
Putu Agus Risma Nanda Putra, I Dewa Gede Dana Sugama


“ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini merupakan untuk mengetahui serta memahami lebih dalam mengenai pengaturan penggunaan obat dumolid di Indonesia berdasarkan hukum positif di Indonesia serta mengetahui pertanggungjawaban hukum terhadap penyalahgunaan obat dumolid bagi anak dibawah umur yang tidak berdasarkan resep dokter berdasarkan hukum positif di Indonesia. Penulisan penelitian ini menggunakan suatu metode yuridis normatif dengan menggunakan suatu pendekatan perundang-undangan serta pendekatan konseptual yang kemudian dianalisi secara kualitatif dengan teknis deskripsi, dengan menggunakan suatu bahan hukum primer yakni Undang-Undang Psikotropika serta bahan hukum sekunder lainnya yakni buku-buku atau literatur yang berkaitan serta refrensi jurnal-jurnal. Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa pengaturan mengenai penggunaan obat tidur sudah diatur yakni harus menggunakan resep dari dokter dan berdasarkan saran dari dokter, akkibat dari penyalahgunaan suatu obat tidur ini yakni dengan sanksi pidana hukuman penjara, sanksi pidana denda, dan dapat juga melalui suatu rehabilitasi medis maupun rehabilitasi sosial, serta apabila seorang anak melakukan tindakan penyalahgunaan suatu obat yang mengandung zat psikotropika ini maka dapat dilakukan dengan keadilan restorative yakni berupa diversi berdasarkan syarat-syarat yang ditentukan oleh ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan. Kata Kunci : Penyalahgunaan Obat, Psikotropika, Anak Dibawah Umur. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out and understand more deeply about the regulation of the use of dumolid drugs in Indonesia based on positive law in Indonesia and to find out legal responsibility for the misuse of dumolid drugs for minors who are not based on a doctor’s prescription based on positive law in Indonesia. The writing of this research uses a normative juridical method using a statutory approach as well as a conceptual approach which is then analyzed qualitatively with technical descriptions, using a primary legal material, namely the Psychotropic Law and other secondary legal materials, namely books or literature that related and referenced journals. The results of the study show that arrangements regarding the use of sleeping pills have been regulated, namely having to use a prescription from a doctor and based on the advice of a doctor, as a result of the abuse of this sleeping drug, namely with criminal sanctions in prison, fines, and can also go through a medical rehabilitation or rehabilitation social justice, and if a child commits an act of abuse of a drug containing psychotropic substances, this can be done with restorative justice, namely in the form of diversion based on the conditions determined by the provisions of laws and regulations. Keywords: Drug Abuse, Psychotropics, Underage Children.”


: Penyalahgunaan Obat, Psikotropika, Anak Dibawah Umur. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out and understand more deeply about the regulation of the use of dumolid drugs in Indonesia based on positive law in Indonesia and to find out legal responsibility for the misuse of dumolid drugs for minors who are not based on a doctor’s prescription based on positive law in Indonesia. The writing of this research uses a normative juridical method using a statutory approach as well as a conceptual approach which is then analyzed qualitatively with technical descriptions, using a primary legal material, namely the Psychotropic Law and other secondary legal materials, namely books or literature that related and referenced journals. The results of the study show that arrangements regarding the use of sleeping pills have been regulated, namely having to use a prescription from a doctor and based on the advice of a doctor, as a result of the abuse of this sleeping drug, namely with criminal sanctions in prison, fines, and can also go through a medical rehabilitation or rehabilitation social justice, and if a child commits an act of abuse of a drug containing psychotropic substances, this can be done with restorative justice, namely in the form of diversion based on the conditions determined by the provisions of laws and regulations. Keywords: Drug Abuse, Psychotropics, Underage Children.


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How To Cite

PUTRA, Putu Agus Risma Nanda; SUGAMA, I Dewa Gede Dana. PENGATURAN HUKUM PENYALAHGUNAAN OBAT DUMOLID SEBAGAI OBAT PENENANG BAGI ANAK DIBAWAH UMUR BERDASARKAN PERSPEKTIF HUKUM POSITIF INDONESIA.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 08, p. 384-397, dec. 2023. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 12 No 08 (2023)



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