
Ni Komang Tari Padmawati, Pande Yogantara S.


“Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menemukan adanya perbedaan pengaturan terhadap kewenangan yang dimiliki oleh para pejabat imigrasi dalam melaksanakan fungsi keimigrasian. Perlu dilakukannya suatu harmonisasi pengaturan untuk mencegah adanya timpang tindih pengaturan yang satu dengan lainnya. Dalam melakukan penelitian ini tentunya perlu dilakukan peninjauan terhadap peraturan-peraturan hukum yang mengatur mengenai keimigrasian secara umum dan kewenangan pejabat imigrasi secara khusus. Metode dalam pengkajian ini menerapkan metode penilitian hukum normatif dengan melakukan kajian pustaka terhadap tata peraturan mengenai kewenangan pejabat imigrasi, mempelajari doktrin- doktrin dengan menggunakan cara editing, dan pendekatan analisis kualitatif. Dengan tujuan untuk dapat mengetahui adanya pertentangan-pertentangan hukum dalam pengaturan keimigrasian serta harmonisasi pengaturan yang tepat dilakukan. Hasil dari penelitian ini yakni ditemukannya beberapa upaya harmonisasi hukum terhadap tata peraturan hukum imigrasi khsusunya pada bagian kewenangan yang dimiliki oleh para pejabat imigrasi dalam menjalankan fungsi imigrasi tersebut. Kata Kunci: Harmonisasi, Kewenangan, Pejabat Imigrasi ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to discover the differences and disting the role and obligations of immigration officials while doing the functions of immigrations itself. At the end author find that a harmonization action is needed to prevent the conflict between one rule to another. To overcome the disharmony of these regulations, of course, efforts are needed to harmonize the law. In conducting this research reviewing the legal regulations governing immigration in general and the authority of immigration officials in particular are needed. Conducting a normative legal research method is the method that implies in this reasaearch, by carry out a literature review of the regulations regarding the authority of immigration officials, studying doctrines using editing, and a qualitative analysis approach. With the aim of being able to find out if there are legal conflicts in immigration arrangements and the harmonization of the appropriate arrangements is carried out. At the end, the needs to do several activities for harmonizing the one rule within the other rule especially regarding the authority of immigrations officers in order to carry out the imigrations functions. Key Words: Harmonization, Authority, Immigration Officials”


Harmonisasi, Kewenangan, Pejabat Imigrasi ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to discover the differences and disting the role and obligations of immigration officials while doing the functions of immigrations itself. At the end author find that a harmonization action is needed to prevent the conflict between one rule to another. To overcome the disharmony of these regulations, of course, efforts are needed to harmonize the law. In conducting this research reviewing the legal regulations governing immigration in general and the authority of immigration officials in particular are needed. Conducting a normative legal research method is the method that implies in this reasaearch, by carry out a literature review of the regulations regarding the authority of immigration officials, studying doctrines using editing, and a qualitative analysis approach. With the aim of being able to find out if there are legal conflicts in immigration arrangements and the harmonization of the appropriate arrangements is carried out. At the end, the needs to do several activities for harmonizing the one rule within the other rule especially regarding the authority of immigrations officers in order to carry out the imigrations functions. Key Words: Harmonization, Authority, Immigration Officials


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How To Cite

PADMAWATI, Ni Komang Tari; YOGANTARA S., Pande. HARMONISASI PENGATURAN KEWENANGAN PEJABAT IMIGRASI DALAM PERATURAN TURUNAN UNDANG-UNDANG KEIMIGRASIAN.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 3, p. 488-500, may 2022. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 11 No 3 (2022)



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