Pertanggungjawaban Hukum PT. PLN Sebagai Penyedia Jasa Listrik Atas Pemadaman Listrik Yang Mengakibatkan Kerugian Konsumen
Putu Shintya Dewi, Anak Agung Sri Indrawati
“ABSTRAK Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk memahami bagaimana penegakan hukum kepada masyrakat sebagai pemakai jasa, serta bentuk pertanggungjawaban PT. PLN terhadap konsumen yang disebabkan karena terjadinya pemadaman. Karya ilmiah ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan (The Statute Approach) yang membentuk kesimpulan dari peraturan hukum yang berlaku. Dengan memakai sumber dari bahan hukum sekunder yakni buku beserta jurnal-jurnal hukum dan bahan hukum primer yakni Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata. Dari hasil akhir maka bisa ditarik konklusi yaitu masyarakat selaku pengguna dari jasa listrik berhak mendapat kompensasi yang sesuai berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 30 Tahun 2009 tentang Ketenagalistrikan bahwa indikator kerugian dapat disebutkan konsumen berhak menerima kompensasi jika terjadinya pemadaman yakni merupakan kelalaian atau kesalahan dalam pengoperasian oleh pihak pemegan izin usaha penyedia jasa listrik, setara dengan syarat yang ada didalam perjanjian jual beli tenaga listrik. Kata Kunci: Konsumen, Perlindungan Hukum, Tenaga Listrik ABSTRACT This study aims to understand how law enforcement to the community as service users, as well as the form of accountability of PT. PLN to consumers due to blackouts. This scientific work uses a normative juridical research method with a statutory approach that forms conclusions from the applicable legal regulations. By using sources from secondary legal materials, namely books and legal journals and primary legal materials, namely the Civil Code. From the final results, it can be concluded that the community as users of electricity services is entitled to appropriate compensation based on Law Number 30 of 2009 concerning Electricity that the indicator of loss can be stated that consumers are entitled to receive compensation if a blackout occurs, which is negligence or an error in operation by the party. the holder of a business license for providing electricity services, equivalent to the conditions contained in the electric power sale and purchase agreement. Keywords: Consumer, Legal Protection, Electric Power.”
Konsumen, Perlindungan Hukum, Tenaga Listrik ABSTRACT This study aims to understand how law enforcement to the community as service users, as well as the form of accountability of PT. PLN to consumers due to blackouts. This scientific work uses a normative juridical research method with a statutory approach that forms conclusions from the applicable legal regulations. By using sources from secondary legal materials, namely books and legal journals and primary legal materials, namely the Civil Code. From the final results, it can be concluded that the community as users of electricity services is entitled to appropriate compensation based on Law Number 30 of 2009 concerning Electricity that the indicator of loss can be stated that consumers are entitled to receive compensation if a blackout occurs, which is negligence or an error in operation by the party. the holder of a business license for providing electricity services, equivalent to the conditions contained in the electric power sale and purchase agreement. Keywords: Consumer, Legal Protection, Electric Power.
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How To Cite
DEWI, Putu Shintya; INDRAWATI, Anak Agung Sri. Pertanggungjawaban Hukum PT. PLN Sebagai Penyedia Jasa Listrik Atas Pemadaman Listrik Yang Mengakibatkan Kerugian Konsumen.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 11-22, may 2022. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 10 No 1 (2022)
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