Meninjau Kewenangan Pihak Sekolah Dalam Melakukan Penyitaan Terhadap Telepon Genggam Siswa Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama
Yosian Arya Putra, Ni Putu Niti Suari Giri
“ABSTRAK Tujuan studi dalam penelitian ini ialah untuk memberikan pemahaman terkait dasar hukum penyelenggaraan pendidikan formal di Indonesia dan untuk mengkaji legalitas kewenangan dari tindakan pihak sekolah dalam melakukan penyitaan terhadap telepon genggam siswa pada SMP. Adapun studi ini termasuk jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan peraturan perundang-undangan. Berdasarkan hasil studi yang dilakukan oleh peneliti berkaitan dengan permasalahan hukum pada dasar hukum penyelenggaraan pendidikan formal di Indonesia, ditemukan bahwasannya penyelenggaraan pendidikan formal di Indonesia didasarkan pada UU Sisdiknas sebagai payung hukum yang selanjutnya diatur lebih lanjut dalam beberapa peraturan pemerintah ataupun peraturan menteri.Kemudian terkait tindakan pihak sekolah yang melakukan penyitaan terhadap telepon genggam siswa SMP akan memiliki legalitas sepanjang telah ditentukan terlebih dahulu suatu Peraturan Tata Tertib di sekolah tersebut yang menentukan larangan penggunaan telepon genggam disertai dengan ketentuan sanksi penyitaan. Kewenangan pihak sekolah dalam menetapkan Peraturan Tata Tertib sekolah ini secara atributif diberikan melalui Pasal 52 ayat (1) huruf g PP Standar Nasional Pendidikan j.o Lampiran kelima Permendiknas No. 19 Tahun 2007. Kata Kunci: Kewenangan, Sekolah, Penyitaan ABSTRACT The purpose of the study in this research is to provide an understanding of the legal basis for the administration of formal education in Indonesia and to examine the legality of the authority of the school’s actions in confiscating mobile phones of students at junior high schools. This study includes the type of normative legal research with the approach of legislation. invitation. Based on the results of studies conducted by researchers related to legal issues on the legal basis of the provision of formal education in Indonesia, it was found that the implementation of formal education in Indonesia is based on the National Education System Law as a legal umbrella which is further regulated in several government regulations or ministerial regulations. Then with regard to the actions of the school that confiscated junior high school students’ cellphones, it would have legality as long as a Code of Conduct in the school had been determined which prohibited the use of cell phones accompanied by provisions for confiscation sanctions. The authority of the school in establishing the school rules and regulations is attributively given through Article 52 paragraph (1) letter g PP National Education Standards j.o Fifth attachment to Permendiknas No. 19 of 2007. Keywords: Authority, Schools, Confiscation.”
Kewenangan, Sekolah, Penyitaan ABSTRACT The purpose of the study in this research is to provide an understanding of the legal basis for the administration of formal education in Indonesia and to examine the legality of the authority of the school’s actions in confiscating mobile phones of students at junior high schools. This study includes the type of normative legal research with the approach of legislation. invitation. Based on the results of studies conducted by researchers related to legal issues on the legal basis of the provision of formal education in Indonesia, it was found that the implementation of formal education in Indonesia is based on the National Education System Law as a legal umbrella which is further regulated in several government regulations or ministerial regulations. Then with regard to the actions of the school that confiscated junior high school students’ cellphones, it would have legality as long as a Code of Conduct in the school had been determined which prohibited the use of cell phones accompanied by provisions for confiscation sanctions. The authority of the school in establishing the school rules and regulations is attributively given through Article 52 paragraph (1) letter g PP National Education Standards j.o Fifth attachment to Permendiknas No. 19 of 2007. Keywords: Authority, Schools, Confiscation.
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How To Cite
PUTRA, Yosian Arya; GIRI, Ni Putu Niti Suari. Meninjau Kewenangan Pihak Sekolah Dalam Melakukan Penyitaan Terhadap Telepon Genggam Siswa Pada Sekolah Menengah Pertama.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 8, n. 12, p. 40-49, nov. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 8 No 12 (2020)
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