
Carel Jonathan Adisetya, Ni Luh Gede Astariyani


“ABSTRAK Penyusunan jurnal ini memiliki tujuan memperoleh pemahaman terkait kedudukan Pancasila dalam menjamin kebebasan beragama menurut UUD 1945 serta kaitannya dalam persefektif Hak Asasi Manusia. Jenis penelitian dalam artikel ini adalah penelitian hukum normatif yang mengkaji kekaburan Norma dan didasarkan pada pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan serta kajian pustaka. Hasil penelitian dari studi ini menjelaskan bahwa Pancasila merupakan Ideologi negara mengakui keberadaan Agama dalam kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara serta menjamin warga negara dalam kebebasan memeluk agama serta beribadah menurut keyakinan dan kepercayannya itu yang merupakan hak dasar warga negara yang di lindungi oleh Undang Undang Dasar 1945. Hak memeluk agama dan berkeyakinan merupakan hak asasi yang bersifat hakiki dan universal, melekat pada diri setiap manusia sejak ia dilahirkan. Hubungan antara agama dan negara senantiasa menghadirkan sebuah konsekuensi hukum di Indonesia yang berlandaskan Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa. Dalam penerapan menegaskan bahwa Negara atas nama konstitusi memberikan pengaturan atas urusan agama dan kepercayaan, sehingga menghadirkan pluralisme hukum di dalam menjalani politik hukum yang harmonis. Negara secara aktif dan dinamis harus menyokong setiap individu-individu sehingga terciptanya kerukunan umat beragama dan tercapailah hubungan ideal yang di harapkan pendiri Negara. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah harusnya mampu menjamin hak-hak warga negara dalam menjalankan kehidupan keagamaan dan keyakinannya sesuai dengan yang diamanatkan oleh Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Kata Kunci: Ideologi, Negara, Agama, Pancasila dan HAM. ABSTRACT The preparation of this journal has the aim of gaining an understanding of the position of Pancasila in guaranteeing religious freedom according to the 1945 Constitution and its relation to the perspective of Human Rights. The type of research in this article is normative legal research that examines the ambiguity of norms and is based on an approach to legislation and literature review. The results of this study explain that Pancasila is a state ideology recognizing the existence of religion in the life of the nation and state and guaranteeing citizens the freedom to embrace religion and worship according to their beliefs and beliefs which are basic rights of citizens protected by the 1945 Constitution. Rights embracing religion and belief are fundamental and universal human rights, inherent in every human being since he was born. The relationship between religion and the state always presents a legal consequence in Indonesia which is based on the One Godhead. In its implementation, it is emphasized that the State on behalf of the constitution provides regulation on matters of religion and belief, thus presenting legal pluralism in carrying out harmonious legal politics. The state must actively and dynamically support each individual so as to create religious harmony and achieve the ideal relationship expected by the founders of the state. Therefore, the government should be able to guarantee the rights of citizens in carrying out their religious life and beliefs in accordance with what is mandated by the 1945 Constitution. Keywords: Ideology, State, Religion, Pancasila and Human Rights.”


Ideologi, Negara, Agama, Pancasila dan HAM. ABSTRACT The preparation of this journal has the aim of gaining an understanding of the position of Pancasila in guaranteeing religious freedom according to the 1945 Constitution and its relation to the perspective of Human Rights. The type of research in this article is normative legal research that examines the ambiguity of norms and is based on an approach to legislation and literature review. The results of this study explain that Pancasila is a state ideology recognizing the existence of religion in the life of the nation and state and guaranteeing citizens the freedom to embrace religion and worship according to their beliefs and beliefs which are basic rights of citizens protected by the 1945 Constitution. Rights embracing religion and belief are fundamental and universal human rights, inherent in every human being since he was born. The relationship between religion and the state always presents a legal consequence in Indonesia which is based on the One Godhead. In its implementation, it is emphasized that the State on behalf of the constitution provides regulation on matters of religion and belief, thus presenting legal pluralism in carrying out harmonious legal politics. The state must actively and dynamically support each individual so as to create religious harmony and achieve the ideal relationship expected by the founders of the state. Therefore, the government should be able to guarantee the rights of citizens in carrying out their religious life and beliefs in accordance with what is mandated by the 1945 Constitution. Keywords: Ideology, State, Religion, Pancasila and Human Rights.


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How To Cite

ADISETYA, Carel Jonathan; ASTARIYANI, Ni Luh Gede. Kedudukan Pancasila dan Perlindungan Hukum dalam Kebebasan Beragama menurut UUD 1945 serta kaitannya dengan HAM.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 2, p. 175-183, may 2022. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 2 (2022)



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