
Made Anggina Ahalya Putri, I Gusti Ayu Stefani Ratna Maharani


“ABSTRAK Tujuan studi ini adalah untuk menyelidiki pentingnya memasukkan keadilan restoratif ke dalam sistem peradilan pidana Indonesia dan tempat keadilan restoratif dalam sistem tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian yuridis normatif dengan mengumpulkan bahan-bahan hukum melalui kajian literatur, khususnya dengan mengkaji peraturan restorative justice dan literatur lain yang relevan. Menurut temuan penelitian, Keadilan Restoratif adalah metode penegakan hukum dan melakukan kejahatan yang juga melibatkan keterlibatan masyarakat dan mengutamakan kebutuhan korban dan pelaku. Dalam sistem peradilan pidana Indonesia yang komprehensif, konsep restorative justice belum dilaksanakan secara terpadu. Konsep keadilan restoratif perlu dimasukkan ke dalam rancangan hukum pidana dan sistem pelaksanaan hukum pidana dengan fokus pada pencapaian keadilan bagi pelaku kejahatan dan korbannya serta keseimbangan perlakuan hukum. Kata Kunci: Restorative Justice, Pelaku, Korban. ABSTRACT The study’s objective is to investigate the importance of incorporating restorative justice into Indonesia’s criminal justice system and the place of restorative justice in that system. This study employs a normative juridical research approach by collecting legal materials through literature review, specifically by examining restorative justice regulations and other relevant literature. According to the study’s findings, Restorative Justice is a method of enforcing the law and committing crimes that also involves community involvement and prioritizes the needs of victims and perpetrators. In Indonesia’s comprehensive criminal justice system, the concept of restorative justice has not been implemented in an integrated manner. The concept of restorative justice needs to be incorporated into the draft criminal law and the criminal law implementation system with a focus on achieving justice for criminals and their victims and balancing legal treatment. Key Words: Restorative Justice, Actors, Victims”


Restorative Justice, Pelaku, Korban. ABSTRACT The study’s objective is to investigate the importance of incorporating restorative justice into Indonesia’s criminal justice system and the place of restorative justice in that system. This study employs a normative juridical research approach by collecting legal materials through literature review, specifically by examining restorative justice regulations and other relevant literature. According to the study’s findings, Restorative Justice is a method of enforcing the law and committing crimes that also involves community involvement and prioritizes the needs of victims and perpetrators. In Indonesia’s comprehensive criminal justice system, the concept of restorative justice has not been implemented in an integrated manner. The concept of restorative justice needs to be incorporated into the draft criminal law and the criminal law implementation system with a focus on achieving justice for criminals and their victims and balancing legal treatment. Key Words: Restorative Justice, Actors, Victims


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How To Cite

PUTRI, Made Anggina Ahalya; MAHARANI, I Gusti Ayu Stefani Ratna. PERAN RESTORATIVE JUSTICE DI INDONESIA DALAM SISTEM PERADILAN PIDANA.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 4, p. 401-411, aug. 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 11 No 4 (2023)



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