
Jihan Virgia Mahalidia, Ibrahim R


“ABSTRAK Tujuan studi ini untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah ketentuan mengenai iddah berdasarkan hukum islam dan bagaimanakah masa iddah bagi wanita karir yang ditinggal meninggal suamianya. Studi ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yaitu penelitian hukum melalui metode pendekatan perundang-undangan hukum syariat islam, serta buku, jurnal, makalah dan pendapat ahli. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada selama masa iddah, perempuan yang ditinggal karena perceraian atau kematian suaminya tidak diperbolehkan meninggalkan rumah atau menikah lagi. Hukum iddah juga berlaku bagi wanita karir yang bercerai dengan suaminya, bercerai karena cerai atau meninggal dunia, kecuali dalam keadaan darurat atau darurat (kebutuhan darurat). Di zaman modern ini, setelah seorang perempuan ditinggalkan oleh suaminya, ia harus mencari nafkah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan keluarganya. Karena ia harus menyelesaikan aktivitas pekerjaan, perempuan tersebut boleh keluar rumah, dan ada keadaan darurat yang mengharuskan perempuan tersebut meninggalkan rumah. Kata kunci : Iddah, Wanita Karir, Ditinggal Meninggal ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out what are the provisions regarding iddah based on Islamic law and what is the iddah period for career women whose husbands die. This study uses a normative legal research method, namely legal research through the method of approaching Islamic law, as well as books, journals, papers and expert opinions. The results showed that during the iddah period, women who were abandoned due to divorce or the death of their husbands were not allowed to leave their homes or remarry. The iddah law also applies to career women who divorced their husbands, divorced due to divorce or passed away, except in emergencies or emergencies (emergency needs). In modern times, after a woman is abandoned by her husband, she has to earn a living to meet the needs of her family. Because she has to complete work activities, the woman can leave the house, and there are emergencies that require the woman to leave the house. Keywords: Iddah, Career Woman, Left Dead”


: Iddah, Wanita Karir, Ditinggal Meninggal ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to find out what are the provisions regarding iddah based on Islamic law and what is the iddah period for career women whose husbands die. This study uses a normative legal research method, namely legal research through the method of approaching Islamic law, as well as books, journals, papers and expert opinions. The results showed that during the iddah period, women who were abandoned due to divorce or the death of their husbands were not allowed to leave their homes or remarry. The iddah law also applies to career women who divorced their husbands, divorced due to divorce or passed away, except in emergencies or emergencies (emergency needs). In modern times, after a woman is abandoned by her husband, she has to earn a living to meet the needs of her family. Because she has to complete work activities, the woman can leave the house, and there are emergencies that require the woman to leave the house. Keywords: Iddah, Career Woman, Left Dead


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How To Cite

MAHALIDIA, Jihan Virgia; R, Ibrahim. Masa Iddah Bagi Wanita Karir Yang Ditinggal Meninggal Suaminya Ditinjau Dari Aspek Hukum Islam.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 3, p. 199-207, mar. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 3 (2021)



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