
Luh Putu Purnama Ning Widhi, A.A. Ngurah Oka Yudistira Darmadi


“Penulisian jurnal ilmiah ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaturan perdagangan pengaruh yang menjembatani tindak pidana korupsi dalam hukum positif Indonesia dan urgensi pengaturan perdagangan pengaruh sebagai tindak pidana korupsi di masa mendatang. Menggunakan penelitian hukum normatif diakibatkan adanya suatu kekosongan norma. Kemudian menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini penulis akan mempergunakan bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder. Yaitu dengan cara membaca, menelaah, dan mengklarifikasikan bahan hukum seperti ketentuan peraturan perundang-undangan, mengutip pembahasan literatur-literatur dan karya ilmiah para sarjana yang berhubungan dengan permasalahan yang diangkat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Terdapat kekosongan norma pada UU Tindak pidana korupsi terkait pengaturan perdagangan pengaruh (trading influence) yang menyebabkan aparat penegak hukum kesulitan menjerat pelaku perdagangan pengaruh guna menjembatani suatu tindak pidana korupsi. Sangat perlu untuk mengkriminalisasi para pelaku perdagangan pengaruh dalam tindak pidana korupsi, karena pada kenyataannya sebagian besar tindakan perdagangan pengaruh dilakukan oleh non-penyelenggara negara tetapi memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan pada pemerintah. Kata Kunci: Tindak Pidana, Korupsi, Perdagangan Pengaruh. ABSTRACT This scientific journal writing aims to determine the regulation of influence trading that bridges the criminal act of corruption in Indonesian positive law and the urgency of regulating influence trading as a criminal act of corruption in the future. Using normative legal research results in a vacuum in norms. Then use a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. In writing this scientific paper the writer will use primary legal materials, secondary legal materials. Namely by reading, studying, and clarifying legal materials such as the provisions of laws and regulations, citing a discussion of the literature and scientific works of scholars related to the issues raised. The results show that there is a norm vacuum in the Corruption Act related to trading influence regulation which causes law enforcement officials to find it difficult to entrap influence trading actors to bridge a criminal act of corruption. Criminalization of influence trading actors is very necessary in order to ensnare actors in criminal acts of corruption that do not originate from state officials, because in reality, influence trading is mostly carried out by political figures who are not state administrators but have great influence on government officials. Keywords: Crime, Corruption, Influence Trading.”


Tindak Pidana, Korupsi, Perdagangan Pengaruh. ABSTRACT This scientific journal writing aims to determine the regulation of influence trading that bridges the criminal act of corruption in Indonesian positive law and the urgency of regulating influence trading as a criminal act of corruption in the future. Using normative legal research results in a vacuum in norms. Then use a statutory approach and a conceptual approach. In writing this scientific paper the writer will use primary legal materials, secondary legal materials. Namely by reading, studying, and clarifying legal materials such as the provisions of laws and regulations, citing a discussion of the literature and scientific works of scholars related to the issues raised. The results show that there is a norm vacuum in the Corruption Act related to trading influence regulation which causes law enforcement officials to find it difficult to entrap influence trading actors to bridge a criminal act of corruption. Criminalization of influence trading actors is very necessary in order to ensnare actors in criminal acts of corruption that do not originate from state officials, because in reality, influence trading is mostly carried out by political figures who are not state administrators but have great influence on government officials. Keywords: Crime, Corruption, Influence Trading.


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How To Cite

WIDHI, Luh Putu Purnama Ning; DARMADI, A.A. Ngurah Oka Yudistira. KEDUDUKAN HUKUM PERDAGANGAN PENGARUH DALAM TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 12, p. 13-22, nov. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 9 No 12 (2021)



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