
Bastian Daniel Reynaldi, I Gusti Ngurah Dharma Laksana


“Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa penerapan Pergub Bali No. 97 Tahun 2018 oleh Domino Pizza Gelael dan melihat solusi dari Domino Pizza Gelael untuk mengurangi penggunaan plastik sekali pakai. Adapun jenis metode penelitian yang dipergunakan pada perusahaan yang menjadi obyek penelitian yaitu Domino Pizza Gelael adalah metode penelitian hukum empiris. Adapun hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini yaitu penulis mengetahui seberapa maksimal Domino Pizza Gelael menerapkan Pergub Bali ini ditokonya, dan kemudian terdapat beberapa kendala sehingga penerapan Pergub Bali ini menjadi kurang maksimal serta solusi yang diberikan Domino Pizza Gelael mengurangi penggunaan plastik sekali pakai. Kata Kunci : Lingkungan, Plastik, Peraturan Gubernur Bali Nomor 97 Tahun 2018 ABSTRACT This research aimed to analyze the implementation of Bali Governor Regulation No. 97 of 2018 by Domino Pizza Gelael and examine solutions from Domino Pizza Gelael to reduce the use of single-use plastic. The type of research method used in the company that is the object of research, namely Domino Pizza Gelael is an empirical research method. The results obtained from this study are that the author knows how much Domino Pizza Gelael applies this Bali Governor Regulation in his shop, and then there are several obstacles so that the implementation of this Bali Governor Regulation becomes less than optimal and the solution provided by Domino Pizza Gelael reduces the use of single-use plastic. Keywords : Environmental, Plastic, Bali Governor Regulation Number 97 of 2018”


: Lingkungan, Plastik, Peraturan Gubernur Bali Nomor 97 Tahun 2018 ABSTRACT This research aimed to analyze the implementation of Bali Governor Regulation No. 97 of 2018 by Domino Pizza Gelael and examine solutions from Domino Pizza Gelael to reduce the use of single-use plastic. The type of research method used in the company that is the object of research, namely Domino Pizza Gelael is an empirical research method. The results obtained from this study are that the author knows how much Domino Pizza Gelael applies this Bali Governor Regulation in his shop, and then there are several obstacles so that the implementation of this Bali Governor Regulation becomes less than optimal and the solution provided by Domino Pizza Gelael reduces the use of single-use plastic. Keywords : Environmental, Plastic, Bali Governor Regulation Number 97 of 2018


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How To Cite

REYNALDI, Bastian Daniel; DHARMA LAKSANA, I Gusti Ngurah. PENERAPAN PERATURAN GUBERNUR BALI NOMOR 97 TAHUN 2018 PADA DOMINO PIZZA GELAEL.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 5, p. 949-957, july 2022. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 11 No 5 (2022)



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