
I Made Dwiki Indra Sukma Budiarsa, I Wayan Novi Purwanto


“ABSTRAK Riset ini bertujuan agar dapat memperoleh pengetahuan mengenai dasar hukum penyimpanan sertifikat hak atas tanah milik oleh Notaris dan untuk mengetahui keabsahan penyimpanan sertifikat hak milik atas tanah bagi Notaris. Metode yang digunakan berjenis penelitian hukum normatif. Notaris memiliki wewenang untuk melakukan pembuatan akta otentik. Sertifikat tanah yang disimpan merupakan pengikatan jual beli hak milik atas tanah. Penyimpanan sertifikat hak milik atas tanah di kantor Notaris ini merupakan kehendak dari para pihak baik pihak penjual maupun pembeli. Harapannya agar lebih terjamin dan aman. Memberikan jaminan kepastian dan keamanan ini merupakan kewajiban Notaris kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan. Kewenangan Notaris dalam penyimpanan sertifikat hak milik atas tanah didasarkan pada Pasal 1706 KUH Perdata dan Pasal 1694 KUH Perdata. Kata Kunci : Penyimpanan, Sertifikat, Jual Beli, Notaris. ABTRACT This research aims to gain knowledge about the legal basis for storing certificates of land rights owned by a Notary and to find out the validity of storing certificates of land ownership rights for a Notary. The method used is a normative legal research type. Notaries have the authority to make authentic deeds. The land certificate that is kept is a binding sale and purchase of ownership rights to the land. The storage of land ownership certificates at the Notary’s office is the will of the parties, both the seller and the buyer. The hope is to be more secure and safe. Providing this guarantee of certainty and security is a Notary’s obligation to people in need. The authority of a Notary in storing land title certificates is based on Article 1706 of the Civil Code and Article 1694 of the Civil Code. Keywords: Storage, Certificate, Sale and Purchase, Notary.”


: Penyimpanan, Sertifikat, Jual Beli, Notaris. ABTRACT This research aims to gain knowledge about the legal basis for storing certificates of land rights owned by a Notary and to find out the validity of storing certificates of land ownership rights for a Notary. The method used is a normative legal research type. Notaries have the authority to make authentic deeds. The land certificate that is kept is a binding sale and purchase of ownership rights to the land. The storage of land ownership certificates at the Notary’s office is the will of the parties, both the seller and the buyer. The hope is to be more secure and safe. Providing this guarantee of certainty and security is a Notary’s obligation to people in need. The authority of a Notary in storing land title certificates is based on Article 1706 of the Civil Code and Article 1694 of the Civil Code. Keywords: Storage, Certificate, Sale and Purchase, Notary.


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How To Cite

SUKMA BUDIARSA, I Made Dwiki Indra; PURWANTO, I Wayan Novi. Keabsahan Penyimpanan Sertifikat Hak Milik Atas Tanah Oleh Notaris.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 9, p. 677-687, july 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 9 (2021)



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