
Ni Made Tiara Pratiwi, I Made Sarjana


“ABSTRAK Tujuan penulisan ini untuk mengkaji norma hukum kasus pemutusan hubungan kerja karena kesalahan berat pada Putusan Nomor 8/Pdt.Sus-Phi/2019/Pn-Dps dan perlindungan hukum hak-hak tergugat dalam Putusan Nomor 8/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2019/PN-Dps. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian normatif yaitu penelitian hukum melalui metode pendekatan kasus dan metode pendekatan perundang-undangan hukum ketenagakerjaan, serta buku, jurnal dan pendapat ahli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hukum ketenagakerjaan tidak lepas isu–isu hukum dari kasus pemutusan hubungan kerja sering di singkat dengan PHK, salah satu pemutusan hubungan kerja karena kesalah berat. Jika terjadi kesalahan berat dalam suatu perusahan kontek kesalahan dikatakan berat yang mengarah tindak pidana di tempat kerja si pekerja ketentuan pada Pasal 158 Undang-undang nomor 13 tahun 2003 tentang ketenagakerjaan. Kasus hukum diangkat pada putusan nomor 8/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2019/PN-Dps, dari kasus tersebut bertujuan untuk mempelajari, memahami, mengetahui jalan penyelesaian hubungan industrial di pengadilan serta pendapat hakim dalam membuat norma hukum notabenenya yaitu putusan tersebut. Si pekerja yaitu AAEP sebagai tergugat sedangkan PT.Bank C sebagai pengugat dalam kasus, motif kesalahan berat yang dilakukan AAEP ini suatu tindakan pidana yaitu pemalsuan slip gaji untuk mencari pinjaman ke bank I, yang digunakan sebagai syarat di bank I. Namun ketentuan oleh hakim pada putusan menggunakan Pasal 161 yaitu PHK dengan perjanjian kerja bersama (PKB), tetapi Pasal 158 yang lebih tepat di gunakan hakim dalam putusan hubungan kerja, yang sudah di anulir putusan Mahkamah Konstotusi (MK) No. 012/PUU-I/2003. Kata Kunci: Kesalahan Berat, Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja, Kasus Hukum. ABSTRACT This research is written to examine the legal norms of termination of employment due to serious errors in Decision Number 8 / Pdt.Sus-Phi / 2019 / Pn-Dps and legal protection of the defendant’s rights in Decision Number 8 / Pdt.Sus-PHI / 2019 / PN-Dps. This study uses normative methods by case approach and statute approach of major labour laws, as well as library research, and expert opinions. Based on the result of this research, it indicates that legal consideration of judges in issuing decision about workers/labours on the ground of major mistake are according to article 158 of Contituion of Republic Indonesia contained in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning employment. From a law case of Decision Number 8/Pdt.Sus-Phi/2019/Pn-Dps, it aims to determine the consideration and how the judge determining the decision on the evidence and legal consequences of verdict in that case. In this case, worker AAEP as defendant and PT. Bank C as plaintiff. AAEP did a criminal act such as faked a salary slip to look for a loan from Bank I. The results showed that the judge in determining the consideration of using chapter 161 in Termination of Employment along with Collective Labor Agreement, but article 158 of Constitution of Republic Indonesia contained in Law Number 13 of 2003 is more accurate to be used in Termination of Employment by the judge. Keywords: Serious Mistakes, Work Termination, Case Law.”


Kesalahan Berat, Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja, Kasus Hukum. ABSTRACT This research is written to examine the legal norms of termination of employment due to serious errors in Decision Number 8 / Pdt.Sus-Phi / 2019 / Pn-Dps and legal protection of the defendant’s rights in Decision Number 8 / Pdt.Sus-PHI / 2019 / PN-Dps. This study uses normative methods by case approach and statute approach of major labour laws, as well as library research, and expert opinions. Based on the result of this research, it indicates that legal consideration of judges in issuing decision about workers/labours on the ground of major mistake are according to article 158 of Contituion of Republic Indonesia contained in Law Number 13 of 2003 concerning employment. From a law case of Decision Number 8/Pdt.Sus-Phi/2019/Pn-Dps, it aims to determine the consideration and how the judge determining the decision on the evidence and legal consequences of verdict in that case. In this case, worker AAEP as defendant and PT. Bank C as plaintiff. AAEP did a criminal act such as faked a salary slip to look for a loan from Bank I. The results showed that the judge in determining the consideration of using chapter 161 in Termination of Employment along with Collective Labor Agreement, but article 158 of Constitution of Republic Indonesia contained in Law Number 13 of 2003 is more accurate to be used in Termination of Employment by the judge. Keywords: Serious Mistakes, Work Termination, Case Law.


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How To Cite

TIARA PRATIWI, Ni Made; SARJANA, I Made. Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja Karena Kesalahan Berat: Studi Kasus Putusan Nomor: 8/Pdt.Sus-PHI/2019/PN-Dps.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 11, p. 962-972, sep. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 11 (2021)



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