


“ABSTRAK Tujuan dari peneltian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kredit macet sehingga terjadi wanprestasi dan langkah yang dilakukan oleh Koperasi Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera dalam penyelesaian kredit macet di masa pandemi virus corona. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian hukum empiris, dimana penelitian hukum empiris yaitu melihat hukum dari gejala-gejala hukum yang dapat diamati dari kehidupan di masyarakat. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan kredit macet yang berakibat wanprestasi pada Koperasi Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera yaitu dari faktor internal Koperasi dan faktor eksternal yaitu keadaan perekonomian debitur di masa pandemi virus corona. Kemudian langkah penyelesaian wanprestasi yang di lakukan Koperasi Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera adalah dengan memberikan relaksasi kredit kepada debitur yang kreditnya macet. Relaksasi kredit yang diberikan koperasi jasa agung dharma sejahtera berupa Rescheduling, Restrukturisasi dan Reconditioning. Dan upaya dari pihak koperasi adalah memberikan rescheduling perjanjian kredit kepada pihak debitur bila debitur tidak dapat memenuhi prestasinya dalam perjanjian kredit. Kata Kunci: Koperasi, Kredit, Perjanjian ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to find out the factors that cause bad loans so that defaults occur and the steps taken by the Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera Cooperative in resolving bad loans during the corona virus pandemic. This study uses a type of empirical legal research, where empirical legal research is looking at the law from legal symptoms that can be observed from life in society. The results of this study are the factors that cause bad loans that result in default at the Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera Cooperative, namely from the cooperative’s internal factors and external factors, namely the economic condition of the debtor during the corona virus pandemic. Then, the steps to settle the default by the Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera Cooperative are to provide credit relaxation to debtors whose credit is bad. Credit relaxation provided by the Jasa Agung Dharma Prosperous Cooperative is in the form of rescheduling, restructuring and reconditioning. And the effort of the cooperative is to provide rescheduling of the credit agreement to the debtor if the debtor cannot fulfill his achievements in the credit agreement. Key Words: Cooperative, Credit, Agreement.”


Koperasi, Kredit, Perjanjian ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to find out the factors that cause bad loans so that defaults occur and the steps taken by the Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera Cooperative in resolving bad loans during the corona virus pandemic. This study uses a type of empirical legal research, where empirical legal research is looking at the law from legal symptoms that can be observed from life in society. The results of this study are the factors that cause bad loans that result in default at the Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera Cooperative, namely from the cooperative’s internal factors and external factors, namely the economic condition of the debtor during the corona virus pandemic. Then, the steps to settle the default by the Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera Cooperative are to provide credit relaxation to debtors whose credit is bad. Credit relaxation provided by the Jasa Agung Dharma Prosperous Cooperative is in the form of rescheduling, restructuring and reconditioning. And the effort of the cooperative is to provide rescheduling of the credit agreement to the debtor if the debtor cannot fulfill his achievements in the credit agreement. Key Words: Cooperative, Credit, Agreement.


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How To Cite

DIAKSA, A.A. BAGUS JODI DHARMA; SARJANA, I Made. Wanprestasi oleh Debitur dalam Perjanjian Kredit di Koperasi Jasa Agung Dharma Sejahtera Akibat Virus Corona.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 79-89, may 2022. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 1 (2022)



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