
Komang Tri Krisna Yana, Ayu Putu Laksmi Danyathi


“ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui bentuk Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Debitur dalam kegiatan Perbankan Berkaitan dengan Wanprestasi yang Timbul Akibat Pandemi berdasarkan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata (KUHPer) dan Kebijakan Pemerintah melalui Peraturan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK) bagi Debitur pada saat Pandemi. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam jurnal ini menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif. Ketentuan Pasal 1244 dan 1245 KUHPerdata menjelaskan bahwa dalam suatu keadaan memaksa (overmacht) pihak yang lalai dalam menjalankan kewajibannya dapat dilepaskan dari tanggung jawab untuk mengganti kerugian yang timbul akibat tidak dilaksanakannya suatu perjanjian. Pandemi Covid-19 merupakan sebuah bencana non alam yang dapat dikategorikan sebagai keadaan memaksa (force majeure) sehingga dimungkinkan terjadi addendum perjanjian untuk menjalankan kewajiban di waktu lain jika disepakati oleh para pihak. Metode penyelesaian kredit bermasalah dapat melalui perundingan kembali antara kreditur dengan debitur. Penyelamatan kredit dapat dilakukan dalam tiga bentuk yaitu rescheduling (penjadwalan kembali), reconditioning (persyaratan kembali), atau restrukturisasi (penataan kembali). Kata Kunci: Perlindungan Hukum, Wanprestasi, dan Pandemi. ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to find out the form of legal protection for debtors in banking activities related to defaults arising from the pandemic based on the Civil Code (KUHPer) and government policies through the Financial Services Authority Regulation (OJK) for debtors during a pandemic. The research used in this journal uses normative legal research. The provisions of Articles 1244 and 1245 of the Civil Code explain that in a state of compulsion (overmacht) a party who is negligent in carrying out its obligations can be released from responsibility to compensate for losses that arise as a result of not implementing an agreement. The Covid-19 pandemic is a non-natural disaster that can be categorized as a force majeure, so it is possible to add an addendum to an agreement to carry out obligations at another time if agreed by the parties. The method of resolving non-performing loans can be through renegotiation between creditors and debtors. Credit rescue can be carried out in three forms, namely rescheduling, reconditioning, or restructuring. Key Words: Legal Protection, Default, and Pandemic.”


Perlindungan Hukum, Wanprestasi, dan Pandemi. ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to find out the form of legal protection for debtors in banking activities related to defaults arising from the pandemic based on the Civil Code (KUHPer) and government policies through the Financial Services Authority Regulation (OJK) for debtors during a pandemic. The research used in this journal uses normative legal research. The provisions of Articles 1244 and 1245 of the Civil Code explain that in a state of compulsion (overmacht) a party who is negligent in carrying out its obligations can be released from responsibility to compensate for losses that arise as a result of not implementing an agreement. The Covid-19 pandemic is a non-natural disaster that can be categorized as a force majeure, so it is possible to add an addendum to an agreement to carry out obligations at another time if agreed by the parties. The method of resolving non-performing loans can be through renegotiation between creditors and debtors. Credit rescue can be carried out in three forms, namely rescheduling, reconditioning, or restructuring. Key Words: Legal Protection, Default, and Pandemic.


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How To Cite

KRISNA YANA, Komang Tri; DANYATHI, Ayu Putu Laksmi. Perlindungan Hukum Debitur Dalam Kegiatan Perbankan Berkaitan Dengan Wanprestasi Yang Timbul Akibat Pandemi.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 11, p. 894-903, aug. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 11 (2021)



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