
Yosefina Victoria Herman, I Wayan Bela Siki Layang


“ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang praktek persaingan usaha tidak sehat yang dijalankan oleh pemodal besar terhadap peternak ayam rakyat yang dimana ditinjau dari UU 5/1999 Tentang Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat. Metode penulisan yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian hukum normatif atau kepustakaan. Karena dalam penulisan ini untuk mengetahui hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan praktek persaingan curang yang dilakukan pemodal besar kepada peternak ayam rakyat dibutuhkan sumber hukum tertulis dan sumber pustaka hukum lainnya. Hasil studi menunjukan bahwa pakan ternak berupa jagung masih menjadi problematika di kalangan peternak rakyat. Hal ini terjadi karena adanya dominasi dari para pengepul dan perusahaan yang kekuatan modalnya lebih besar, sehingga peternak ayam rakyat kesulitan memperoleh jagung karena persediaan jagung di pasar tidak ada. Sehingga dalam kasus ini perlu untuk dianalisis terkait dengan praktek persaingan curang yang dilakukan oleh pemodal besar yang dikaji berdasarkan Undang-Undang Persaingan Bisnis. Selain itu, pentingnya peran serta dari pemerintah untuk mengatasi adanya dominasi-dominasi yang dilakukan oleh para pemodal besar sehingga, terciptanya persaingan usaha yang sehat diantara para pengusaha ternak ayam. Kata kunci : Praktek Persaingan Usaha, Dominasi, Pakan Ternak ABSTRACT The Purpose of this study is to find out about the practice of unfair business competition carried out by large investors against smallholder chicken farmers, which is reviewed from Law 5/1999 concerning Unfair Business Competition. The writing method used is a normative legal research method or literature. Because in this paper to find out things related to the practice of fraudulent competition carried out by large investors to smallholder chicken farmers, written legal sources and other legal literature sources are needed. The results of the study show that animal feed in the form of corn is still a problem among smallholder farmers. This happens because of the dominance of the collectors and companies with greater capital power, so that smallholder chicken farmers have difficulty obtaining corn because there is no supply of corn in the market. Therefore, in this case it is important to analyze the practice of fraudulent competition carried out by large investors under the Business Competition Law. In addition, the importance of the government’s participation in overcoming the dominations carried out by large investors so as to create healthy business competition among chicken farmers. Keywords: Business Competition Practices, Domination, Animal Feed”


: Praktek Persaingan Usaha, Dominasi, Pakan Ternak ABSTRACT The Purpose of this study is to find out about the practice of unfair business competition carried out by large investors against smallholder chicken farmers, which is reviewed from Law 5/1999 concerning Unfair Business Competition. The writing method used is a normative legal research method or literature. Because in this paper to find out things related to the practice of fraudulent competition carried out by large investors to smallholder chicken farmers, written legal sources and other legal literature sources are needed. The results of the study show that animal feed in the form of corn is still a problem among smallholder farmers. This happens because of the dominance of the collectors and companies with greater capital power, so that smallholder chicken farmers have difficulty obtaining corn because there is no supply of corn in the market. Therefore, in this case it is important to analyze the practice of fraudulent competition carried out by large investors under the Business Competition Law. In addition, the importance of the government’s participation in overcoming the dominations carried out by large investors so as to create healthy business competition among chicken farmers. Keywords: Business Competition Practices, Domination, Animal Feed


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How To Cite

HERMAN, Yosefina Victoria; LAYANG, I Wayan Bela Siki. ANALISIS PRAKTEK PERSAINGAN USAHA TIDAK SEHAT OLEH PEMODAL BESAR BERKAITAN DENGAN PAKAN AYAM RAKYAT DITINJAU DARI UU NO. 5 TAHUN 1999.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 9, p. 936-948, apr. 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 9 (2022)



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