
Dewa Ayu Made Fitriani Adiningsih, I Made Sarjana


“ABSTRAK Obat Tradisional merupakan obat-obatan yang dibuat dengan ramuan bahan-bahan alami seperti dari tumbuhan-tumbuhan, hewan, bahan mineral yang telah ada secara turun temurun yang digunakan sebagai alternatif sarana pengobatan oleh manusia yang dilakukan berdasarkan pengalaman. Hingga sekarang Badan POM masih mendapati obat tradisional yang masih dicampur dengan bahan kimia obat. Atas uraian tersebut adapun permasalahan yang akan dibahas yaitu bagaimana perlindungan kepada konsumen terhadap obat tradisional berbahan kimia obat (BKO) dan tindakan hukum apa yang dilakukan oleh BPOM dan pemerintah terkait sanksi apa yang diberikan kepada pelaku usaha obat tradisional berbahan kimia obat (BKO). Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu guna menjaga serta melindungi semua konsumen terhadap pelaku usaha penjual obat-obatan tradisional berbahan kimia obat. Penelitian yang di gunakan adalah jenis penelitian normatif, dimana berdasarkan buku dan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Hasil yang di dapatkan dari penelitian penulis yaitu bahwa obat tradisional berbahan kimia obat merupakan obat yang dilarang peredarannya oleh BPOM dan pemerintah. Pertanggung jawaban hukum atau sanski yang di jatuhkan atau di berikan kepada pelaku usaha yang curang yang dengan sengaja menjual dan/atau memproduksi obat tradisional (BKO) yaitu sanksi administratif dan sanksi pidana. Sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan UUPK No.8 Tahun 1999. Kata Kunci: Pertanggung Jawaban Hukum, Obat tradisional, BPOM, Konsumen. ABSTRAK Traditional Medicines are medicines made with natural ingredients such as from plants, animals, mineral materials that have existed for generations which are used as alternative means of treatment by humans based on experience. Until now, the POM Agency still finds traditional medicines that are still mixed with medicinal chemicals. Based on this description, the problems that will be discussed are how to protect consumers against traditional medicines made from medicinal chemicals (BKO) and what legal actions are taken by BPOM and the government regarding what sanctions are given to traditional medicine business actors made from medicinal chemicals (BKO). The purpose of this research is to maintain and protect all consumers against business actors selling traditional medicines made from medicinal chemicals. The research used is a normative research type, which is based on books and applicable laws and regulations. The results obtained from the author’s research are that traditional medicines made from medicinal chemicals are drugs that are prohibited from circulation by BPOM and the government. Legal liability or sanctions imposed or given to fraudulent business actors who intentionally sell and/or produce traditional medicines (BKO), namely administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions. In accordance with the laws and regulations of UUPK No. 8 of 1999. Keywords: Legal Responsibility, Traditional Medicine, BPOM, Consumers.”


Pertanggung Jawaban Hukum, Obat tradisional, BPOM, Konsumen. ABSTRAK Traditional Medicines are medicines made with natural ingredients such as from plants, animals, mineral materials that have existed for generations which are used as alternative means of treatment by humans based on experience. Until now, the POM Agency still finds traditional medicines that are still mixed with medicinal chemicals. Based on this description, the problems that will be discussed are how to protect consumers against traditional medicines made from medicinal chemicals (BKO) and what legal actions are taken by BPOM and the government regarding what sanctions are given to traditional medicine business actors made from medicinal chemicals (BKO). The purpose of this research is to maintain and protect all consumers against business actors selling traditional medicines made from medicinal chemicals. The research used is a normative research type, which is based on books and applicable laws and regulations. The results obtained from the author’s research are that traditional medicines made from medicinal chemicals are drugs that are prohibited from circulation by BPOM and the government. Legal liability or sanctions imposed or given to fraudulent business actors who intentionally sell and/or produce traditional medicines (BKO), namely administrative sanctions and criminal sanctions. In accordance with the laws and regulations of UUPK No. 8 of 1999. Keywords: Legal Responsibility, Traditional Medicine, BPOM, Consumers.


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How To Cite

ADININGSIH, Dewa Ayu Made Fitriani; SARJANA, I Made. Pertanggung Jawaban Hukum Pelaku Usaha terhadap Konsumen terkait Peredaran Obat Tradisional berbahan Kimia Obat.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 3, p. 227-236, may 2022. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 3 (2022)



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