
Putu Jeremy Rhesa Purwita, Made Maharta Yasa


“ABSTRAK Penulisan artikel ini memiliki tujuan untuk mengkaji kronologi, permasalahan dan legalitas pada kasus penggeledahan kapal kargo Turki oleh Jerman dan Yunani saat membawa bantuan kemanusiaan ke Libya. Penelitian dilakukan dikarenakan Jerman dan Yunani menggeledah kapal kargo berbendera Turki dengan paksa tanpa seizin Turki. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis-normatif didukung jenis pendekatan analisa konsep hukum dan perundang-undangan serta menggunakan teknik analisa data deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil kajian ini menunjukkan penggeledahan Kapal Vessel Turki Rosaline A dilakukan oleh awak Kapal Fregat Hamburg milik Jerman di Laut Mediterania Timur dilakukan dengan alasan kapal tersebut dicurigai melakukan penyelundupan senjata ke Libya. Tindakan penggeledahan tanpa izin negara bendera kapal telah bertentangan dengan prinsip non-intervension karena negara memiliki kedaulatan dan kesamaan kedudukan dengan negara-negara lainnya berdasarkan Pasal 2 ayat 4 dan 7 Piagam PBB. Dalam kasus ini, terungkap bahwa Jerman tidak memiliki izin untuk memeriksa kapal Turki baik dari negara bendera yaitu Turki maupun Libya. Merujuk pada Pasal 110 ayat (3) UNCLOS 1982, Turki berhak menuntut ganti rugi kepada Jerman atas kerugian yang dialami Turki akibat tindakan penggeledahan Jerman. Kata Kunci: Legalitas, Penggeledahan, Kapal Kargo, Hukum Laut Internasional ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to examine the chronology, problems and legality of the case of the search for a Turkish cargo ship by Germany and Greece while providing humanitarian aid to Libya. The research was conducted because Germany and Greece searched Turkish-flagged cargo ships by force without Turkey’s permission. This study uses a juridical-normative type of research, supported by an analytical approach to the concept of law and legislation and uses qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of this study show that the search of the Turkish Vessel Rosaline A by the German frigate Hamburg in the East Mediterranean Sea was carried out on the grounds of suspicion of arms smuggling to Libya. The act of raiding without a flag permit is contrary to the principle of non-intervention because the state has ownership and equal status with Article 2 paragraphs 4 and 7 of the United Nations Charter. In this case, it was revealed that Germany did not have permission to inspect Turkish ships from either the flag states, namely Turkey or Libya. Referring to Article 110 paragraph (3) of UNCLOS 1982, Turkey has the right to claim compensation for losses suffered by Germany as a result of the German search. Keywords: Legality, Search, Cargo Ship, International Law of the Sea”


Legalitas, Penggeledahan, Kapal Kargo, Hukum Laut Internasional ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to examine the chronology, problems and legality of the case of the search for a Turkish cargo ship by Germany and Greece while providing humanitarian aid to Libya. The research was conducted because Germany and Greece searched Turkish-flagged cargo ships by force without Turkey’s permission. This study uses a juridical-normative type of research, supported by an analytical approach to the concept of law and legislation and uses qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results of this study show that the search of the Turkish Vessel Rosaline A by the German frigate Hamburg in the East Mediterranean Sea was carried out on the grounds of suspicion of arms smuggling to Libya. The act of raiding without a flag permit is contrary to the principle of non-intervention because the state has ownership and equal status with Article 2 paragraphs 4 and 7 of the United Nations Charter. In this case, it was revealed that Germany did not have permission to inspect Turkish ships from either the flag states, namely Turkey or Libya. Referring to Article 110 paragraph (3) of UNCLOS 1982, Turkey has the right to claim compensation for losses suffered by Germany as a result of the German search. Keywords: Legality, Search, Cargo Ship, International Law of the Sea


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How To Cite

PURWITA, Putu Jeremy Rhesa; YASA, Made Maharta. Analisa Tindakan Penggeledahan Kapal Kargo Turki Oleh Jerman Menurut Hukum Laut Internasional.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 10, p. 856-868, aug. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 10 (2021)



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