Kadek Novita Dwi Irianti, Sagung Putri M.E Purwani
“Tujuan dari penelitian yang dilakukan yakni memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat mengenai adanya alasan pemaaf sebagai penghapus pidana terhadap pelaku yang melakukan penyimpangan seksual yang terklasifikasi sebagai fetisisme. Penelitian ini dilakukan sesuai dengan metode penelitian hukum yang normatif melalui teknik deskriptif analitis. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan akan didapat pengetahuan mengenai alasan pemaaf yang bias diterapkan pada pelaku yang melakukan penyimpangan seksual. Sebab, penerapannya sudah sesuai dengan KUHP sebagai lex superior dari hukum pidana yakni dengan adanya alasan - alasan yang dapat mengahapuskan, mengurangi, ataupun memberatkan penjatuhan pidana. Dengan demikian, harapannya upaya pemidanaan terhadap pelaku penyimpangan seksual berjenis fetis ini mendapat solusi yang terbaik dan memberikan efek jera kepada pelaku tanpa merugikan korban. Adanya alasan – alasan yang bisa menghapuskan, mengurangi, dan memberatkan pemidanaan sebagaimana Pasal 44 KUHP menjadi salah satu pertimbangan dalam mengambil upaya pemidanaan bagi pelaku tindak pidana. Namun, dalam implementasinya masih banyak kekaburan norma dari pelaksanaan Pasal 44 KUHP ini, seperti halnya pada pelaku penyimpangan seksual. Kekaburan norma merupakan kondisi dimana norma atau aturan sudah ada namun belum mempunyai makna yang jelas atau norma (aturan) tersebut memunculkan lebih dari satu arti yang menyebabkan norma menjadi kabur atau tidak jelas. Kata Kunci : Alasan Pemaaf, Fetisisme, Restitusi ABSTRACT The purpose of research is to giving knowledge to public regarding about excuse forgiveness as a crime against perpetrators who commit sexual deviations which are classified as fetishism. This research use a normative legal study method with a descriptive analytical approach.1 The result of the research appears that a forgiving excuse can be applied to perpetrator of sexual deviation. Because, its application is in accordance with the Criminal Code (KUHP) as lex superior to criminal law, namely by the existence of things that can eliminate, reduce or burdens the crime. Thus, it is hoped that the efforts to convict the perpetrators of this fetal type of sexual deviation will get a solution that is solution and gives an effect to perpetrator without harming victim. The existence the thigs that can abolish, reduce, or incriminate the crime regulated in Article 44 1 Karma, Ni Made Sukaryati. “Pertanggungjawaban Tindak Pidana Pencurian Yang Dilakukan Oleh Seorang Kleptomania.” Jurnal Preferensi Hukum 3, No. 1 (2022): 68. KUHP is one of considerations in taking criminal efforts for perpetrators of criminal acts. However, in its implementation, there are many ambiguous norms from the implementation of article 44 KUHP, as is that case with perpetrators of sexual deviance. Norm obscurity is a norm condition where the norm already exists but has no clear meaning or the norm gives rise to more than one meaning that make the norm vague or unclear. Keywords: Forgiving Reasons, Fetishism, Restitution”
: Alasan Pemaaf, Fetisisme, Restitusi ABSTRACT The purpose of research is to giving knowledge to public regarding about excuse forgiveness as a crime against perpetrators who commit sexual deviations which are classified as fetishism. This research use a normative legal study method with a descriptive analytical approach.1 The result of the research appears that a forgiving excuse can be applied to perpetrator of sexual deviation. Because, its application is in accordance with the Criminal Code (KUHP) as lex superior to criminal law, namely by the existence of things that can eliminate, reduce or burdens the crime. Thus, it is hoped that the efforts to convict the perpetrators of this fetal type of sexual deviation will get a solution that is solution and gives an effect to perpetrator without harming victim. The existence the thigs that can abolish, reduce, or incriminate the crime regulated in Article 44 1 Karma, Ni Made Sukaryati. “Pertanggungjawaban Tindak Pidana Pencurian Yang Dilakukan Oleh Seorang Kleptomania.” Jurnal Preferensi Hukum 3, No. 1 (2022): 68. KUHP is one of considerations in taking criminal efforts for perpetrators of criminal acts. However, in its implementation, there are many ambiguous norms from the implementation of article 44 KUHP, as is that case with perpetrators of sexual deviance. Norm obscurity is a norm condition where the norm already exists but has no clear meaning or the norm gives rise to more than one meaning that make the norm vague or unclear. Keywords: Forgiving Reasons, Fetishism, Restitution
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How To Cite
IRIANTI, Kadek Novita Dwi; M.E PURWANI, Sagung Putri. ALASAN PEMAAF SEBAGAI PENGHAPUS PIDANA DALAM TINDAK PELAKU PENYIMPANGAN SEKSUAL FETISISME.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 2, p. 334-348, apr. 2022. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:
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Vol 11 No 2 (2022)
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