
I Gusti Agung Ayu Dwi Rara Ningrat, Ibrahim R


“ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi pembinaan Narapidana yang dijatuhi pidana penjara 3 bulan sampai dengan 1 tahun (Narapidana golongan B.IIA) dan kendala apa saja yang dihadapi selama proses pembinaan pada diri Narapidana. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode penelitian hukum empiris. Penelitian berlokasi di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIB Karangasem. Sumber data adalah data primer dan sekunder. Data primer diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan kuesioner dengan responden, dan data sekunder diperoleh dari buku-buku, literatur, perundang-undangan dan berbagai dokumen tentang pemasyarakatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi pembinaan bagi Narapidana golongan B.IIA yang menjalani pidana penjara singkat dibagi menjadi pembinaan kemandirian dan keterampilan. Pembinaan kepribadian meliputi pembinaan agama dan rohani, sementara pembinaan kemandirian meliputi pelatihan kerajinan tangan, bengkel las, dan reparasi alat-alat elektronika. Pidana penjara singkat yang dijalani Narapidana golongan BIIA tidak menimbulkan kendala terhadap diri Narapidana itu sendiri, walaupun dengan waktu yang singkat namun pembinaan dirasa memberi banyak manfaat ssehingga ketika keluar dari LAPAS Narapidana dapat hidup mandiri dengan skill yang diperoleh. Namun, yang menjadi hambatan adalah terbatasnya waktu pembinaan dikarenakan kebijakan Covid-19. Kata kunci : Narapidana, Pembinaan, Pidana Singkat ABSTRACT This study aims at determining the implementation of inmates development for those sentenced for three months to one year (prisoners of class B.IIA) of imprisonment and knowing the obstacles faced during the development period. It is a qualitative descriptive study with an empirical legal approach. The study was carried out in the Class IIB Karangasem Penitentiary. The sources of the data were primary and secondary data. The primary data were obtained from interviews and questionnaires with respondents, while secondary data obtained from books, literature, legislation and various documents on the correctional matter. The results showed that the implementation of inmates development program for prisoners of class B.IIA underwent a short imprisonment period divided into independence and skill development coaching. The skill development coaching included religious and spiritual development, while the independence development included handicraft, welding, and electronic appliances reparation training. The short imprisonment period did not impact the prisoners of class B.II A negatively. The short period of development benefited the prisoners to live independently after leaving the Penitentiary with the skills they acquired. The obstacle faced was the limited development time due to the Covid-19 policy. Keywords : Prisoner, Development, Short Imprisonment”


: Narapidana, Pembinaan, Pidana Singkat ABSTRACT This study aims at determining the implementation of inmates development for those sentenced for three months to one year (prisoners of class B.IIA) of imprisonment and knowing the obstacles faced during the development period. It is a qualitative descriptive study with an empirical legal approach. The study was carried out in the Class IIB Karangasem Penitentiary. The sources of the data were primary and secondary data. The primary data were obtained from interviews and questionnaires with respondents, while secondary data obtained from books, literature, legislation and various documents on the correctional matter. The results showed that the implementation of inmates development program for prisoners of class B.IIA underwent a short imprisonment period divided into independence and skill development coaching. The skill development coaching included religious and spiritual development, while the independence development included handicraft, welding, and electronic appliances reparation training. The short imprisonment period did not impact the prisoners of class B.II A negatively. The short period of development benefited the prisoners to live independently after leaving the Penitentiary with the skills they acquired. The obstacle faced was the limited development time due to the Covid-19 policy. Keywords : Prisoner, Development, Short Imprisonment


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How To Cite

DWI RARA NINGRAT, I Gusti Agung Ayu; R, Ibrahim. Efektivitas Pembinaan Narapidana yang Dijatuhi Hukuman Pidana Singkat (Studi di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIB Karangasem).Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 5, p. 316-331, may 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 5 (2021)



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