Perkawinan Antara Orang Tua Dengan Anak Angkat Dalam Hukum Positif Indonesia
Ni Luh Putu Ayu Arsani, A.A Gede Oka Parwata
“ABSTRAK Tujuan studi ini untuk mengkaji kepastian hukum terkait legalitas dari perkawinan yang dilangsungkan antara orang tua dan anak angkat beserta dampak hubungan kewarisannya. Studi ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif yang menggunakan pendekatan pendekatan fakta (fact approach), pendekatan perundang-undangan (statue approach) dan juga pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Berdasarkan hasil penelitian terhadap permasalahan hukum yang ditelaah oleh penulis, perkawinan orang tua dengan anak angkat dapat dibenarkan secara hukum sepanjang dilaksanakan dengan berdasar kepada ketentuan hukum positif yang berlaku di Indonesia. Perkawinan antara orang tua angkat dengan anak angkat membuat perubahan pada hubungan kewarisan, hal ini dikarenakan perubahan kedudukan hukum dari antara seorang anak dengan orang tua menjadi hubungan suami-isteri dengan hak dan kewajiban yang tentu berbeda pula. Persoalan hubungan kewarisan dari dilakukannya perkawinan antara anak angkat dengan orang tua angkat tentu membuat perubahan kedudukan hukum dimana kedudukan salah satu pihak yang sebelumnya sebagai anak dengan hak dan kewajiban sebagai anak, mengalami perubahan kedudukan menjadi suami/isteri yang memiliki hak dan kewajiban yang tentu berbeda pula. Sehingga hal ini masih dapat diperbolehkan karena dalam hukum adat Bali, Kompilasi Hukum Islam dan UU Perkawinan tidak mengatur secara lengkap tentang larangan perkawinan antara anak angkat dengan orang tuanya yang tidak memiliki hubungan darah dalam garis keturunan ke bawah atau ke atas, garis keturunan menyamping. Kata Kunci: Perkawinan, Anak Angkat, Hubungan Kewarisan. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the legal certainty related to the legality of a marriage that is carried out between parents and adopted children and the impact of their inheritance relationship. This study is a normative legal research that uses a fact approach, a statue approach and a conceptual approach. Based on the results of research on legal issues reviewed by the author, marriage between parents and adopted children can be legally justified as long as it is carried out based on the provisions of positive law. Marriage between adopted parents and adopted children makes changes to the inheritance relationship, this is due to changes in the legal position of a child and parents to a husband-wife relationship with different rights and obligations. The issue of the inheritance relationship from the marriage between adopted children and adoptive parents certainly changes the legal position where the position of one of the parties who was previously a child with rights and obligations as a child, has changed the position of being a husband / wife who has different rights and obligations. . So that this can still be allowed because in Balinese customary law, the Compilation of Islamic Law and the Marriage Law do not completely regulate the prohibition of marriage between adopted children and their parents who are not related by blood in the line of descent down or above, lineage is sideways. Keywords: Marriage, Adopted Children, Inheritance Relationship.”
Perkawinan, Anak Angkat, Hubungan Kewarisan. ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine the legal certainty related to the legality of a marriage that is carried out between parents and adopted children and the impact of their inheritance relationship. This study is a normative legal research that uses a fact approach, a statue approach and a conceptual approach. Based on the results of research on legal issues reviewed by the author, marriage between parents and adopted children can be legally justified as long as it is carried out based on the provisions of positive law. Marriage between adopted parents and adopted children makes changes to the inheritance relationship, this is due to changes in the legal position of a child and parents to a husband-wife relationship with different rights and obligations. The issue of the inheritance relationship from the marriage between adopted children and adoptive parents certainly changes the legal position where the position of one of the parties who was previously a child with rights and obligations as a child, has changed the position of being a husband / wife who has different rights and obligations. . So that this can still be allowed because in Balinese customary law, the Compilation of Islamic Law and the Marriage Law do not completely regulate the prohibition of marriage between adopted children and their parents who are not related by blood in the line of descent down or above, lineage is sideways. Keywords: Marriage, Adopted Children, Inheritance Relationship.
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How To Cite
ARSANI, Ni Luh Putu Ayu; PARWATA, A.A Gede Oka. Perkawinan Antara Orang Tua Dengan Anak Angkat Dalam Hukum Positif Indonesia.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 4, p. 16-26, dec. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 8 No 4 (2020)
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