
Gde Arya Brian Kadjar, Dewa Gde Rudy


“Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaturan dan perlindungan hukum terhadap sistem dropship. Artikel ini ditulis menggunakan metode penulisan normatif, yaitu suatu metode penelitian hukum melalui penelitian kepustakaan, dan tujuannya adalah untuk membuat keputusan tertulis. Hasil dari pengkajian ini menjelaskan hukum atau aturan tentang perlindungan konsumen berdasar pada mekanisme pengiriman langsung preventif dan represif serta konsekuensi hukum dari tidak mematuhi aturan perdagangan sistem menjadi tanggung jawab penjual atas kerugian yang ditimbulkannya. Konsumen dan pihak reseller menjadi focus utama dalam permasalahan ini, sebab pihak reseller adalah pribadi yang telah mencapai kesepakatan kontan kepada pihak pembeli dengan pemasok. Oleh sebab itu pihak konsumen serta masyarakat luas dihimbau selalu waspada setiap disaat melakukan transaksi elektronik untuk menghindari kerugian / kejahatan (Wanprestasi). Kata Kunci: Dropship, Tanggung Jawab, Wanprestasi ABSTRACT This journal aims to review legal regulations and protections for the dropshipping system. This article is written using the normative writing method, which is a legal research method through library research, and the goal is to make written decisions. The conclusion of this study explains the laws or regulations regarding consumer protection based on preventive and repressive direct delivery mechanisms and the legal consequences of not complying with the system trading rules are the responsibility of the seller for the losses it causes. Consumers and resellers are the main focus in this problem, because resellers are individuals who have reached a cash agreement between the buyer and the supplier. Because of that, consumers and the wider community are advised to always be vigilant when comitting electronic deals to avoid loss / crime (Default). Key Words: Dropship, Responsibilty, Default”


Dropship, Tanggung Jawab, Wanprestasi ABSTRACT This journal aims to review legal regulations and protections for the dropshipping system. This article is written using the normative writing method, which is a legal research method through library research, and the goal is to make written decisions. The conclusion of this study explains the laws or regulations regarding consumer protection based on preventive and repressive direct delivery mechanisms and the legal consequences of not complying with the system trading rules are the responsibility of the seller for the losses it causes. Consumers and resellers are the main focus in this problem, because resellers are individuals who have reached a cash agreement between the buyer and the supplier. Because of that, consumers and the wider community are advised to always be vigilant when comitting electronic deals to avoid loss / crime (Default). Key Words: Dropship, Responsibilty, Default


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How To Cite

KADJAR, Gde Arya Brian; RUDY, Dewa Gde. PERLINDUNGAN HUKUM DAN TANGGUNG JAWAB DALAM TRANSAKSI E-COMMERCE DENGAN MEKANISME DROPSHIP.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 57-70, dec. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.

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Vol 10 No 1 (2021)



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