     : Ketua Dewan Juri

In SL the jargon chief adjudicator is the person who is responsible the set the motion for the debating competition, organizing the adjudicator pool and resolve any judging dispute during the debate. In the TL, ketua dewan juri also have the same function as chief adjudicator in the SL. Since chief adjudicator in SL in a word recognized in the TL as ketua dewan juri, thus the translation procedure applied is the literal translation.

Data 12

SL      : Invited Adjudicator

TL     : Juri Undangan

Both the jargon in data 12 above has the same meaning that is a judge that is being invited by the chief adjudicator to adjudicate a debate competition that are very experienced in debating or a former excellent debater and comes from different education background. The translation procedure the used to translate the jargon in SL to Tl is literal translation because it is a known concept in the TL culture.

Data 13

SL     : Victory Point

TL     : Poin Kemenangan

The SL word victory point is translated into poin kemenangan in the TL. Both the SL and TL jargon have the same meaning that is the number of victory earned by a team in the preliminary round. Literal translation is applied for the procedure because the SL term is known in the TL.

Data 14

SL     : Margin

TL     : Marjin

Margin is translated into marjin in Indonesia. Both the SL and TL have the same meaning that is the amount of score which differ from one team to another. The translation procedure applied is the naturalization because it adapts the SL to the normal pronunciation in the TL.

Data 15

SL      : Chair

In data 15 above, the translation procedure to translate the SL jargon chair into the TL jargon chair is the transference procedure since the word in SL is transferred directly to TL without any changes. The jargon chair in debating means an adjudicator who is responsible for the panel of adjudicator and trainee, run the discussion between the adjudicators after the time is over, fill in the ballot, decide the winner of the debate, announce the results and provide verbal assessment.

Data 16

SL     : Panel

TL     : Panel

In data 16 above, the jargon panel in the SL is translated also into panel in the TL, thus the translation procedure applied in the transference procedure since the word in SL is being transfer directly to the TL without any changes. The jargon panel means an adjudicator that has been accredited and fulfills a satisfactory mark from the chief adjudicator. Panels are allowed to give suggestion to the chair but not allowed to make any decision regarding the winner in a debate.

Data 17

SL     : Trainee

TL     : Trainee

Transference procedure is applied in translating the jargon trainee in SL into trainee in TL since the SL is transferred directly into the TL without any change. Both the SL and TL jargon have the same meaning, a trainee is an adjudicator that has been accredited but do not fulfill a satisfactory mark to be a panel adjudicator. Trainees only observe and take notes about the debate.

Data 18

SL      : Points of Information

TL     : Interupsi

In data 18, the SL jargon points of information is an interjection offered to the speaker by a member of the opposite team, signaled by standing up and making a noise of some sort, it can be in the form of asking a question or contributing n information. It has the same function as the act of interrupting. Thus, the SL jargon is translated into interupsi (interruption) in the TL because when someone is conducting an interruption in the meeting they will perform the same action and body language as doing points of information. Since the functions of the word are the same, the translation procedure applied is functional equivalent.

Data 19

SL     : Swing team

TL     : Swing team

The jargon swing team in SL is also translated into swing team in the TL, thus it can be said that the translation procedure used is transference because the SL word is borrowed directly into the TL. Therefore, the SL and TL have the same meaning that is a team that is not eligible to break, but has instead been inserted into the competition to ensure that the total number of team is even.

Data 20

SL      : Rebuttal

TL     : Sanggahan

In data 20 above, the jargon in SL rebuttal is translated into sanggahan in TL. The jargon in SL is a known concept in the TL since it has the same meaning that is explaining and proofing that your opponent’s arguments are wrong. Therefore the translation procedure used in translating the SL to TL is literal translation.


From the above findings and discussion, it can be concluded that the procedure applied in translating the jargon of English parliamentary debating into Indonesian are literal translation, functional equivalent, couplets, transference, and naturalization.


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