I Kade Risky Parmita Putra, Ida Bagus Putu Sutama
“Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaturan penyelesaian kredit macet dalam perjanjian kredit tanpa agunan dan tata cara penyelesaiannya berdasarkan hukum perbankan. Studi ini tergolong penelitian hukum normatif yang menggunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan dan pendekatan konseptual. Hasil dari studi ini memperlihatkan jika pengaturan penyelesaian kredit macet tanpa agunan terdapat pada pasal 1131 dan juga 1132 KUHPerdata. Di dalam pasal tersebut mengatur mengenai piutang dagang yang memiliki hak istimewa. Dengan pasal tersebut, bank dapat mengevaluasi nilai ekonomi dari semua aset dan barang berharga yang dimiliki oleh debitur, yang telah gagal bayar karena ketidakmampuan dalam memenuhi kewajiban yang dimiliki. Tata cara penyelesaian kredit macet tanpa agunan, bisa dilakukan dengan jalur administrasi yakni berupa rescheduling, reconditioning dan restructuring apabila jalur tersebut tidak tercapai serta debitur senantiasa tidak ingin memperbaiki kelalaiannya, jalur lain yang bisa dilakukan dengan langkah-langkah hukum, bisa melalui panitia urusan piutang negara untuk bank pemerintah, melalui lembaga peradilan dan juga dapat melalui jalur arbitrase ataupun badan alternatif penyelesaian sengketa. Penyelesaian melalui badan peradilan, jaminan pemenuhannya harus merujuk pada pengaturan yang terdapat pada pasal 1131 dan juga 1132 KUHPerdata. Kata Kunci: Kredit macet, Kredit Tanpa Agunan, Penyelesaian kredit ABSTRACT This study aims to assess the settlement of bad debts in unsecured credit agreements and the settlement procedures based on banking law. This study is classified as a normative legal research that uses an invitation-opening approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study determine if the arrangement for settlement of bad loans without collateral is contained in Article 1131 and also 1132 of the Civil Code. In these articles it regulates the trade receivables that have rights. With this article, banks can obtain economic value from all assets and valuables owned by debtors, who have defaulted due to inability to fulfill their obligations. The procedure for resolving unsecured loans can be done through the administrative route, namely rescheduling, reconditioning and restructuring if the path is not achieved and the debtor does not want to correct his negligence, another route that can be taken is legal steps, for state banks, through judicial institutions and also through arbitration or dispute resolution. Settlement through the judiciary, the guarantee of fulfillment must refer to the arrangements contained in article 1131 and also 1132 of the Civil Code. Keywords: Bad credit, Unsecured Credit, Credit Settlement”
Kredit macet, Kredit Tanpa Agunan, Penyelesaian kredit ABSTRACT This study aims to assess the settlement of bad debts in unsecured credit agreements and the settlement procedures based on banking law. This study is classified as a normative legal research that uses an invitation-opening approach and a conceptual approach. The results of this study determine if the arrangement for settlement of bad loans without collateral is contained in Article 1131 and also 1132 of the Civil Code. In these articles it regulates the trade receivables that have rights. With this article, banks can obtain economic value from all assets and valuables owned by debtors, who have defaulted due to inability to fulfill their obligations. The procedure for resolving unsecured loans can be done through the administrative route, namely rescheduling, reconditioning and restructuring if the path is not achieved and the debtor does not want to correct his negligence, another route that can be taken is legal steps, for state banks, through judicial institutions and also through arbitration or dispute resolution. Settlement through the judiciary, the guarantee of fulfillment must refer to the arrangements contained in article 1131 and also 1132 of the Civil Code. Keywords: Bad credit, Unsecured Credit, Credit Settlement
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PARMITA PUTRA, I Kade Risky; PUTU SUTAMA, Ida Bagus. PENGATURAN PENYELESAIAN KREDIT MACET DALAM PERJANJIAN KREDIT TANPA AGUNAN BERDASARKAN HUKUM PERBANKAN.Kertha Desa, [S.l.], v. 10, n. 1, p. 45-56, dec. 2021. Available at: Date accessed: 08 Jul. 2024.
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Vol 10 No 1 (2021)
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