
Putu Krisna Indira Yasana Putri, I Made Dedy Priyanto


“Abstrak Globalisasi merupakan salah satu fenomena yang pesat terjadi di dunia khususnya dalam perkembangan kemajuan teknologi dan perdagangan bebas antar negara tanpa batas. Hal ini menunjukkan bagaimana cepatnya arus interaksi mengglobal dalam bidang ekonomi , social , politik , hukum , teknologi dan budaya. Melalui adanya pengaruh tersebut menyebabkan lahirnya aturan perdagangan bebas yang baru dan lebih terfokus kepada pengembangan pasar bebas dan bagaimana sistem perdagangan bebas tersebut. Salah satu bentuk dari adanya globalisasi tersebut ialah e – commerce yang menjadi cara alternative untuk melaksanakan perdagangan di seluruh dunia dengan sistem yang lebih mudah , cepat dan tetap mendapatkan perlindungan atas hukum yang berlaku pada setiap transaksinya. Penelitian ini mengambil judul Penerapan Perlindungan Globalisasi Akibat Globalisasi Ekonomi dengan maksud dan tujuan mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan perjanjian bagi pihak – pihak yang terlibat dalam kegiatan e – commerce di pt indria, mempelajari bagaimana kendala dan dampak pelaksanaan e – commerce yang tengah marak dilakukan masyarakat indonesia di pt indria, mendapatkan informasi menyeluruh melalui penelitian mengenai pelaksanaan atas adanya pengaturan UU No. 11 tahun 2008 tentang informasi dan transaksi elektronik di pt indria. Metode penelitian yang di gunakan pada perusahaan yang menjadi obyek penelitian yakni PT Indria adalah metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis dan empiris. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pelaksanaan perjanjian berup kesepakatan yang dilakukan oleh pelaku usaha dan konsumen, kendala – kendala serta dampak pelaksanaan kegiatan transaksi elektronik serta pelaksanaan Undang - Undang No. 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik. Kata Kunci: E-Commerce, Perlindungan Hukum, Implementasi, Globalisasi Ekonomi Abstract Globalization is a phenomenon that is rapidly occurring in the world, especially in the development of technological advances and unlimited free trade between countries. This shows how fast the flow of global interactions in the fields of economy, social, politics, law, technology and culture. This influence led to the birth of new free trade rules and was more focused on the development of the free market and how the free trade system was. One form of globalization is e-commerce which is an alternative way to carry out trade around the world with a system that is easier, faster and still gets protection from the laws that apply to each transaction. This research takes the title Application of Globalization Protection Due to Economic Globalization with the aim and aim of knowing how the implementation of the agreement for parties involved in e-commerce activities at PT Indria, studying the obstacles and impacts of the implementation of e-commerce that is currently rife in Indonesian society at PT indria, get comprehensive information through research on the implementation of the provisions of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transactions at PT Indria. The research method used in the company which is the object of research, namely PT Indria, is the research method used is juridical and empirical. The results of this study are to determine the implementation of agreements in the form of agreements made by businesses and consumers, the constraints and impacts of the implementation of electronic transaction activities and the implementation of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions. Keywords: E-Commerce, Legal Protection, Implementation, Economic Globalization”


E-Commerce, Perlindungan Hukum, Implementasi, Globalisasi Ekonomi Abstract Globalization is a phenomenon that is rapidly occurring in the world, especially in the development of technological advances and unlimited free trade between countries. This shows how fast the flow of global interactions in the fields of economy, social, politics, law, technology and culture. This influence led to the birth of new free trade rules and was more focused on the development of the free market and how the free trade system was. One form of globalization is e-commerce which is an alternative way to carry out trade around the world with a system that is easier, faster and still gets protection from the laws that apply to each transaction. This research takes the title Application of Globalization Protection Due to Economic Globalization with the aim and aim of knowing how the implementation of the agreement for parties involved in e-commerce activities at PT Indria, studying the obstacles and impacts of the implementation of e-commerce that is currently rife in Indonesian society at PT indria, get comprehensive information through research on the implementation of the provisions of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning electronic information and transactions at PT Indria. The research method used in the company which is the object of research, namely PT Indria, is the research method used is juridical and empirical. The results of this study are to determine the implementation of agreements in the form of agreements made by businesses and consumers, the constraints and impacts of the implementation of electronic transaction activities and the implementation of Law No. 11 of 2008 concerning Electronic Information and Transactions. Keywords: E-Commerce, Legal Protection, Implementation, Economic Globalization


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How To Cite

YASANA PUTRI, Putu Krisna Indira; PRIYANTO, I Made Dedy. Penerapan Perlindungan E–Commerce Akibat Globalisasi Ekonomi Di PT Indria.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 1, p. 24-33, jan. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 1 (2021)



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