
Mohammad Andhika Marzuki, I Wayan Suardana


“Tujuan dari penulisan artikel ini ialah guna mengkaji pengaturan sanksi pidana kepada korporasi yang berbuat tindak pidana pencucian uang dalam sektor narkotika. Artikel ilmiah ini tergolong penelitian hukum normatif yang menggunakan 2 jenis pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan perbandingan. Hasil studi menunjukkan adanya disparitas rumusan sanksi ipdana terkait dengan tindak pidana pencucian uang yang bermula dari tindak pidana narkotika berdasarkan UU 35/2009 serta UU 8/2010. Selain itu, korporasi tidak dapat dimintakan pertanggunjawaban pidana atas tindak pidana pencucian uang dengan tindak pidana asal yaitu narkotika berdasarkan UU Narkoka sebab dalam rumusan UU 35/2009 secara eksplisit tidak menjelaskan mengenai siapa saja yang dimaksud dalam unsur setiap orang. Korporasi dapat dijatuhkan sanksi pidana hanya berdasarkan pada Pasal 6 ayat 1 UU 8/2010. Kata Kunci: Sanksi Pidana, Korporasi, Pencucian Uang, Narkotika ABSTRACT The purpose of writing this article is to examine the regulation of criminal sanctions against corporations that commit money laundering crimes in the narcotics sector. This scientific article is classified as normative legal research that uses 2 types of approaches, namely the statutory approach and the comparative approach. The results of the study show that there is a disparity in the formulation of criminal sanctions related to money laundering crimes that originate from narcotics crimes based on UU 35/2009 serta UU 8/2010. In addition, corporations cannot be held criminally responsible for money laundering crimes with predicate crimes, namely narcotics under the Narcotics Law because the formulation of UU 35/2009 does not explicitly explain who is referred to in the element of each person. Corporations can be subject to criminal sanctions only based on Pasal 6 ayat 1 UU 8/2010. Keywords: Criminal Sanction, Corporation, Money Laundering, Narcotics”


Sanksi Pidana, Korporasi, Pencucian Uang, Narkotika ABSTRACT The purpose of writing this article is to examine the regulation of criminal sanctions against corporations that commit money laundering crimes in the narcotics sector. This scientific article is classified as normative legal research that uses 2 types of approaches, namely the statutory approach and the comparative approach. The results of the study show that there is a disparity in the formulation of criminal sanctions related to money laundering crimes that originate from narcotics crimes based on UU 35/2009 serta UU 8/2010. In addition, corporations cannot be held criminally responsible for money laundering crimes with predicate crimes, namely narcotics under the Narcotics Law because the formulation of UU 35/2009 does not explicitly explain who is referred to in the element of each person. Corporations can be subject to criminal sanctions only based on Pasal 6 ayat 1 UU 8/2010. Keywords: Criminal Sanction, Corporation, Money Laundering, Narcotics


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How To Cite

ANDHIKA MARZUKI, Mohammad; SUARDANA, I Wayan. PENGATURAN SANKSI PIDANA BAGI KORPORASI YANG MELAKUKAN TINDAK PIDANA PENCUCIAN UANG DALAM SEKTOR NARKOTIKA.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 8, p. 56-66, aug. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 8 (2021)



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