
I Made Suwandana Putra, Made Maharta Yasa


“ABSTRAK Penulis melakukan studi ini bertujuan untuk membahas serta mengetahui secara mendalam mengenai perlindungan hukum terhadap kekerasan kekerasan seksual dalam rangka menegakkan hak asasi perempuan di masa globalisasi ini. Kemudian, penulisan hukum tersebut memakai metode penelitian normatif beserta prosedur pendekatan Undang-Undang (Regulation Approach) serta Pendekatan Analitis (Systematic Approach). Temuan studi menunjukkan bahwa peran CEDAW dan Optional Protocol CEDAW serta seluruh instrumen perlindungan perempuan sejatinya dapat menegakkan hak asasi perempuan dalam memperoleh rasa nyaman dan aman setiap harinya. Namun oleh karena kurangnya implementasi dalam lini kehidupan nyata membuat kekerasan seksual meningkat kian harinya secara universal terlebih di Indonesia. Bagaimana pun harus terdapat kesadaran nurani dalam batiniah diri seseorang terlebih pelaku terhadap korban. Kata Kunci: CEDAW, PBB, Kekerasan seksual. ABSTRACT The author conducted this study aimed at discussing and knowing in depth about legal protection against sexual violence to uphold women’s human rights in this era of globalization. Then, the writing of the law uses a normative research method along with the procedures for the Legal Approach (Regulation Approach) and the Analytical Approach (Systematic Approach). The study findings show that the role of CEDAW and Optional Protocol CEDAW belong with all instruments of women’s protection can uphold women’s human rights in obtaining a sense of comfort and security every day. However, due to the lack of implementation in real life, sexual violence is increasing day by day universally, especially in Indonesia. However, a person’s inner self must be aware of conscience, especially the perpetrator against the victim. Key Words: CEDAW, United Nations, Sexual prosecution.”


CEDAW, PBB, Kekerasan seksual. ABSTRACT The author conducted this study aimed at discussing and knowing in depth about legal protection against sexual violence to uphold women’s human rights in this era of globalization. Then, the writing of the law uses a normative research method along with the procedures for the Legal Approach (Regulation Approach) and the Analytical Approach (Systematic Approach). The study findings show that the role of CEDAW and Optional Protocol CEDAW belong with all instruments of women’s protection can uphold women’s human rights in obtaining a sense of comfort and security every day. However, due to the lack of implementation in real life, sexual violence is increasing day by day universally, especially in Indonesia. However, a person’s inner self must be aware of conscience, especially the perpetrator against the victim. Key Words: CEDAW, United Nations, Sexual prosecution.


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How To Cite

PUTRA, I Made Suwandana; YASA, Made Maharta. PENEGAKAN HAK ASASI PEREMPUAN PADA ERA GLOBALISASI DI INDONESIA MENURUT HUKUM INTERNASIONAL (KONVENSI CEDAW).Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 4, p. 423-437, nov. 2022. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 4 (2022)



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