
Gede Dandi Pratama Putra, I Ketut Rai Setiabudhi


“Tujuan dari penulisan jurnal hukum ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui pengaturan menggunaan handphone saat mengemudi dan akibat hukum yang ditimbulkan dari penggunaan handphone saat mengemudikan kendaraan bermotor menurut produk hukum (hukum positif) yang berlaku di Indonesia. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan jurnal hukum ini adalah metode hukum normatif, dengan melakukan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual sehingga lebih memudahkan menulis untuk menganalisa norma kabur yang terdapat pada peraturan tersebut, penelitian ini ditunjang dengan bahan hukum primer dan bahan hukum sekunder yang terpercaya sebagai acuan penulis. Hasil penelitian dapat ditemukan bahwa mengemudi sembari menggunakan handphone telah dilarang oleh Undang-undang No. 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jala Pasal 106 ayat (1) diancam dengan ancaman pidana kurungan paling lama 3 (tiga) bulan atau denda paling banyak Rp. 750.000,00 (tujuh ratus lima puluh ribu rupiah), akan tetapi kemajuan seharusnya diikuti juga dengan pembaharuan hukum agar tetap relevan, ewasa ini handphone tidak hanya digunakan untuk berkomunikasi tetapi dapat juga digunakan sebagai sarana navigator dengan menggunakan Global Positioning System yang terdapat pada handphone modern, dalam peraturanya tidak disebutkan penggunaan handphone yang bagaimana dilarang, sehingga legalitas penggunaan GPS dalam hukum positif di Indonesia masih rancu, dan terdapat kekaburan norma dalam Pasal tersebut. Kata Kunci: Pengemudi, Handphone, Kosentrasi ABSTRACT This journal aimed to elaborate regulations regarding handphone use while riding and it’s legal consequences from the positive law perspective. Writing methods used on this law journal is normative legal research methods, supported with statute approach, conceptual approach as well as primary and secondary legal materials in order to ease writer in analyzing void norms contained in the regulations. This research resulted that the use of handphone while riding vehicle has been legally forbidden, as the act number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Road Transportation article 106 paragraph (1) shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 3 (three) months or a maximum fine of Rp. 750,000.00 (seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs), however progress should also be followed by legal reforms so that it remains relevant, nowadays cellphones are not only used for communication but can also be used as a means of navigating by using the Global Positioning System found on modern cellphones. The regulations do not mention which use of cellphones is prohibited, so the legality of using GPS in positive law in Indonesia is still ambiguous, and there is a confusion of norms in that Article Keywords: Driver, Handphone, Concetration.”


Pengemudi, Handphone, Kosentrasi ABSTRACT This journal aimed to elaborate regulations regarding handphone use while riding and it’s legal consequences from the positive law perspective. Writing methods used on this law journal is normative legal research methods, supported with statute approach, conceptual approach as well as primary and secondary legal materials in order to ease writer in analyzing void norms contained in the regulations. This research resulted that the use of handphone while riding vehicle has been legally forbidden, as the act number 22 of 2009 concerning Traffic and Road Transportation article 106 paragraph (1) shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 3 (three) months or a maximum fine of Rp. 750, 000.00 (seven hundred and fifty thousand rupiahs), however progress should also be followed by legal reforms so that it remains relevant, nowadays cellphones are not only used for communication but can also be used as a means of navigating by using the Global Positioning System found on modern cellphones. The regulations do not mention which use of cellphones is prohibited, so the legality of using GPS in positive law in Indonesia is still ambiguous, and there is a confusion of norms in that Article Keywords: Driver, Handphone, Concetration.


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How To Cite

PRATAMA PUTRA, Gede Dandi; SETIABUDHI, I Ketut Rai. Penggunaan Handphone Saat Mengemudi Perspektif Uu No. 22 Tahun 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas Dan Angkutan Jalan.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 273-286, jan. 2021. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:

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Vol 10 No 3 (2021)



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