Kadek Chandra Novita, Ayu Putu Laksmi Danyathi
“Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui praktek periklanan di media sosial yang dilakukan oleh selebgram dapat munculnya suatu permasalahan antara selebgram selaku pihak yang mengiklankan barang atau jasa dengan konsumen selaku pihak ketiga, dimana seharusnya dalam praktek periklanan tersebut selebgram memiliki kewajiban untuk menyampaikan informasi yang jujur dan sejelas-jelasnya. Belum ada yang mengatur secara khusus terkait periklanan di media sosial dalam hal perlindungan hukum di Indonesia. Dalam hal pertanggungjawaban selebgram jika terbukti mengiklankan barang yang tidak sesuai dengan kenyataan dapat dimintai pertanggungjawaban hukum. Penelitian hukum normatif digunakan dalam penelitian ini yang terkait pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan fakta. Study menunjukkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil penelitian dalam praktek periklanan hanya ada pedoman umum yaitu tata cara periklanan dan tata krama, serta jika dikemudian hari praktek periklanan yang dilakukan oleh selebgram mengakibatkan kerugian bagi konsumen, pertanggungjawaban hukum dapat dibebani kepada selebgram sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku. Kata Kunci: Selebgram, Perlindungan Hukum, Konsumen, Periklanan. ABSTRACT For the practice of advertising on social media carried out by Selebgram, a problem may arise between Selebgram as the party advertising goods or services and consumers as third parties, where in the advertising practice, Selebgram should have an obligation to convey honest and clear information. There is no specific regulation regarding advertising on social media in terms of legal protection in Indonesia. In terms of liability, if the program is proven to advertise goods that are not in accordance with reality, it can be held legally responsible. Normative legal research is used in this study related to the legal approach and fact approach. The study shows that based on the results of research in advertising practice there are only general guidelines, namely advertising procedures and manners, and if in the future advertising practices carried out by celebrities cause harm to consumers, legal liability can be burdened to the celebgram in accordance with applicable regulations. Keywords: Selebgram, Legal Protection, Consumers, Advertising.”
Selebgram, Perlindungan Hukum, Konsumen, Periklanan. ABSTRACT For the practice of advertising on social media carried out by Selebgram, a problem may arise between Selebgram as the party advertising goods or services and consumers as third parties, where in the advertising practice, Selebgram should have an obligation to convey honest and clear information. There is no specific regulation regarding advertising on social media in terms of legal protection in Indonesia. In terms of liability, if the program is proven to advertise goods that are not in accordance with reality, it can be held legally responsible. Normative legal research is used in this study related to the legal approach and fact approach. The study shows that based on the results of research in advertising practice there are only general guidelines, namely advertising procedures and manners, and if in the future advertising practices carried out by celebrities cause harm to consumers, legal liability can be burdened to the celebgram in accordance with applicable regulations. Keywords: Selebgram, Legal Protection, Consumers, Advertising.
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NOVITA, Kadek Chandra; DANYATHI, Ayu Putu Laksmi. PERTANGGUNGJAWABAN SELEBGRAM TERHADAP KONSUMEN DALAM MEMPROMOSIKAN BARANG ATAU JASA.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 7, p. 1474 -1484, oct. 2022. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:
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Vol 11 No 7 (2022)
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