Ni Nyoman Wetalika Jayanti Raisila, Ni Putu Purwanti
“Tujuan penulisan artikel ini untuk mengkaji kedudukan dan akibat hukum terkait surat keterangan (covernote) yang dikeluarkan oleh Notaris/PPAT dijadikan sebagai dasar dalam permohonan perjanjian kredit. Studi ini mempergunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan komparatif. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa kedudukan hukum penggunaan covernote yang diterbitkan Notaris/PPAT dalam permohonan fasilitas kredit bank hanyalah sampai batas menjelaskan bahwa telah terjadi pengikatan kredit oleh Notaris/PPAT dengan jaminan hak tanggungan, karena akta sertifikat masih dalam proses penyelesaian di Notaris/PPAT. Covernote tidaklah sebagai bukti agunan melainkan hanyalah sebagai bukti dan keterangan yang sifatnya temporer atau sementara yaitu sebagai dasar pegangan bagi bank yang nantinya akan mencairkan permohonan kredit. Akibat hukum covernote yang digunakan sebagai pegangan dalam permohonan fasilitas kredit apabila terjadi wanprestasi ialah pihak bank tidak dapat mengeksekusi jaminan hak atas tanah tersebut, dikarenakan kedudukan tanah tersebut belum sebagai APHT, sehingga berakibat hukum pihak bank selaku kreditur akan merasa dirugikan. Kata Kunci: Kedudukan Hukum, Akibat Hukum, Covernote, Perjanjian Kredit ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to study about legal position and consequences of covernote issued by Notary/PPAT as the basis of loan agreement application. This study used normative law research method with constitution approach and comparative method. The result of the study indicates that covernote issued by Notary/PPAT in relation to bank loan application is limited only to clarify that loan agreement has been done with incorporeal right because the land registry certificate is still on process. Covernote served only as a temporary validation for banks to disburse loan application but not as collateral validation. The legal consequence of the covernote being used as a guide in the application for default visit credit facilities is that the bank cannot execute the guarantee of land rights, because it is on the land as APHT, so that the legal party as the creditor of the bank will feel disadvantaged. Keywords: Legal Position, Legal Consequence, Covernote, Loan Agreement”
Kedudukan Hukum, Akibat Hukum, Covernote, Perjanjian Kredit ABSTRACT The purpose of this article is to study about legal position and consequences of covernote issued by Notary/PPAT as the basis of loan agreement application. This study used normative law research method with constitution approach and comparative method. The result of the study indicates that covernote issued by Notary/PPAT in relation to bank loan application is limited only to clarify that loan agreement has been done with incorporeal right because the land registry certificate is still on process. Covernote served only as a temporary validation for banks to disburse loan application but not as collateral validation. The legal consequence of the covernote being used as a guide in the application for default visit credit facilities is that the bank cannot execute the guarantee of land rights, because it is on the land as APHT, so that the legal party as the creditor of the bank will feel disadvantaged. Keywords: Legal Position, Legal Consequence, Covernote, Loan Agreement
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How To Cite
RAISILA, Ni Nyoman Wetalika Jayanti; PURWANTI, Ni Putu. KEDUDUKAN DAN AKIBAT HUKUM TERKAIT PENGGUNAAN COVERNOTE DARI NOTARIS/PPAT SEBAGAI DASAR PERMOHONAN PERJANJIAN KREDIT.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 9, n. 11, p. 13-25, nov. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 9 No 11 (2021)
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