
Made Krisnanda Wicaksana, Putu Ade Harriestha Martana


“Penulisan artikel ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran normatif mengenai perbuatan pencemaran lingkungan hidup sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum sesuai ketentuan Pasal 1365 KUHPerdata. Ketentuan tentang perbuatan melawan hukum sebagaimana dimaksud pasal tersebut relevan digunakan untuk meminta pertanggungjawaban kepada pelaku perbuatan pencemaran lingkungan hidup secara keperdataan. Untuk menelaah hal tersebut, metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan serta menggunakan sumber bahan hukum berupa materi hukum yang memiliki kekuatan mengikat secara yuridis. Sementara hasil studi/penelitian yang didapatkan mencakup hubungan timbal balik antara kerugian yang ditimbulkan dari perbuatan pencemaran lingkungan hidup sebagai perbuatan melawan hukum serta kaitannya dengan tanggung jawab keperdataan. Kata kunci: perbuatan melawan hukum, pencemaran lingkungan hidup, tanggung jawab keperdataan. ABSTRACT This article aims to provide a normative description of environmental pollution acts as an act against the law in accordance with the provisions of Article 1365 of the Civil Code. The provisions regarding acts against the law as referred to in the article are relevant to be used to hold accountable people who do environmental pollution in a civil manner. To examine this, the research method used in this article is a normative legal research method using purposive approach and legal material sources in the form of legal material which has a legally binding force. Meanwhile, the results of the study / research obtained include a reciprocal relationship between the losses arising from acts of environmental pollution as an act against the law and its relation to civil responsibility. Keywords: Acts against the law, environmental pollution, civil responsibility”


perbuatan melawan hukum, pencemaran lingkungan hidup, tanggung jawab keperdataan. ABSTRACT This article aims to provide a normative description of environmental pollution acts as an act against the law in accordance with the provisions of Article 1365 of the Civil Code. The provisions regarding acts against the law as referred to in the article are relevant to be used to hold accountable people who do environmental pollution in a civil manner. To examine this, the research method used in this article is a normative legal research method using purposive approach and legal material sources in the form of legal material which has a legally binding force. Meanwhile, the results of the study / research obtained include a reciprocal relationship between the losses arising from acts of environmental pollution as an act against the law and its relation to civil responsibility. Keywords: Acts against the law, environmental pollution, civil responsibility


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How To Cite

WICAKSANA, Made Krisnanda; MARTANA, Putu Ade Harriestha. Pencemaran Lingkungan Hidup Sebagai Perbuatan Melawan Hukum.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 208-217, jan. 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 10 No 3 (2021)



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