
I Putu Galang Mahendra, I Made Dedy Priyanto


“ABSTRAK Meningkatnya pola hidup manusia saat ini, mengakibatkan meningkat pula kebutuhan hidupnya. Akibat dari peningkatan pola hidup manusia tersebut dapat menimbulkan rasa jenuh dan tekanan psikologis. Oleh karena itu kebutuhan akan hiburan semakin diperlukan dimana hiburan yang bisa dinikmati adalah konser musik. Konser musik sangat menguntungkan bagi para pengusaha-pengusaha muda yaitu usaha persewaan Sound System. Pada uraian tersebut terdapat pembahasan yaitu tentang bagaimana tanggung jawab pelaku usaha terkait wanprestasi sewa-menyewa Sound System di Kota Denpasar dan Bagaimanakah penyelesaian wanprestasi terhadap perjanjian dibawah tangan terakait pada penyewaan Sound System di Kota Denpasar. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memahami pentingnya perjanjian di bawah tangan dan utuk mengetahui penyelesaian wanperstasu perjanjian di bawah tangan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis empiris, jenis pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu jenis pendekatan perundang-undangan (the statue approach) dan menggunakan jenis pendekatan fakta (fact approach). Sumber data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian lapangan dan kepustakaan, dengan data umunya adalah primer yang berasal pada penelitian lapangan, sedangkan hasil pada data kepustakaan yaitu dijadikan sebagai data sekunder. Hasil pada penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa dalam pelaksanaanya bentuk perjanjian sewa menyewa Sound System di Kota Denpasar dapat dilakukan dalam 2 cara yakni dengan Membuat Perjanjian Tertulis Dibawah Tangan, dan Perjanjian Secara Lisan. Upaya yang dilakukan untuk menyelesaikan wanprestasi terhadap perjanjian dibawah tangan terkait sewa menyewa Sound System ini ialah dilakukan melalui upaya penyelesaian non litigasi dengan bermusyawarah guna mendapatkan win-win solution tanpa ada rasa dendam dibandingkan menempuh jalur hukum. Kata Kunci: Wanprestasi, Perjanjian dibawah Tangan, Sewa-menyewa, Tanggung jawab. ABSTRACT The increasing pattern of human life today, has resulted in an increase in the needs of life. As a result of the increase in the pattern of human life, it can cause a sense of saturation and psychological pressure. Therefore, the need for entertainment is increasingly needed where the entertainment that can be enjoyed is music concerts. Music concerts are very profitable for young entrepreneurs, namely the Sound System rental business. In this description, there are problems that are discussed, namely about how the responsibilities of business actors related to default on Sound System rentals in Denpasar City and how to resolve defaults on under-handed agreements related to Sound System rentals in Denpasar City. This paper aims to understand the importance of an underhand agreement and to find out the settlement of an underhand agreement default. This study uses empirical juridical research methods, the type of approach used is the type of statutory approach (the statue approach) and uses the type of fact approach (fact approach). Sources of data used in this study using field research and literature, with generally primary data originating from field research, while the results in library data are used as secondary data. The results of this study prove that in its implementation the form of a Sound System rental agreement in Denpasar City can be done in 2 ways, namely by making a written agreement under the hand, and an oral agreement. Efforts are made to resolve the default on the contract under the hand regarding the rental of the Sound System, which is carried out through non-litigation settlement efforts by deliberation to get a win-win solution without any grudges compared to taking legal action. Key Words: Breach of Contract, Private Made Deed, lease, responsibility.”


Wanprestasi, Perjanjian dibawah Tangan, Sewa-menyewa, Tanggung jawab. ABSTRACT The increasing pattern of human life today, has resulted in an increase in the needs of life. As a result of the increase in the pattern of human life, it can cause a sense of saturation and psychological pressure. Therefore, the need for entertainment is increasingly needed where the entertainment that can be enjoyed is music concerts. Music concerts are very profitable for young entrepreneurs, namely the Sound System rental business. In this description, there are problems that are discussed, namely about how the responsibilities of business actors related to default on Sound System rentals in Denpasar City and how to resolve defaults on under-handed agreements related to Sound System rentals in Denpasar City. This paper aims to understand the importance of an underhand agreement and to find out the settlement of an underhand agreement default. This study uses empirical juridical research methods, the type of approach used is the type of statutory approach (the statue approach) and uses the type of fact approach (fact approach). Sources of data used in this study using field research and literature, with generally primary data originating from field research, while the results in library data are used as secondary data. The results of this study prove that in its implementation the form of a Sound System rental agreement in Denpasar City can be done in 2 ways, namely by making a written agreement under the hand, and an oral agreement. Efforts are made to resolve the default on the contract under the hand regarding the rental of the Sound System, which is carried out through non-litigation settlement efforts by deliberation to get a win-win solution without any grudges compared to taking legal action. Key Words: Breach of Contract, Private Made Deed, lease, responsibility.


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How To Cite

MAHENDRA, I Putu Galang; DEDY PRIYANTO, I Made. Tanggung Jawab Pelaku Usaha Terkait Wanprestasi Dalam Perjanjian Dibawah Tangan Penyewaan Sound System di Denpasar.Kertha Negara : Journal Ilmu Hukum, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. 623-633, june 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 8 (2021)



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