
IGN Dimas Prabu Bashkara, I Made Dedy Priyanto


“Tujuan dari penulisan ini adalah untuk melihat bagaimana kejelasan asuransi dalam perjanjian kerja pada perusahaan penangkap ikan. Permasalahan dari penelitian ini adalah pertama, menyangkut pengalihan tanggung jawab keselamatan nelayan dapat dialihkan kepada pihak asuransi. Kedua, bagaimana kedudukan asuransi di dalam perjanjian kerja antara nelayan dengan perusahaan penangkap ikan sesuai dengan Undang – Undang yang berlaku. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang – undangan dan hukum yang berlaku. Hasil penelitian ini memperlihatkan bahwa bagaimana pemberlakuan UU sesuai dengan hukum yang berlaku di dalam perjanjian kerja antara perusahaan penangkap ikan dengan nelayan pekerja kemudian diikuti dengan sejauh mana peran dan tanggungan yang dapat diberikan oleh pihak asuransi perikanan di dalam perjanjian kerja pada perusahaan penangkap ikan. Kata kunci: Perjanjian Kerja, Nelayan, Asuransi Perikanan ABSTRACT This task aims to see how the clarity of insurance in the employment agreement in fishing companies. The problems of this research are first, regarding the transfer of responsibility for the safety of fishermen to be transferred to the insurance company. Second, how is the position of insurance in the work agreement between fishermen and fishing companies in accordance with applicable laws. This research is a normative legal research approach with legislation and applicable law. The results of this study show that how the enforcement of the law is in accordance with the applicable law in the work agreement between fishing companies and working fishermen, then followed by the extent of the roles and responsibilities that can be given by the fishery insurance in the work agreement at the fishing company. Keywords: Employment Agreement, Fishermen, Fisheries Insurance”


Perjanjian Kerja, Nelayan, Asuransi Perikanan ABSTRACT This task aims to see how the clarity of insurance in the employment agreement in fishing companies. The problems of this research are first, regarding the transfer of responsibility for the safety of fishermen to be transferred to the insurance company. Second, how is the position of insurance in the work agreement between fishermen and fishing companies in accordance with applicable laws. This research is a normative legal research approach with legislation and applicable law. The results of this study show that how the enforcement of the law is in accordance with the applicable law in the work agreement between fishing companies and working fishermen, then followed by the extent of the roles and responsibilities that can be given by the fishery insurance in the work agreement at the fishing company. Keywords: Employment Agreement, Fishermen, Fisheries Insurance


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How To Cite

PRABU BASHKARA, IGN Dimas; PRIYANTO, I Made Dedy. KEDUDUKAN ASURANSI PERIKANAN PADA PERJANJIAN KERJA ANTARA NELAYAN DENGAN PERUSAHAAN PENANGKAP IKAN.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. 81-89, aug. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 8 (2021)



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