Legalisasi Arak, Antara Eksistensi dan Distorsi
Jessica Jessica
“ABSTRAK Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami kearifan lokal yang telah menjadi landasan utama terbentuknya legalisasi dengan menggunakan pendekatan yang digunakan oleh Tania Li (2007). Peraturan Gubernur No 1 Tahun 2020 tentang Tata Kelola Minuman Fermentasi dan Destilasi Khas Bali menyatakan legalnya Arak Bali sebagai industri prospektif untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat, dengan mempromosikannya sebagai produk berbasis warisan. Secara turun-temurun minuman tradisional beralkohol ini diproduksi untuk kepentingan ritual upacara keagamaan, dari upacara kelahiran hingga kematian, dan juga tujuan untuk pengobatan. Tidak hanya itu, masyarakat meyakini bahwa minuman tersebut memberikan manfaat sosial sebagai tanda kehormatan. Hal ini mendukung pernyataan bahwa arak merupakan salah satu aspek kuat dalam kearifan lokal masyarakat setempat. Studi kualitatif yang bersumber dari kajian pustaka dilakukan untuk menghasilkan data deskriptif yang mampu menjelaskan bahwa perlunya ditinjau kembali suatu kebijakan agar berjalan sesuai tujuannya untuk mensejahterakan masyarakat setempat, bukan untuk memberi peluang kepada para pemilik modal untuk mengontrol produksi hasil warisan budaya penduduk setempat. Kata Kunci: Hukum, Legalisasi, Arak Bali. ABSTRACT This paper aims to understand local wisdom which has become the main basis for the formation of legalization using the approach used by Tania Li (2007). Governor Regulation No.1 of 2020 concerning Management of Balinese Fermented and Distilled Beverages states that Arak Bali is a prospective industry to improve the economic welfare of the community, by promoting it as a heritage-based product. From generation to generation, this traditional alcoholic drink is produced for the benefit of religious ceremonies, from birth to death ceremonies, and also for medicinal purposes. Not only that, people believe that these drinks provide social benefits as a sign of honor. This supports the statement that arak is a strong aspect of local wisdom in the local community. Qualitative studies that are sourced from literature reviews are carried out to produce descriptive data that is able to explain that a policy needs to be reviewed so that it runs according to its purpose for the welfare of the local community, not to provide opportunities for capital owners to control the production of cultural heritage products of the local population. Key Words: Law, Legalization, Arak Bali.”
Hukum, Legalisasi, Arak Bali. ABSTRACT This paper aims to understand local wisdom which has become the main basis for the formation of legalization using the approach used by Tania Li (2007). Governor Regulation No.1 of 2020 concerning Management of Balinese Fermented and Distilled Beverages states that Arak Bali is a prospective industry to improve the economic welfare of the community, by promoting it as a heritage-based product. From generation to generation, this traditional alcoholic drink is produced for the benefit of religious ceremonies, from birth to death ceremonies, and also for medicinal purposes. Not only that, people believe that these drinks provide social benefits as a sign of honor. This supports the statement that arak is a strong aspect of local wisdom in the local community. Qualitative studies that are sourced from literature reviews are carried out to produce descriptive data that is able to explain that a policy needs to be reviewed so that it runs according to its purpose for the welfare of the local community, not to provide opportunities for capital owners to control the production of cultural heritage products of the local population. Key Words: Law, Legalization, Arak Bali.
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How To Cite
JESSICA, Jessica. Legalisasi Arak, Antara Eksistensi dan Distorsi.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 11, p. 904-915, aug. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 9 No 11 (2021)
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