Made Raysally Augustine Pradwi, Ayu Putu Laksmi Danyathi
“ABSTRAK Tujuan dari adanya penulisan ini, yaitu agar dapat menyadari pentingnya surat wasiat terhadap suatu harta warisan yang belum dibagikan kepada ahli waris dan pentingnya pembagian suatu harta warisan bersama adanya tujuan agar mengetahui pemerincian suatu harta warisan jika ditinjau menurut hukum perdata serta hukum Islam. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif. Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan, dalam melakukan penelusuran hukum yang dilakukan dengan meneliti bahan kepustakaan. Bahan Pustaka yang dimaksud adalah produk hukum perundang- undangan yang digunakan sebagai ajang utama dalam mengidentifikasi suatu permasalahan. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa seorang pewaris harus membuat suatu surat wasiat yang perlu berisi tentang seluruh harta peninggalannya karena surat wasiat tersebut sangat penting diberitahukan kepada ahli waris agar ahli waris tahu tentang harta apa saja yang telah ditinggalkan oleh pewaris. Pembagian harta warisan dilihat menurut hukum perdata bahwa 1:1 untuk laki-laki serta perempuan seperti yang sudah dinyatakan dalam Pasal 852 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Sedangkan pembagian suatu harta warisan dilihat menurut hukum Islam bahwa laki-laki serta perempuan telah berbeda bagiannya dijelaskan bahwa laki-laki mendapat dua bagian serta perempuan mendapat satu bagian. Kata Kunci: Wasiat, Warisan, Harta, Pewaris, Ahli Waris ABSTRACT The purpose of this writing, which is to realize the importance of a will on an inheritance that has not been distributed to heirs and the importance of the division of an inheritance along with the purpose of knowing the details of an inheritance when reviewed according to civil law and Islamic law. This research method uses normative research methods. The approach in this study uses a statutory approach, in conducting legal searches carried out by examining literature materials. The Library Material in question is a product of laws and regulations that is used as the main event in identifying a problem. The results of the study found that an heir must make a will that needs to contain all his inheritance because the will is very important to be notified to the heirs so that the heirs know about what assets have been left by the heir. The division of inheritance is seen according to civil law that 1: 1 for men and women as stated in Article 852 of the Civil Code. While the division of an inheritance is seen according to Islamic law that men and women have different shares, it is explained that men get two shares and women get one share. Keywords: Will, Inheritance, Estate, Heir, Beneficiary”
Wasiat, Warisan, Harta, Pewaris, Ahli Waris ABSTRACT The purpose of this writing, which is to realize the importance of a will on an inheritance that has not been distributed to heirs and the importance of the division of an inheritance along with the purpose of knowing the details of an inheritance when reviewed according to civil law and Islamic law. This research method uses normative research methods. The approach in this study uses a statutory approach, in conducting legal searches carried out by examining literature materials. The Library Material in question is a product of laws and regulations that is used as the main event in identifying a problem. The results of the study found that an heir must make a will that needs to contain all his inheritance because the will is very important to be notified to the heirs so that the heirs know about what assets have been left by the heir. The division of inheritance is seen according to civil law that 1: 1 for men and women as stated in Article 852 of the Civil Code. While the division of an inheritance is seen according to Islamic law that men and women have different shares, it is explained that men get two shares and women get one share. Keywords: Will, Inheritance, Estate, Heir, Beneficiary
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How To Cite
PRADWI, Made Raysally Augustine; DANYATHI, Ayu Putu Laksmi. URGENSI PENTINGNYA SURAT WASIAT DALAM PEMBAGIAN HARTA WARISAN OLEH PEWARIS KEPADA AHLI WARIS.Kertha Wicara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 12, n. 08, p. 430-439, dec. 2023. ISSN 2303-0550. Available at: https://jurnal.harianregional.com/kerthawicara/id-106033. Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024. doi:https://doi.org/10.24843/KW.2023.v12.i08.p5.
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Vol 12 No 08 (2023)
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