Gilang Ambhibika Mangalam, Cokorda Dalem Dahana
“ABSTRAK Penulisan jurnal ini memiliki tujuan untuk memahami lebih dalam terkait apa saja bentuk privatisasi lahan pantai yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha serta dapat mengetahui dan menganalisis terkait bagaimana legalitas mengenai privatisasi lahan pantai menurut perspektif hukum. Metode yang dipergunakan dalam artikel ini adalah metode penelitian yuridis normative, melalui pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan serta konsep konsep hukum. Penelitian hukum normatif adalah bentuk penelitian yang menitikberatkan kepada pendayagunaan ius constitutum serta dapat berupa tesis, buku, yurisprudensi serta literatur kepustakaan yang berkorelasi dengan pemanfaatan lahan pantai untuk kepentingan industrial. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sejatinya telah terdapat peraturan yang mengatur tentang penggunaan lahan pantai demi kepentingan industrial, namun belum penegakan hukumnya belum terealisasi secara tegas oleh pihak pemerintah pusat maupun daerah guna memberikan efek jera kepada para pemilik modal yang merugikan masyarakat. Hal ini tentu perlu menjadi prioritas dan perhatian khusus untuk pemerintah, agar dapat menjamin hak hak masyarakat umum yang ingin berwisata maupun menjamin hak hak masyarakat pesisir yang bermata pencaharian sebagai nelayan. Kata Kunci: Privatisasi, Lahan Publik Pantai, Kepentingan Industrial ABSTRACT This study aims to ascertain and provide a comprehend understanding towards the legality or legitimacy of the privatization of coastal land for industrial purposes from a legal perspective. The method applied in the article is a normative juridical research method utilizing a legislation and legal concepts approach. Normative legal research is a conformation of research that emphasizes the use of jus constitutum, theses, books, jurisprudences, and library literature which related to the use of coastal land for industrial purposes. The results of this study indicate that in fact there have been regulations governing the privatization of coastal public lands for industrial purposes, but there has not been a realization in strict law enforcement that can be done by the central government also local to provide a deterrent effect to capital owners who are detrimental to the community. This of course needs to be a priority and special attention for the government, aims to guarantee the rights of the general public who want to travel as well as guarantee the rights of coastal communities who make a living as fishermen. Key Words: Privatization, Coastal Land, Industrial Purposes”
Privatisasi, Lahan Publik Pantai, Kepentingan Industrial ABSTRACT This study aims to ascertain and provide a comprehend understanding towards the legality or legitimacy of the privatization of coastal land for industrial purposes from a legal perspective. The method applied in the article is a normative juridical research method utilizing a legislation and legal concepts approach. Normative legal research is a conformation of research that emphasizes the use of jus constitutum, theses, books, jurisprudences, and library literature which related to the use of coastal land for industrial purposes. The results of this study indicate that in fact there have been regulations governing the privatization of coastal public lands for industrial purposes, but there has not been a realization in strict law enforcement that can be done by the central government also local to provide a deterrent effect to capital owners who are detrimental to the community. This of course needs to be a priority and special attention for the government, aims to guarantee the rights of the general public who want to travel as well as guarantee the rights of coastal communities who make a living as fishermen. Key Words: Privatization, Coastal Land, Industrial Purposes
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How To Cite
MANGALAM, Gilang Ambhibika; DAHANA, Cokorda Dalem. LEGALITAS PRIVATISASI LAHAN PANTAI UNTUK KEPENTINGAN INDUSTRIAL MENURUT PERSPEKTIF HUKUM.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 8, p. 772-784, mar. 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 10 No 8 (2022)
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