
Afina Syifa Alfafa, I Gusti Ngurah Dharma Laksana


“Tujuan penulisan artikel ini ialah mengetahui bagaimana keabsahan perjanjian jual beli online serta mengetahui bagaimana perbuatan-perbuatan yang melanggar dalam perjanjian jual beli online menggunakan sistem metode cash on delivery (COD) terkait dengan KUH Perdata. Metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, konseptual dan analitis dipergunakan dalam menulis artikel ini. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini, syarat sahnya perjanjian jual beli online menggunakan sistem cash on delivery (COD) sama dengan perjanjian konvensional yaitu wajib memenuhi unsur dalam Pasal 1320 KUH Perdata. Perbuatan-perbuatan yang melanggar dalam perjanjian jual beli online dengan metode cash on delivery (COD) antara lain: 1). Prank paket COD, 2). Pembeli menolak bayar, 3). Barang tidak sesuai pesanan. Akibat dari perbuatan tersebut dapat dilakukan pembatalan perjanjian, meminta ganti rugi atas wanprestasi maupun perbuatan melawan hukum. Kata Kunci: Perjanjian, Cash On Delivery (COD), KUH Perdata ABSTRACT The motive of writing this article is to discover how the validity of the web sale and purchase agreement and discover how the actions that violate the web sale and purchase agreement using the cash on delivery (COD) method are related to the Civil Code. Normative legal research methods with legislative, conceptual and analytical approaches are used in writing this article. The results of the analysis of this study, the legal requirements for online buying and selling agreements using the COD system are the same as conventional agreements, namely that they are required to meet the elements in Article 1320 of the Civil Code. Actions that violate the online sale and purchase agreement with the cash on delivery (COD) are examples: 1). Prank COD package, 2). The buyer refused to pay, 3). The goods do not match the order. As a result of these actions can be done cancellation of the agreement, requesting compesation for default or tort. Keywords: Agreements, Cash On Delivery (COD), Civil Code”


Perjanjian, Cash On Delivery (COD), KUH Perdata ABSTRACT The motive of writing this article is to discover how the validity of the web sale and purchase agreement and discover how the actions that violate the web sale and purchase agreement using the cash on delivery (COD) method are related to the Civil Code. Normative legal research methods with legislative, conceptual and analytical approaches are used in writing this article. The results of the analysis of this study, the legal requirements for online buying and selling agreements using the COD system are the same as conventional agreements, namely that they are required to meet the elements in Article 1320 of the Civil Code. Actions that violate the online sale and purchase agreement with the cash on delivery (COD) are examples: 1). Prank COD package, 2). The buyer refused to pay, 3). The goods do not match the order. As a result of these actions can be done cancellation of the agreement, requesting compesation for default or tort. Keywords: Agreements, Cash On Delivery (COD), Civil Code


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How To Cite

ALFAFA, Afina Syifa; LAKSANA, I Gusti Ngurah Dharma. PERJANJIAN JUAL BELI ONLINE MENGUNAKAN SISTEM PEMBAYARAN CASH ON DELIVERY (COD) DALAM PERSPEKTIF KUH PERDATA.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 11, p. 1770-1781, july 2023. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 11 No 11 (2022)



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