
I Made Deni Chandra Kusuma, I Made Dedy Priyanto


“Tujuan penulisan ini mengetahui dasar hukum perjanjian Nominee terhadap pengambilalihan kepemilikan tanah bagi masyarakat Asing, dan mengetahui perjanjian Nominee tentang penguasaan kepemilikan tanah memiliki dampak hukum untuk masyarakat asing. Tata cara riset yang dipakai ialah Yuridis Normatif. Hasil riset membuktikan keabsahan kesepakatan nominee tidak dibenarkan dan kesepakatan tersebut telah melakukan kekeliruan, sebab sudah melanggar peraturan dan asas perpermufakatan serta asas kebangsaan. Adanya kesepakatan nominee oleh Warga Asing (WNA) dengan Warga Indonesia (WNI) ialah ilegal berdasarkan hukum di Indonesia, perjanjian tersebut berkelanjut akibat tingkat pengertian masyarakat kurang terhadap substansi terkait. Akibat hukum kesepakatan Nominee pada pengambilalihan pemilikan tanah untuk masyarakat Asing akan muncul, berubah, serta hilangnya hubungan hukum tertentu. The aim of the one paper get at find out legal basis at the Nominee confirmatory at the expropriation of land ownership for foreign communities, and to find out the Nominee confirmatory regarding at control of area ownership has legal implications for foreign communities. The inquire procedure given is normative jurisprudence. The conclusion of the research proved that the validity of the nominee confirmatory is not justified and the agreement is considered non-existent, because it has violated the law and consensus and nationality. Nominee agreement by a foreign citizen (WNA) with an Indonesian citizen (WNI) is illegal under Indonesian law, the agreement continues along with antonyms of related substance. Legal consequences of an ownership right over an Indonesian citizen’s land by a foreigner with a name borrowing agreement (nominee) include the emergence, change, and loss of certain legal relationships.”


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How To Cite

KUSUMA, I Made Deni Chandra; PRIYANTO, I Made Dedy. ANALISIS YURIDIS PERJANJIAN NOMINEE SEBAGAI SARANA KEPEMILIKAN TANAH OLEH WARGA NEGARA ASING.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 11, n. 6, p. 2772-2780, aug. 2023. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 11 No 6 (2023)



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